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"And she called us insane!!!" Leo laughed as Donnie set the last pizza box atop Sadie's head. 160 boxes and she wobbled under the unstable weight. Leo rubbed his hands together, already he was plotting to foil her success just as he had with Mikey.

"Hey Leo." Sadie said with a sweet singing tone.

"Yes Cupcake?" He returned the tone.

"Try anything and I swear to god my plants will whip you into next week."

He gulped. Because that wasn't a threat in her cold glare and vicious smile. It was a promise.

Sadie hummed gently as she took her first experimental step forward. Her legs wobbled to the side as the weight shifted. Donnie flew around as she made her way onto the cable.

"Come on Sadie!! I believe in you!!!" Mikey pumped his fists into the air, cheering her on while also keeping space between her and Leo.

"Her chances of making it across without dropping anything are pretty low." Donnie commented with crossed arms.

"Very comforting Don." Sadie spat as she continued her calculated steps forward. Not too close to the outer curve of the cable to slip off and not too far inward to cause a misstep.

"So do we call her a hypocrite now or later for the bash she gave us a few weeks ago?" Leo asked.

"This doesn't make me hypocritical, Leon. Just makes me equally insane, which I stand by my statement. Donnie's got it on record, right?" Sadie asked.

"Recorded and ready for blackmailing, I mean fond memories." Donnie commented, quickly shifting his answer with a nervous laugh to follow.

"Can't y'all just stop pestering each other fer once?" Raph asked as he stood on the other side.

"Well where would the fun be if we were mellow headed?" Leo asked as he unsheathed a katana. The gentle hum and the smell of a ripped vortex indicated he left. The portal reopened next to Raphael.

Sadie neared the bottom dip of the cable and slowly began her walk up to the other side. Mikey was close behind her, ready to catch her if she fell.

"You're doing great Sunshine! You're already halfway there!!" He told her, his optimism never got old in her book. This precious little sun child. She hoped he never grew out of that.

Raph held his hands in his hips in his usual hero pose. Watching her with pride as she attempted this little stunt with steady strides.

"I'll be so mad if she completes this." Leo mocked as he leaned against the snapping turtle's arm. Poshly examining his finger tips.

"Better start preppin fer 200 boxes then little brother." Raph chuckled.

Sadie was more careful coming up than she was going down. Her calves dug in to support her weight and the additional weight of the boxes. The wind gusted by, rattling some of the boxes near the top. She squealed once and balanced herself just in time to save the walk.

Mikey's smile only grew more as she got closer and closer to the ledge. How bad Leo wanted to dart forward to at least scare her enough to drop the boxes. Alas, Raph knew his train of thought and grabbed his leather strap around his chest.

Sadie took her first step upon the ledge. Holding her position and her breath to make sure the boxes stayed in place. A sudden burst of excitement bloomed in her chest as she jumped and squealed.

Leo slumped to the ground, pouting playfully with crossed arms over his chest.

"160 is officially the number to beat!!" Sadie jumped around happily. "Leooooooo." She cooed with a smirk.

The Promise for Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now