Squable at star lounge

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        We step into the Star Lounge, where the music pounds relentlessly and the dim lighting is pierced by vivid, shifting hues. The air is thick with the acrid scent of alcohol and cheap cigarettes, an assault on the senses. Despite its seedy atmosphere, this place has one undeniable draw: they'll serve anyone. P.J. and Bobby lead the way, securing the first round of drinks. There's a raw, thrilling energy in the air as we dive into the night, reveling in the reckless abandon of old friends reunited.
           Come take shots with us, Maximilian!" Bobby calls out. "Oh, I shouldn't really," I reply hesitantly. "What, Jack doesn't like you drinking?" he mocks. "No," I say, "I just don't feel like drinking tonight." I glance away and see Bradley and Tank walk in. Bradley winks at me, and I feel a blush rise to my cheeks. In a moment of defiance, I decide to go for it. Grabbing the shot glass, I down one after another, the liquor searing my throat in a strangely satisfying way. Bobby and P.J. cheer me on as I continue. "These are strong," I gasp, wheezing slightly. Bobby slings an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a side hug. "You'll get used to it," he assures me. The night blurs as we drink and dance, losing ourselves in the wild, carefree energy of the moment.
         Some girls and guys approached, asking me to dance. Each time, Bradley, watching me from the corner of the room, would glare at them, warding them off. I declined their offers, and most were respectful. But then there was this one guy—tall, gruff, with long hair. We started talking and discovered we had a few things in common. "Hey, we should get outta here," he suggested with a charming smile. "Oh, sorry, I have a boyfriend," I lied. Bradley was really my sugar daddy, but calling him my boyfriend seemed easier. The guy leaned in closer, his voice a seductive purr. "He doesn't have to know." I blushed, but before I could respond, Bradley appeared, his arms wrapping possessively around my waist.
     "Can I help you?" Bradley asks the man, his voice cold and hard.
     "Bradley," I whisper, "we're in public, get your hands off me, someone could see us."
    He ignores me, his eyes locked on the guy. "Whoa," the guy says, raising his hands in mock surrender, "I'm just teasing. You must be his boyfriend."
    "Hell yeah, I am. Now back off," Bradley growls, leaving me blushing and mortified.
   The guy backs off, hands still raised, and disappears into the crowd. Bradley's eyes burn with anger and jealousy as he grabs my wrist, dragging me to the bathroom. He shoves us into a stall and locks the door behind us.
   "Who the hell was he?" he demands, his voice low and dangerous.
   "No one," I insist, trying to stay calm.
   "Yeah, right. Who. Was. He?" Bradley's fury intensifies with each word.
   "He was no one," I repeat, my voice trembling. "He just came up to me and bought me a few drinks, that's all."
   Bradley's glare pierces through me, the tension thick and suffocating. "He was trying to get into your pants, and you liked it," Bradley accuses, his voice a low snarl.
"I did not," I retort defensively."Then why'd you let him get so close to you, buy you drinks, huh?" he presses, stepping closer and pinning me against the wall.
"Uh, duh, I didn't want to spend money," I reply, trying to maintain my composure. "I was going to excuse myself to the bathroom and then not go back to him. It's a simple trick."
Bradley's grip tightens as he pins me harder against the wall. "Don't I pay you enough to buy anything you want?" he growls.
I get out of his grasp and wrap my arms around his neck and lean in close. "Of course you do, but the goal was to spend no money," I whisper, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "God your so jealous...it's kinda hot" placing  kiss after kiss on his face to calm him down.
His anger melts slightly at my touch, but the tension between us remains palpable, the air thick with unspoken emotions.
   "You're really something, you know that?" Bradley says, his anger still simmering.
   "Me? I should be saying that to you," I retort. "You're all about keeping this private, insisting no one needs to know, yet you publicly call me your boyfriend in front of people who know us from school."
    "It was a moment of weakness," he mutters. "So I'm your weakness," I tease.His expression softens into a pout before he pulls me into a kiss. "Shut up," he murmurs against my lips, the tension between us dissolving into lust, or maybe just maybe love.

(A/N sorry I haven't been posting in awhile I've been suicidal)

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