Ranboo's Efforts

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Michael practically blew bubbles as he waited for his inevitable end.
He was supposed to explore this world, learn all he could, and get away from the Nether.

But a sprained ankle?
Yeah, that was definitely not on his lists.

Nor was being discovered and yet a goddamn hybrid discovered his whereabouts in an instant.

"Well isn't this ideal..."
He sarcastically muttered to himself.

"Guess I got to accept this fate, welp at least it beats the alternative. Instead of slow and painful, I get mentally screwed. Screw this. I should've just let those men take me-"

"So when do you think they're gonna stop oinking to themself?"

Michael paused and lifted his head up from the wooden floor.

Well he just gave himself away because he couldn't stop insulting his rash decisions.

Even though he couldn't understand it, he knew they were talking about him. 


He felt himself take a deep breath and try to scurry back.
His ankle made everything and any movement absolutely excruciating though.

The pain was getting worse and he had to result to crawling on his stomach, using his elbows.

"This is just sad." Ranboo said.
Purpled loaded his pistol.

"Might as well put it out of its misery-"

Ranboo tackled the pistol out of his hand and held it high above his head so Purpled couldn't reach it.

"They need our help! They're hurt!"

"It's a creature that we know nothing about! It could be dangerous!"

"They're whimpering out of pain! Can't you hear it!"



They both immediately were silenced by their Captain's orders.

"Ranboo. If you insist on helping it, then you take the first step."

"I'm afraid I don't really understand what you want me to do Captain..."

"Help it. It's in need of first aid innit? By the looks of it, he must've taken a harsh tumble before he came here."

Ranboo took a deep gulp and looked back at the struggling creature.
They were in pain and by the looks of it had been in the deep end.

It was similar to a zombie but also had the features of a pig.

It obviously wasn't a typical muddy pig however.

Ranboo took a deep breath.

"I'm gonna prove ya wrong Purpled, so if you made any bets, you owe me big time..."
He guaranteed with confidence.
Purpled rolled his eyes.

He stepped in front of the crates they were originally hiding behind and began slowly approaching the entity.

It clearly was trying to get away and failing as it began to cry out of fear.
It's tears of fear made something ache inside Ranboo.

He couldn't exactly pinpoint it or what it was but he knew that he absolutely had to make sure that this kid was okay.

"Um..g-greetings?" He crouched down beside the small being.

Compared to each other, Michael was like a bean, tiny in comparison to Ranboo's towering height.

Michael turned around.
He didn't understand what he was saying.
Was he trying to communicate with him?

His bulging red and green eyes and menacing size was a definite no.

He shrieked with fear as he turned back around to try and run.
As he stood up, his ankle sent a torturous shock up his leg and he crashed back down.

He felt his snout clog up and his mouth fill up with slobber as he started sobbing.

It was practically gut-wrenching for Ranboo to witness.

"Heyyy, shhhh...I'm here to help..."

He began extending their arm and watched as the piglin put their own arms up out of instinct.

He's been hurt...

Ranboo extended their other arm out and watched as the wailing child calmed themselves down.

Their tears were still spilling but they were able to take note of the hand gestured out towards them.

"I won't hurt you...please, let me help..."

He sounded the words out slowly and softly and made sure that the pig could read his lips at all times.

After they were finished, they shuffled onto their knees and awkwardly formed a smile.

Michael slowly turned on his back and pushed himself up into a sitting position.
He looked at his ankle before looking back at the green and red eyed person in front of him.

He looked at his foot before looking back the guy.

"H-help." He repeated.
The person's eyes widened. Then he smiled.

"That's right, I'll help you..."

He pointed to himself and then gestured towards Michael.
The dude proceeded to sit cross their legs as they shuffled into a new sitting position.

"I'm Ranboo," He introduced.
Michael tilted his head and nodded slowly.
"W-wanbloo?" He attempted.

Ranboo chuckled as he shook his head.
"Try curling your tongue," He knew they probably didn't understand them but it was worth a try.

He then demonstrated what he meant and watched the little one have a go.

"There it is!" He cheered.
Michael oinked happily as he tried again.

"Wr-rw-r-ranboo?" He said, wondering if he got it right. Ranboo nodded and smiled.

"Y'know if would've been easier if I just killed it-"

"C'mon Purpled, we both know that even you wouldn't go that far,"

"I literally had a pistol in my hand moments a-"

"Sorry big man, can't hear you over the Aw's being farmed!"

Michael swore he could hear other voices and looked around the room. Ranboo looked at the crates were Purpled and Tommy were.

"Don't mind them, they can be dense."
He extended his arms once more.

Michael looked at them and looked back the entity's eyes.

He wasn't exactly sure what to do. What gesture was he trying to communicate?

Michael was curious and started crawling towards him.
Gripping onto his hands for support, he let himself steady as he looked back at Ranboo wondering if he did it right.

He felt himself being lurched forward as feet were lifted off the ground. Arms wrapped around his back and his hooves grabbing onto the nearest thing he could find, he oinked a bit out of fear.

"Shhh...I'm just carrying you..."
Michael thought for a moment.

It's was like how Mrs. Blaze carried the baby piglins to their cribs with their bottles in their mouths.

So, Michael took the opportunity to relax and leaned back into Ranboo's shoulder.

He looked up at them to make sure it was okay and they didn't seem bothered so he stayed like that.

He closed his eyes happily and let the after sniffles calm himself down. It was nice for once not to be yelled at.

Thank you...


Hope you guys enjoy!

Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnights sleep, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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