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The boy, the same one from this morning... I could feel a the blood pump through my cheeks.

'Ya there has to be something wrong with me... Maybe a fever?' I though as I sat and waited for the nurse as she tended to the boy. When the boy left with an ice pack the nurse rolled over to me on her wheeled chair. " How may I help you?" She asked politely. " I think I'm ill... Every now and again I have this weird feeling in my stomach or my head feels really hot..." I said as I trailed off. The nurse pushed up her glasses up and was writing things down in her book.

"Have you been taking anything?" She asked. "What? Oh! No." I said shaking my head. "Do you think I have a fever or something?" I said as I crossed my legs. "Hmm... Let me check." She said as she pulled out a thermometer, placed a plastic bag over it and handed it to me as I plucked it into my mouth. After a while of waiting it started to go off as she pulled it out. "You don't have a fever...Hmm...Strange..." She said getting up from her chair and going through her cabinet and pulling out pill bottles, reading them, and putting them back till she found one poured out two and handed me a cup. I went to the restroom, filled it up, with water and downed the pills with the water. "Well... If the pills don't work come back and I will just send you home." She said as I nodded and left.
Hey guys Musicfan00 (close friend) will be gone for a couple of days so i (-hidden_world-) will be typing/ fixing errors in her book. vote,comment,follow!

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