Something Good Has to Come Out of This

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     Know that without God we will never overcome. As Christians we know about sacrifice and trials, we know how hard life can be. But we also know, after our hard trials we can rejoice in the fruits of our labor. Our purpose is to find God, and serve Him, and then we need to share His Holy Word with others. That is spreading the Gospel. It is not just  up to our pastors, deacons, priests, Jehovah's Witnesses, reverends, and all the others! It is up to us, every single saved child of God is held responsible to share the Gospel, to go out and tell the world.
     We are not just Christians in church, or in front of our superiors we are Christians all the time. There is no stopping or pausing, this is our job to share. It is a message of belief, hope, of faith, and of life. Who are we to prevent someone else from reaping joy from the Lord's message?
     God has brought you out and delivered you from many things. Tell the world about it, be proud in the fact that you serve the one perfect God. We cannot be afraid to tell others about our great and wonderful God, because we have Him right here to give us courage. We have the Holy Spirit to stick with us where we are fearful. Do not be afraid to share your testimony, do not be ashamed to tell of God's Great Glory. For those who are ashamed of Jesus on earth, Jesus will be ashamed of them in judgement.
     Remember, for the hard times there will be good times. Trouble will not last always, God will make away. It may be hard now, but God will give you good, He will let you have joy.

Scripture: Psalms 126:5-6

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