45 - For Our Tomorrow

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Sunrise would be showing soon over the Atlantic ocean. The brothers went to a high rooftop for the eldest to try and breathe. His mind was a whirlwind as he sensed her distress. He didn't like being away from her. Not now when she needed him.

Even with crime in the streets, it did little to distract him.

"Come on big guy. You're freaking out over nothing, " Leo said as he flipped the tails of his mask over his shoulder. Mikey and Donnie sat on the ledge of the rooftop.

"Before you know it you're gonna be holding a new little bundle."

Raph rubbed his hand over his face, "Am I even ready for that??"

"Are you kidding?" Mikey asked, "You practically raised us."

"Pops still took care of the bigger things though."

Mikey slung himself across Raph's neck, "You have us and Sadie too dude!!"

"Oh yes, very assuring Angelo, he said without a hint of sarcasm and his brothers all agreed." Donnie mused.

The sunrise started peaking over the water's horizon, over the skyline and waking the world beneath them.

"Without a doubt... if anyone's ready for the role... it's you big bro." Leo said. Raph couldn't help rubbing the back of his neck, not truly believing his words. Sadie said the same thing. She always said he had that natural instinct.

Perhaps it was the whirlwind in his head and the subtle pain he felt in waves from her. She had blocked him out as much as she could. Not truly wanting to put him through all her yelling and screaming.

But at some minor level, Raph heard it all.

It would continue for hours. Well into the afternoon as they grabbed lunch at Hueso's Run of the Mill.

"And where is senorita today?" Hueso asked as he drummed his boned fingers across his suit sleeve. "Most of the time it's her presence that makes you lot tolerable."

"Oh tio. Classic tio." Leo mused as they sat in the booth, "For your information, sis went into labor."

Hueso widened his eyes then looked to the eldest who was silently rubbing his head with his hands.

"Ahh the terrors of becoming a father. I know it well." Hueso mused with a smile on his skeleton face, "No worries mi amigo. Senorita will be just fine."

"I love how everyone keeps tellin me that but what I'm feelin is tellin me way different." Raph muttered. Hueso patted the snappers shell.

"Of course the worry is there. That, too, is normal. After all, she is bringing new life into the world."

"Ew please tio don't!!!! Pizza first, birth grossness after!!!" Leo groaned loudly.

Hueso rolled his eyes then clapped his hands. He yelled something in Spanish to the chef who peeked over the counter and gave him a thumbs up.

"The especial. As a congratulations, it's on the house. Be sure to bring some for your lovely mate after. She'll be hungry."

"Thanks tio." Raph bowed his head. There was appreciation there but his nerves were still on edge. Sadie was still struggling on the other side of the tether.

The pizza was brought to the table. Raph's brothers talked around him, occasionally he'd nod his head in an auto response. Would try his best to be present... but everything still raged on and he hardly touched his slices when he should have killed the whole pizza first.

And then... the whirlwinds stopped, a feather light touch of calm slid down his back. A call home.

Raph froze for a moment and turned his head over his shoulder towards the door. He gave Donnie a firm hand on his shoulder. Donnie, who had half a slice hanging out between his teeth, understood the silent question to be let out and stepped out of the booth for him. Raph then darted for the door. Leaving his brothers behind in confusion.

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