Road to Gods and monsters

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As the fifth anniversary of the Justice League approached, the Teen Titans were beginning to emerge as a new team inspired by the League's heroism

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As the fifth anniversary of the Justice League approached, the Teen Titans were beginning to emerge as a new team inspired by the League's heroism. But on this particular Wednesday night, Gotham City was plunged into darkness as Batman and his son, Damian, investigated a gruesome murder. The victim had been burned alive, but there was no evidence of any normal means - it could be magic.

"I've seen some messed-up things in my time, but this is... unsettling," Batman said as he knelt by the charred remains.

"Agreed," Damian replied, his eyes scanning the area for any clues. "But we won't find anything by standing around. We need to keep looking."

Their search led them to a dark alley, where they encountered a terrifying sight - a Parademon, one of the monstrous minions of the New Gods. The creature attacked them with savage fury, but the Dark Knight and his son fought back with all their training and skill.

"Get behind me, Damian!" Batman shouted, deflecting a blast of energy with his utility belt.

"I'm not a child, Father!" Damian retorted, unsheathing his sword and leaping at the Parademon with a fierce battle cry.

The battle was brutal, but in the end, the Parademon managed to slip away. Batman and Damian were left shaken but alive, and they wasted no time in reporting the incident to Superman and Wonder Woman from the Watchtower.

"We encountered a Parademon in Gotham City," Batman informed them. "It's possible that Darkseid and his minions are planning something big. We need to be ready."

"Understood, Batman," Superman replied, his voice grim. "We'll mobilize the League and investigate this immediately. Stay on high alert."

As the call ended, Batman couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Something big was coming, and it was up to the Justice League to stop it.

As the Justice League assembled in the Watchtower to discuss the Parademon sighting, the doors swished open to reveal Shazam and Red Tornado. Following close behind were Green Arrow and Black Canary, who had been patrolling the Gotham area and had heard of the incident.

"Looks like we've got a situation," Green Arrow said, his voice tense. "What's the plan, Bats?"

Superman filled them in on the details of the attack, and the League began to brainstorm possible courses of action. But even with all their combined knowledge and experience, they couldn't agree on the best approach.

"We could try to track down the Parademon and take it out before it can cause any more damage," Wonder Woman suggested.

"But what if there are more of them?" Martian Manhunter countered. "We can't fight a full-scale invasion alone."

"Perhaps we should consult with the New Gods," Zatanna interjected. "They may have insights into what Darkseid is planning."

Before the discussion could go any further, Batman received an urgent message from his son.

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