Bedtime (REQUEST)

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Request for @hwhypeng

"Alright munchkin, time for bed." Ashton turned to you and started picking up all the Legos left on the ground. You frowned at him and crossed your arms the way you always do.

"I'm not even tired!" You whined and continued stacking the different colored blocks on top of each other. You heard Ashton sigh roughly and soon enough, the toys were ripped out of your hands.

"Bedtime." He repeated in a firmer voice and you rolled your eyes. You've always enjoyed a good argument whether it be over something as simple as bedtime or saving the world. So, you roughly took back your toys from Ashton's hands and began stacking them again.

"N-O." You spelled while sticking a hand on your hip. Ashton closed his eyes to regain composure and sighed to calm himself. You could tell he was getting annoyed with your constant battles on bedtime but it was simple, really. You just weren't tired. Before you could finish your tower, he lifted you up rather harshly and held you in his arms while you squirmed. "Let go!" You yelled, using your pitiful strength to push against his shoulders but it was no use.

"(Y/n), it's bedtime." Ashton boomed which made you grow silent. Ashton was always a little scary when he was angry so you decided it was best to stay quiet for a second. You continued squirming however until he reached your room. He set you down next to your dresser while he picked out some pajamas. "We can either do this the easy way or the hard way." Ashton challenged and pointed to your pajamas that sat on your ruffled comforters. You stared at them, then glanced to Ashton who still had an eyebrow raised. After a good amount of silence, Ashton sighed roughly and grabbed your bicep, pulling you towards his sitting figure on the bed. "Guess it's the hard way then." He concluded, holding you in place while he grabbed the bottom hem of your shirt and slid it off your head while you pouted and cried that you were too old. He didn't listen and continued to change you into your nightie. When you were good and miserable, Ashton scooped you up and settled you on his knee that rested off the edge of the bed. "Bedtime, (y/n)." He gave you a wet slobbery kiss on your cheek and you immediately wiped it off with disgust.

"EWWWW!" You whined while he chuckled at your pitiful state. He tucked his arms underneath your shoulders and lifted you into your bed, pulling back the covers so you could get settled in, which you did. He smiled down at you before leaning over to drape you in blankets.

"Love you, sweat pea." He smiled and you yawned in response, giving a small smile to him while he shut the lights off.

You were only 9 years old for heavens sake and you didn't know any better than to stay up past your bedtime if no one told you to go to bed. So that's exactly what you did.

An angry Louis burst through your bedroom door while you sat at your desk drawing. "What the hell, (y/n)?! It's 10:30!" He shouted and stormed over to you.

"But I'm not sleepy!" You protested and made a high pitched whining noise.

"I don't care if you're not sleepy! Mom will kill me if she finds out from the school that you fell asleep in class again because you were up so late!" He argued with a frantic tone in his voice while you sat still in the desk chair, arms crossed and ready for a fight. You're a Tomlinson for crying out loud, you never back down. Louis was racing around your room to get everything situated for your slumber and turned to you. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. "(y/n), so help me God, if you're not in these pajamas in 10 seconds!-" He started but you cut him off.

"Wow, so scary." You rolled your eyes and slumped into your seat out of spite. If Louis' face could've gotten redder, it would have to replace the crayola color.

"GET. IN. BED." He shouted with a strict face and a scrunched nose.

"But I have to put on my pajamas first." You mocked him in a baby voice, using your hands for emphasis. He took a stiff but booming step towards you, his towering figure shaking with anger.

"NOW!" He bellowed and you flinched, gulping down some fear and slowly nodding your head. While you slipped off the chair without a word, Louis sighed and pulled the covers back, waiting for you to come out of the bathroom, changed and ready to sleep. You did just that moments later and hopped in bed, Louis pulling the covers up to your chin and smiling at you in victory. You scoffed and rolled your eyes but stayed in bed as he flipped of the lights abruptly, but not before blowing you an over dramatic kiss.

NIALL (10)
You were happily playing video games in the bonus room when suddenly, the lights were flipped on and the TV turned off. You whipped your head to the side to see Niall putting away the gaming system. "What are you doing?! I was just about to win!" You whined and threw the controller rather harshly onto the ground beside Niall. He moved his sock covered foot and looked at you surprised.

"I was coming to get you for dinner, all have you know." He admitted abruptly. "But it seems that you're a little cranky, so bedtime would be better for you." He changed his mind and you sank back into your chair.

"But Ni!" You protested and kicked your feet on the ground. Niall stood up straight above you and crossed his arms.

"Should've thought about that before throwing the controller." He shook his head and bent down to pick you up. You squirmed in his arms but it wasn't of any use.

"I'm not tired at all!" You argued and kicked him in his 'misters'. He groaned and dropped you on accident. However, you landed on your feet to watch him moan out in pain on the floor.

"(Y/n)! You better be in bed by the time I'm able to walk again!" He alerted you and you rolled your eyes but his stare was enough to send shivers down your spine. "Now." He stated, trying to contain his anger in a low voice. You nodded in fear and scampered into your room to quickly get your pajamas on and scrambled to bed. Minutes later, your door opened and Niall walked- well, limped- in and sat on your bed beside you.

"Sorry Ni." You mumbled incoherently but he understood it. He sighed and put a hand on your blanket covered calf.

"It's fine, (y/n). I know you were just frustrated." He half smiled and you played with your fingers until he put his hands over yours. "But you're still going to bed early on behalf of your actions." He informed you, making eye contact so you knew he meant business. You looked away and nodded. With that, he stood from the bed and flipped off the light on your bedside table. "Goodnight, (y/n), sweet dreams." He whispered and you smiled to yourself.

You got in a "love you" before he shut the door and left you to somehow fall asleep at 8 o'clock.
AGH it's been forever!!! I'm so sorry but I've just been slumped with school work and I have exams next week and it's stressing me out so please forgive me.

QOTD: Favorite season?

AOTD: WINTER FOREVER. I love snow and blankets and jeans and agh!

20 votes for an update?

xx, Haley

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