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Sometimes I want you
I can smell you from my mind
Your scent engraved within
From a distance, through my telescope
I can smell you.
I imagine my head rested on your shoulder
Breathing you in
Burning to oblivion

Sometimes I want you
And it's nolonger a shock to me
That someone so guarded
Could let another being overwhelm them
As you do me
Wondering what you think of me
Through your own eyes
Is your telescope set on me too
Do you want me as much
Do I let this wanting consume me
Do I wake up from this dream
Throw my tools away, and live as I have known
Before I discovered the galaxy and you holding your position in it
Hot next to the sun, my venus
Maybe I'll let it consume me a while longer
Wanting you from a distance

Sometimes I want you
And want to know who you are
Turn around, show me the real you
Rock for rock, granite after granite,
Dark clouds over dark clouds
A sweet orange too, the one that captured my eyes at first glance
I think I want you, so much,
But as I get to see you closer,
I am scared that maybe I want you because
I do not know you
And that you are faraway
And that the dark clouds hovering over you scare me
Am scared they will consume me
But deep within, at the core, longing,
Venus, I still want you

Other times I think you should be deserving of me
As I lay on my stomach, telescope in hand
Watching and learning you
I wonder why you don't learn me too
Why it's not you spending nights under the stars
Wondering what am like
What keeps me alive, how I move in this body
What shakes me, what makes me cry, what makes my heart beat for you
Venus, why do I have to be the one
Laying awake studying you

Other times I think you should be deserving of me
Not forgetting miniscule details
Taking initiative
Not just a drunken muse
That's up your scale of nights when you need a bottle
Venus you see, maybe if you were deserving of me
I would let you
Know me
Like Adam knew Eve
I would let you
Burn me to oblivion

Most times though, I tell you to convince yourself you love me
Because once you convince yourself so
You will move like a man in love
Be it love, or an illusion
If your woke mind told you of the love you feel for me
Venus you'd rotate faster, days shorter, yearning to get close too
Because a man in love
Be it love or illusion, can change the entire solar system

Most times I do tell you, convince yourself you love me
Be it love or illusion
You will never need to convince me then
Because you will move like a man in love
And a man in love
Is a man I want
Is a man deserving of me
Is a man unlike you Venus
My muse
And because of all these times
I still stay
And let the distance burn a hole
In my once solid heart.

VENUS (voluptuous part one)Where stories live. Discover now