You're adopted and You dont have a Good Relationship 3/4

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CALUM (10)

You were adopted at 4 months old and you were brought into the Hood family. Calum not only hated his parents for it, but despised you in return. Every little thing you did he found annoying and you didn't understand why he hated you. Sadly, that's just how you grew up. Your big brother hated you and that's how you knew it.

Your friends would always talk about their siblings and how annoying they were but you knew that Calum's hatred was much deeper than theirs. After all, the circumstances were completely different.

You learned throughout the years to steer clear of his path when he was home and not do anything to set him off. Every time he entered a room, you'd learn to leave before he'd yell at you. Every time you'd eat something, you'd make sure there was enough left for Calum. Every time he would be forced to babysit you, you'd stay up in your room the whole time. It wasn't even a matter of getting him to love you, no, you'd already tried that. All that mattered was adjusting to the new lifestyle where your brother would think you don't exist.

After a particularly long day at school, you set down your bag and made your way to the kitchen for a snack since you had forgotten your lunch. Unfortunately, Calum was accompanying you since he had just entered the kitchen as well. You said nothing, just quickly and quietly going to the cupboards for something to eat.

"Seriously, (y/n), take longer why don't you." Calum snarled from behind you, making you jump and quickly move out of the way.

"Sorry." You murmured.

"You know I hate mumbling." He groaned in response and you were so nervous around him, you just paused and stood there speechless. Calum failed to notice and continued preparing the leftovers from the fridge. Thankfully, the door opened and that got you out of your trance. However, seeing his bandmates stroll through the kitchen isn't exactly what you wanted.

"Hey guys, gotta pee real quick! (Y/n), scram." Calum rushed to the bathroom but not before glaring at you. You nodded solemnly and grabbed your granola bar to exit the kitchen when a voice called you back.

"Wait up little Hood!"

You turned around to see the boys looking at you expectantly. "Where ya off too?" Ashton asked.

You shrugged before looking up at the stairs. "To my room I guess." You replied shortly.

"Well you can hang with us instead! Sounds kinda boring up there." He insisted suddenly. You nearly scoffed at the idea but held yourself back and replied honestly.

"No no no no no, Calum would not like that. In fact, he'd probably kill me if he found out I was talking to you guys now." You made your way back to the stairs so you could quickly exit if Calum came in unannounced.

"That's nonsense! Why would you think that?" Luke questioned and you looked around nervously.

"Calum hates me. He literally wants to throw me out on the street." You sighed and shifted awkwardly. "It's the whole adoption thing. He can't stand it. Any time someone talks-"

"Alright now we- HEY! I said scram!" Calum came through the hall from the bathroom and saw you immediately. You didn't hesitate before dropping the conversation and speeding up the steps. In attempt to get to the top, an arm grabbed you back and you expected it to be Calum, pulling you back and interrogating you until you were in tears. Though, the arm that hooked around your waist belonged to Ashton. He picked you up and despite Calum's over reactant protests, put you on the couch.

"Guys, I really think I should leave. I know where this is going and I'll be the first to say it's not gonna end well." You tried to rise from the couch, knowing that their plan was to make you two talk things out. It simply wasn't going to work. Your parents tried many times and they all ended in Calum's shouting and maybe even some knocking over of cups.

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