King Nothingness

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There is fierce debate among your human scholars as to whether or not the king was originally human, but only I have answer to this question.


"Wish I may; wish I might!" he said. "I wish that we conquer Renobia!" So, they conquered the city-state of Renobia, resulting in what your historians call the "Renobian genocides." After this, No one questioned King Nothingness. His grace had put his supporters in office and killed his enemies. He would then endear himself to the aristocracy of Hydra Harbor, encouraging them to conquer and pillage as they saw fit.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer Thuria!" So, they conquered Thuria, leading to the disastrous Zahn's Wars; as the annexed Thurians meditated and accumulated their strength; damaged but rebuilding, waiting for the right day to enact revenge. The Hydranese aristocrats had begun plotting and scheming against the king, but his next action would be the true cause of his downfall.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer Myrkoph!" So, an army of sixty million went, but only one returned, telling his grace that attempting to take the city had resulted in a fate unspeakable. The king laughed from what had presumably been his face; a black void where a Visage should be. King Nothingness then had the soldier executed for treason.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we retake Myrkoph!" The old fool commanded from his ivory-wrought throne. The military was sick, however, with the first of what would be called "The Twelve Dooms of Hydra Harbor." Hydranese peasants were also dying in the streets from the Father of Arms' gift; fleshy, phytoid polyps sprouting out from the unusual clusters of holes spreading across their flesh and turning it azure.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer Vaes-Moraqh!" The second doom was of both the rain and water turning to blood for over a fortnight. As scarlet thunder boomed day and night, everyone in Hydra Harbor could hear the screaming of lost souls.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer Great Illath!" The third plague had come from the stars to the sea; and now, to Hydra Harbor. The only reason the city survived was the spreading of Enkid-Naga's gift from the Hydranese soldiers who were asymptomatic to their icthyan invaders. Mass casualties and destruction, however, reigned Supreme; the royal coffers threatening to dry out.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer the lands of New Equestria!" The fourth doom would spread from these men to the peasantry of Hydra Harbor, but with more intensity; people waking from frightening dreams unable to remember the specifics, but vaguely remembering of learning truths not intended for the mortal psyche; truths that could never be understood, but who drove theme mad from trying.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer Dondaria!" Out of the bogs and swamps crawled the minions of Poverdam; the Great Arachnid who curses the other gods for imprisoning him inside Klantenn. The minions overwhelmed the city, crawling in & out of the holes in the flesh of the infected dead, reanimating the cadavers.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer Moonwater Grove!" The reanimated dead had conjured the sixth doom. Just when people thought they could discern the sixth-just when they thought they figured it out-it seemed to change shape whilst beheld.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer Gilman!" The interior walls of hovels, houses, and apartments turned a hideous shade of yellow, the color in question bore a strange pattern; one maddening to the eye, one that contradicted itself in ways impossible to all the known laws of geometry and symmetry. Eventually, the Hydranese clawed their eyes out from gazing upon such non-euclidean patterns.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer Tarker!" Dead frogs rained from the sky like mother nature's wildest mood.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer The Isles of Iblar-Tan!" From the yellow walls came humanoids of the same coloration, ready to kill on behalf of their king.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer Fthtaghn-R'll!" War erupted between the reanimated diseased and the yellow abominations, the king's subjects caught in the crossfire.


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer greater cities; onward, to the sunset city of the Golden Age, onward past the Great Cataract!" The doom that came before me was nothing; quite literally. The resulting silence from the aftermath of the war was so loud; almost no one was left to pray to Father Skai and Lady Hydra. So impenetrable was this silence, so dominating, it generated an explosion of cosmic nothing; a ball of white light that consumed almost everything and everyone in its path


"Wish I may; wish I might! I wish that we conquer the Tower of Ice! I wish that we conquer it all!"


"Careful what you wish," said I, "you may regret it." 


Wish he may; wish he might, but the old king had wished his life away. I descended on him with an appendage that was not an appendage.


"Careful what you wish," I repeated, "you just may get it." Only one being knows the true fate of King Nothingness, and that being is me.

Insomniacs By Dylan MauldinWhere stories live. Discover now