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Hey guys i know it has been a while since i last updated and I know that my other book called Love is doing awesome and I know that my other book called quots is not doing well so check that out plz.
When I got to the place that I rented I just wish that this day would end. I then realized that I have a message on my phone from an unknown number and it said...

Meet me at the place where we first met... You might be wondering who I am well you won't find out until you come and meet me. You might remember to.

"I might remember to?" I said aloud. What does this mean? I know that I was in a wreck a couple years ago that made me have amnesia and the doctor said that I might get them back if I really try but I reallu don't want to if they were bad memories... I still remember the day the doctor told me


"We are sorry to tell you this but when you were in the accident you lost all of your memories before the accident but you will still remember what you have learned in school but you won't rememebr any of your friends" Said the doctor.

- End of flashback -

I told you that I still want to remember everything but I can't come to terms with the fact.... Any way I decided to go and get changed so I can get this thing out of the way.... I didn't even know the people from earlier but they looked so familiar to me but I don't know.

Hey guys I finally am able to update this book!! I hope that you all look forward to the next chapters in thid book!!

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