1 - Damaged

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It had been just weeks since the tyranny and destruction of General Krang and his siblings. When the people of New York witnessed a calamity that would strike fear into the hearts of millions. Since they met Casey Jones Jr. and learned some aspects about a no longer possible future.

Still, the internal damage was deeply scarred. And it showed both emotionally and physically on the four who risked their lives to protect their home and planet..

From the scars on their bodies to the distance that grew. A blind eye to everyone but the four of them. An act to show they were unified hero's. As Raphael always wanted to portray.

Sure they saved New York... saved the world. But the 'heros' the eldest brother wanted to portray came with a price. Splinter nearly dying. Raphael getting taken by the Krang. Then there was Leo's stunt and almost getting trapped in that world... With that monster. Disconnecting from his twin, Donnie and causing him to internally freak out. For Raphael, patience was a practice he was struggling to learn. How badly did he want his brothers together again? How bad did he, as not only the eldest but as the team leader, want things to be fixed. Patience was not an easy feat for him. And it's something his brothers needed right now.

Strong words spoken by their friend April, or maybe it was Gram-Gram before they fully lost her.. Patience and time will mend the damage. This goes the same for the city they loved so much.

Leonardo physically was still recovering. Not only because of fighting against Krang... but going against Raphael. The eldest brother carried guilt for that moment, for attacking one of his own. For nearly nearly killing him in a choke hold. What was worse, Leo would have let it happen. HE had accepted his fate. HE had apologized for everything, for not understanding why Raphael always pushed so hard to be focused. And he was willing to let it all go for his brothers. He slept a lot in his room. Regaining his strength. It was Raphael's biggest heartache. Sure, Leon's antics were childish and annoying. And they quarreled regularly. But he remembered that power he felt in his grip when the alien took over. Remembered nearly killing his little brother.

That level of guilt sank in. And he was frequently reminded by it with the scar on his right eye and the fact Leonardo wasn't healing like he should. Fevers plagued his body and Donnie couldn't understand the out of this world virus that was found in blood tests.

Until then, Raphael found himself doing a lot of solo missions and patrols. Mikey damaged his hands opening the portal to retrieve Leo. A power none really knew he had and damn were they happy he figured it out. Even if it caused him pain from fingertip to bicep. Yet another aspect Raphael desperately wanted to help with.

Donnie occasionally joins the patrols. Even he needs time away from his lab. Fresh air.

Raphael took to the streets, Donnie took to the skies with his jet shell using his goggles to analyze the streets he oversaw. Although he couldn't stay in the air too long. There was damage to his soft shell when he tried hotwiring the Technodrone.

Since the Krang, not even the foot clan has been a problem. The streets have been quieter. The humans were too afraid to come out like they used to. Afraid that this world too was a sham.

"Donnie, got anything?" Raphael asked into his communicator that rested on his wrist.

"Negative. Everything's pretty peaceful up here. What about your end, big brother?"

"Same here."

Without the other two knuckleheads' frequent humorous commentary,even the com lines have been quieter. He could hear labored breathing from Donnie's end. His shell's sensitivity was too much.

Damn it.

"Let's call it a night, Don. Head back to the lair, Imma do one more sweep."

"Are you sure you can handle this bug guy?"

"Don' worry bout me. Go home and get some rest. I'll bring pizza." He added his usual wit and charisma. A way to ease his younger brother who's agreement came easy with the promise of the prized food.

Donnie flew overhead with a wave before he headed back to the lair to rest and check on his brothers.

Raphael took a moment to release a breath and try to calm down. Normally he hated being alone. But these last few weeks... he really needed to be. He leaped down off the roof tops and onto the sidewalk. He didn't miss the humans around. It felt rather nice to not have to wear his hoodie and basketball shorts. It felt nice to not have to hide. The moonlight above graced him. A rare sensation that felt amazing along with the midsummer night breeze.

He found himself close to central park. Hueso's pizzeria was still a ways away. Raphael releases a breath and headed into the lush park. Even here, no humans wandered about. Not gang members, no late night lovers.

He followed the path, taking in the serenity. The park had received some damage from the battle, but still there was beauty here. Comforting even.

That excluded the white light Raphael witnessed in his peripheral vision behind a cluster of thick trees. He knew that was no street light. It was an ethereal glow. To him, that signaled Yokai nearby.

Slowly he bounded through the bushes. Making sure not to turn over rocks or step on twigs.

He didn't hear talking or any sort of noise, but the glow continued to grow brighter the closer he got.

Raphael hunkered down behind a bush. Frozen at the sight before him.

Across the way was a clearing full of destroyed plants and trees. In the center, levitated what appeared to be a woman. The glow came from her. By what he knew, Yokai were no joke. A glowing one had to be dangerous.

Slowly he reached for the sais that were tucked against his plastron from the leather belt around his waist. Ready to strike and end whatever calamity this being was preparing.

Her back was to him. All he saw was her outlines while the rest of her was white like her glow. She wore a modern day thick strapped dress that flowed almost angelically around her thighs. Long hair that was braided, nearly difficult to say how long it was while it floated.

Raphael circled the bushes to try to see her face. Only outlines. Her eyes were closed and her hands were held out towards a tree.

What is she doing? He wondered.

He took a step forward, captivated by the glow, and stepped on a twig. The snap was loud enough to startle the being. Raphael ducked down as her eyes blinked. There was no sign of pupils, it reminded him of a coloring page awaiting its artist to use whatever medium they dubbed worthy on the canvas. Her head frantically whipped around, trying to locate the source of the sound.

And in a panic her hands made a sweeping motion, vines traveled quickly to encase her. Swallowing her whole as she disappeared. Once she was gone, so were the vines that seemed to instantly deteriorate without her there.

After a moment or two, fallen leaves settled on the ground and Raphael stepped into the clearing.

"What kind of power was that?" He wondered as he placed his weapons back to their home. He knelt down to where the woman's hands were directed at.

The base of the tree where new growth was making its way. He gasped silently. Whoever she was... she was regrowing the trees. Regrowing the forest in central park.

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