You Sneak Out

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LUKE (13)
You were extremely nervous. You were the good kid, the quiet one who always got out of trouble without any help. You were clever and usually didn't need a second opinion. So, when your first party came along, you were so excited. That is, until Luke forbid you to go in claims that you were too young.

You decided to sneak out. This would be your first time sneaking out, however, and you didn't want to make it the last by being stupid.

When Luke was sure you were sleeping, you changed into different clothes and hopped out the window. You had been home-free as you started walking to the party that was just down the block.

"Hemmings!" Your friends shouted as you made your way over. "I thought you said you couldn't come." She smiled and handed you a cup of soda.

"Snuck out." You shrugged your shoulders and smiled, taking a brisk sip of the Sunkist.

You had been having fun and talking with your friends for barely an hour when things started to get crazy. Some of the older boys who were already in high school had ran in and set all sorts of alcohol on the table. You were smart and avoided it, knowing that it was dangerous when you didn't know a lot of people at the party.

As the night went on, you tried to find your friend but she was somewhere off with other people she knew. "God, what's that smell?" You crinkled your nose as coughed, sipping your soda.

"Weed. C'mon, drag with us." The boy next to you encouraged, pointing to where a circle of kids sat, looking relaxes as ever.

"Yeah, no. I've gotta go anyway." You declined and grabbed your phone. You were educated on the possibilities of what could happen if you'd gotten drunk or stoned so you started walking back home, sighing.

The house was silent and dark as you entered, creeping up to your room. You flipped the light on and shut the door, nearly screaming when you saw Luke on your bed. "What are you doing here?!" You whispered. He smiled and shrugged.

"I knew you went to that party. I also know there was weed and a hell of a lot of alcohol there. So, shall we?" He smiled devilishly, holding up what only looked to be alcohol and drug tests.

"But everyone is going to be there!" You whined dramatically at Ashton. He wasn't letting you go to the biggest party of the year and you were crushed.

"Everyone but you! I'm done talking about this (y/n), it's been hours." He sighed and rubbed his oncoming headache.

"Well suck it up because I'm just going to complain the whole time." You crossed your arms and stomped your way out of the room. The party was tonight and even though your friends knew Ashton wasn't letting you out, you texted them anyways.


"If he finds out, you're dead." One of you're friends chuckled while you grabbed another red cup full of some crappy beer.

"Well he isn't going to find out." You smiled, chugged down the cup, and continued talking and dancing with some people you met. Checking your phone every now and then, you were surprised to see Ashton hadn't texted or called you. Maybe he was more oblivious than you thought.

Just as 1am approached, you felt your phone vibrate in your back pocket and you froze. Without even checking you knew it was Ashton. However, you didn't answer, sending him to voicemail and trying to forget about it. You knew this party was worth getting in trouble over. You'd gotten 3 hot guys' numbers, what else do you need?

Not long after the attack of text messages and phone calls, you felt a strong grip on your shoulder. You turned to see a fuming Ashton as he grabbed your bicep and started dragging you through crowds of people.

"What on earth were you thinking?!" He shouted over the music as the both of you stumbled to the car.

"I was thinking I deserved to go to this party that everyone was going to be at! And I don't regret going." You scoffed and put your seatbelt on, hoping Ashton couldn't smell the cup of beer you had.

"Well I'm thinking you're grounded. Two weeks. No parties, no friends, no pizza." You gasped at the threat of no pizza.

"Wait a minute-"

"No. I don't want to hear another word out of you, (y/n), you're on lockdown." He ended the conversation as the both of you drove home in silence.

LOUIS (15)
As you had thought, you'd done horribly on your Economics exam and nearly had to retake it twice. You trudged home that day, not wanting to talk to a soul since you were so angry and sad.

"(Y/n), is that you?" Louis called out and you grunted back, finding your way to the stairs. "Come here a sec." He shouted and you whined, slowly making your way to him.

"I want an explanation for your grade. Now." He crossed his arms and waited for you to speak. You just shrugged and cleared your throat.

"I don't know." You mumbled.

"You don't know? Hmm, then I don't know why I'm letting you go to this sleepover this weekend when you clearly need to be studying!" He yelled.

"No, Louis! Please, we've been planning this forever!" You begged and nearly dropped at the devastation.

"Well now you'll just have to plan it again, (y/n), you're not going." He bellowed and sent you to your room.


Stuffing things into your bag messily, you rummaged through pajamas and all the stuff you needed for the sleepover. You texted your friends what happened but informed them you'd be sneaking out and be there a little later.

You screamed down to Louis that you never wanted to talk to him again, that gave him the idea he should leave you alone. So, without a double glance, you jumped from your window and headed to the sleepover.

You had so much fun with your friends, uninterrupted by Louis' calls or texts considering there were none. You decided since you'd probably wake up late if you were to stay at your friends, it would be a good idea for you to go home. It was 4 am when you started walking and soon arrived to your house. You were extra careful as you slid back into your room without a sound. Everything was quiet and you hadn't been in more than 10 minutes when you saw a light flick on somewhere outside of your room. 

You hurriedly scrambled out of your shoes, hid your bag under your bed, and got in bed. Louis just then opened your door. "You awake?" He questioned.

"Yeah." You mumbled, trying to sound tired.

"I'm sorry for not letting you go to the sleepover. I knew it meant a lot." He came over and hugged you. You rolled your eyes and mumbled that it was okay.

"I'm sorry for failing my exam." You apologized and he pat your back and smiled.

"I'm also sorry you lost your phone." He hugged you.

"What- I didn't lo-"

"And your laptop, and your tv, and your friends for the next week. Try sneaking out again lil sis, I dare you." He smirked, taking all of your electronics and walking out the door.


Vote, comment, love you guys

xx, Haley

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