Personal for @btr_fangirl

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Harry is a police officer and is called to a party you snuck out to. Age 16.

But I want to go!" I whined and slumped my shoulders in effort to convince my mother.

"I don't care, Ali, you aren't going to that ridiculous party! I heard what happened there last time and my daughter will not be a part of it." She argued.

I made a high pitched whining sound. All I wanted to do was go to this party and she wouldn't even let me. I never do anything! Maybe I'd been notorious for going to raging parties but I'd never smoked up or drank until I've thrown up.

"What's this about a party?" Harry suddenly asked, walking downstairs in his uniform.

I sighed heavily. He was always overprotective of me and being a police officer didn't help at all.

"Mom isn't letting me go to this party. I'll be safe with my friends!" I complained as Harry stared hardly at me.

"Well if it's anything like the last one I heard about, I think she's right on this." He agreed while strapping his radio to his chest.

I groaned once again.

"No one ever lets me do anything in his house!" I yelled and stomped up the stairs. Harry was probably chuckling to my mother at my outburst but I didn't care. It was just plain stupid.


I grabbed my bag quickly, and opened my window as quietly as possible. The only one home was my mother and she was asleep by now, Harry off on his shift.

I quickly jumped off the balcony to land on my feet. It wasn't a big drop to begin with. My friend's car sat there as promised as I tip toes across the front lawn and snuck in.

"All good?" She asked and I nodded.


Long story short, the party was completely outrageous. Everyone was packed in the frat house dancing and playing games. I cringed a little when asked to play strip poker. I declined.

"Ali! Over here!" Someone shouted and I looked to see my friend Jake (you can change the name if you want) over by the drinks.

I quickly made my way over while smiling.

"Here, drink this." He shoved a red cup my way and I took it, smelling it.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Cherry vodka, it's good you'll like it." He persisted and I shrugged and took a swig. Jake always seemed to know the drinks everyone would like. I told him he should be a bartender and he laughed and agreed.

An hour later, two cherry vodkas down, and I was dancing with my friends. I wasn't completely wasted though I was buzzing and living off of it.

Music was blaring and my third drink was spilling as I danced in the crowd. I never regret sneaking out, usually having the best time. And I'm sure as hell not regretting it now.

The crowd was starting to yell now and I was curious until I heard someone shout at the top of their lungs.


Everyone started yelling immediately and scrambling to drop their drinks and get out of the house. I, too, was running. My friend was my only way home and I had no idea where she was.

I decided to take a chance and run for the door, hoping I'd find her later.

I ran straight through the door until I bumped into something hard and stumbled backwards.

Of course, I looked up to see none other than my brother. My eyes widened and I stopped, everyone around me running like hell.

He only stared at me, a blank expression. He reached for my arms and caught it.

"Ali Styles, you are under arrest for possession of alcohol on person and underage consumption of hard alcohol. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you..."

I zoned out for the rest as Harry handcuffed me and pushed me out into the front lawn of the frat house. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I struggled to walk. This was all so sudden.

I abruptly saw my friend in front of her car, probably waiting for me. When she caught sight of me, she gasped and I only looked at her pleadingly.

"Go home before I bring you in as well!" Harry shouted at my friend and she nodded before going on the phone. She wasn't about to drive home intoxicated.

Harry shoved me in the back of his car and told the other officers that he'd take care of this one and go find out whose house this is.

It was silent as we both drove to the station and i didn't bother to try and make conversation. Harry was probably already beyond pissed.

He took me and brought me in, waving off the officers that tried to help.

He threw me in his office, and I stood in my tight dress and heels, scared.

"Sit down." He yelled, pointing to a chair in front of his desk. I obeyed instantly.

He went in front of me, hovering over my small figure.

"You're so fucking lucky I'm not pressing charges, Ali. So fucking lucky!" He yelled, managing to spit on me a little bit.

"Harry you know I don't get drunk!" I defended. Wrong idea.

"Does is look like I give a damn?! You're breaking the law, Ali! This could've ended so much worse, you know!" He shouted. I nodded solemnly and looked down.

He went on to lecture me for another 15 minutes about the dangers of drinking and parties. I told him I would never take a drink from someone I didn't know but he only scoffed at my behavior.

"You're grounded for a week. No phone, no laptop, no tv. Maybe you'll finally care to pick up a book." He rolled his eyes and I did the same, thankful he didn't see.

"You're lucky I'm not telling mom." He told me abruptly and I went and huffed his figure.

"Thank you!" I yelled and he pushed me off of him.

"Don't thank me yet, if you pull another stunt like this I won't hesitate to jail you." He insisted firmly and I nodded, terrified.


Ahh I did it! Hope you like it and thanks for reading!!1!!1

Mood: sCreAMiNg bC OLyMpICs HaVe STaRteD!1!

My family makes like such a fucking big deal over the olympics and it's so great lmao we're having our own fucking palooza over here USA

QOTD: fave summer olympics sport to watch?

AOTD: love watching volleyball and gymnastics!!!

xx, Haley

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