Fight with friends

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      The next morning, I took a long, hot shower, letting the steam envelop me before I stepped out and dressed in my clothes that were thrown to the side so hastily last night.
       The scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the aroma of sizzling bacon as I prepared breakfast. Just as I placed the last pancake on a plate, Bradley shuffled into the room, still groggy and wrapped in his soft, worn robe.
    He moved quietly behind me, putting his hands on my hips, clinging to me,his presence warm and familiar. Unexpectedly, he leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on the back of my neck. I smiled at the gesture, feeling a surprising sense of domesticity despite knowing our relationship was purely sexual.
      "The coffee's ready," I said softly, pointing to the pot. He murmured a sleepy thank you, poured himself a steaming cup, and settled at the kitchen table, savoring each sip. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow over the scene, making everything feel idyllic and serene.
       I finished making breakfast and plated the food, joining Bradley at the table. We ate in complete silence, but it was a comfortable silence, one that spoke of an unspoken understanding. After finishing, I gathered the plates and set them in the sink before grabbing my stuff and heading out the door.
       As I walked back to my dorm, my phone buzzed with a notification from Cash App. Bradley had paid me. I sighed, pocketing the phone as I reached my dorm room. Upon opening the door, I was met with the sight of Bobby, PJ, and Mocha sprawled on the floor, nursing raging hangovers.
     "Oh hey, you're back," Bobby said dismissively, barely lifting his head. "Yeah, how was the party?" I asked, setting my things down and closing the door behind me.
     "It was fun, more fun without you," he replied, his voice laced with sarcasm.
    "Bobby!" PJ scolded."No, no, no. We've been bottling this up for way too long," Bobby retorted, turning to face me with a hard look. "It's like we don't even exist to you anymore. You're always hanging around Jack," he said, his voice growing louder and more accusatory. The tension in the room was palpable, a stark contrast to the quiet morning I had just left behind.
     "I know, but it's just—" I stammered, at a loss for words."Just what?!" Bobby cut me off, his eyes blazing with frustration. "What do you even do with Jack? Are you guys friends, or are you fucking? What's the deal?"
   "That's none of your business, Bobby," I shot back, feeling a hot blush creep up my face. "I think it is my business," he retorted, his voice rising. "You're my best friend, and now, suddenly, you always have to be with Jack."
     I stood there in silence, unsure of how to respond. The words caught in my throat, too tangled to speak. "Oh, now you're quiet?" Bobby's voice dripped with sarcasm, his anger palpable. "All summer, it was, 'Oh, I have to hang out with Jack,' or 'Sorry, I was with Jack,' or 'Can't, got plans with Jack.' And if you weren't with us, you'd talk about Jack or leave early because Jack needed you," he continued, his voice growing louder and more hurt with each word.
        The room felt charged with tension, Bobby's words hanging in the air like a storm about to break. I could see the pain and anger in his eyes, a mirror of the confusion and guilt roiling inside me.
      "Jack and I are just close," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
     "You're fucking him, aren't you? You're dating Jack," Bobby accused, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. I stayed silent, the truth about Bradley burning on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't let that slip. The lie about Jack was easier, safer.
      "You are," Bobby declared, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and anger. "You're putting us on the back burner for some boy? I thought you were better than this."
      His words hit me like a slap. The hurt and betrayal in his eyes cut deeper than I expected. I could see the disappointment etched in every line of his face, making the tension between us almost unbearable.
      I sat in silence, feeling the weight of my guilt. I knew I deserved every bit of Bobby's anger. "I know, I know," I finally said, my voice trembling. I had two choices: reveal the truth about where I had been and who I was actually with, or continue with my lie. I wasn't ready to face the reality of the first option.
     "Jack has very few friends, and I feel bad for him," I said, my voice wavering. "I'm sorry I haven't been putting you guys first, but I have my own life too. Lately, I've just wanted to spend more time with Jack. And yes, Jack and I have a... relationship. But I can make it up to you guys," I pleaded, hoping my words would bridge the growing chasm between us.
      Bobby's face hardened, his eyes filled with a mix of hurt and betrayal. The room felt suffocating, the tension thick and almost unbearable. My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for his response, the silence stretching on like an eternity.
     "Oh, now you do?" he spat, his anger palpable. "If it was such a problem, then why didn't you tell me earlier?" I snapped back, desperation tinging my voice.
    "We tried, but you were always running back to Jack," he shot back, his words cutting deep."I can make it up to you, I promise," I pleaded, my voice cracking.
    "Just like you promised to be there at the water park? Or to go to my sister's birthday dinner?" he retorted, each word a knife to my conscience.
      "This is different," I said weakly, but even I could hear how hollow it sounded.
      Bobby's face twisted with hurt and frustration, the weight of my broken promises hanging heavily in the air between us. The room felt unbearably tense, each moment stretching out painfully as I struggled to find the right words to heal the rift I had created.
    "I can make it right. I'll go out with you tonight, please," I said, my voice trembling with desperation. I looked at them, hoping for a sign of forgiveness. Mocha averted her gaze, and PJ stared at the ground, clearly torn. I knew he wanted to defend me, but Bobby's wrath would silence him quickly.
     "You can make it right?" Bobby scoffed, his anger undiminished. "And how do we know you won't run off back to Jack or spend the whole time talking about him? I don't even know the guy, but I already don't like him. I don't like how he keeps you away from us," he said, his voice rising with each word.
     The room felt suffocating, the weight of my mistakes pressing down on me. Their silence spoke volumes, and I realized just how much I had hurt them. My heart pounded in my chest as I struggled to find the right words to bridge the growing chasm between us.
    "I won't, I promise," I pleaded, my voice breaking.
    "Stop with the yelling, I don't like it," PJ interjected, his voice shaking but firm. "Bobby, he's trying to make it up to us. Can't you see that?"
    Bobby turned away, crossing his arms, his back rigid with tension. "Please, Bobby," I begged, my eyes searching his for any sign of softening. "I promise I won't talk about Jack or leave early."
     The silence that followed was excruciating. Each second stretched into an eternity as Bobby stood there, unmoving. Finally, after what felt like an age, he slowly turned around, his expression still stern but slightly softened.
      "Fine," he said, the word heavy with conditions and unspoken expectations.
       The room felt a little less suffocating, but the tension remained, a reminder of the fragile state of our friendship. My heart ached with the weight of the promise I had just made, knowing I had a long way to go to mend the rift I had created. Now just gotta tell Bradley.

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