The Lost and Found

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     As Christians, we should not be doing the bare minimum. God does not want you to fall into a monotonous spiritual life, where we do just enough to get by, no more and no less! That lifestyle, leads to becoming lost. You can still be doing your spiritual duties only working as you need to-and become lost; and away from God.
     We even fall away from God through small offenses like doubting yourself, and allowing anxiety to separate you. These doubts separate us from God's love and our spiritual community. God is willing and able to come find us-not to lecture, berate, or punish us but to have joy amongst finding those of us who are lost. As Christians, our last notion should not be to be secret or exclusive. We should rejoice, and welcome the new and the lost happily. It is important to keep corrected. 

Scripture: Luke 15:1-7

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