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OMG a double update maybe even more!
Unknown P.O.V.

I looked at her with saddened eyes because she reminds me so much of the person that I loved and that I lost when he lost interest in being in the company. Oh sorry let me introduce my self I am Jung Yunho from the group TVXQ! we were at one point a 5 member group until that day. I really don't want to talk about because I lost the person that I really cared for and I don't think that he will ever know. The only reason why I was looking at her with sad eyes is because one we couldn't take care of her like a family would two she was blamed for something that she didn't do and three she was a complete mess when they left. Yes she wasn't close with some members but she at least knew who they were. The days that followed there leave she stayed inside of the room that we gave her and cried and cried until she couldn't cry anymore, it was really sad then we found out that someone would be glad to take her in because we couldn't take care of this growing child. That was a mistake that I wish I could change because I don't think that she remembers me or her past but she remembers the people that she knows now. Then I saw her look out the window and see me. Then she dropped to the floor.
Your P.O.V.

I saw a person looking out the window and saw a person looking into the window. Being me I asked the closest person to me who was Lay and said.

"Hey Lay who is that person looking into the window?" Before I could hear the answer I blacked out again. This was worse than when I first blacked out because I could see and hear people like they were talking to me. I could faintly make out what they were saying but just merely. They said stuff like.

"What do you think we should name her?" one said.

"How do you even know that it is a girl?" another said. I have heard this voice before but where?

"Is it that obvious the blanket is pink and there was no letter on it with no indication of a name so we should give her a name", said the other person from before. Then I tried to look back to when I heard those voices then I thought of some names that I think that I might have said out loud and then I heard faint sobs. I don't know from where but they sounded like me when I cry. The feeling that I had was that of a ghost, I didn't like it at all. When I came closer to the crying I looked and saw a younger version of me yelling names that I have heard of before but where I don't know. One name that stuck out in my head were yelled back to back in a loud voice.

"JAEJOONG WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" Who is JaeJoong I thought? Then it hit me like a wrecking ball (dat reference do) Jaejoong was one of the people where took care of me when I was young before he left the company. He was like a mom to me and Yunho was like a dad to me so they legit named me after their otp name which was YunJae so they called me that. Then I woke up screaming.

Wow that was lame. Sorry if that was confusing but I just thought of things to type. cheesy I know but now she knows who her "parents" are but why was she screaming? Find out in the upcoming chapters!~

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