The Titans part 2 (year 10)

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As Raven and Damien sit together, catching up on the last six months they lost being apart, the tension in the room is palpable

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As Raven and Damien sit together, catching up on the last six months they lost being apart, the tension in the room is palpable. Damien is trying his best to hide his emotions, but Raven can sense something is off.

Raven: "What's wrong, Damien? You seem distant."

Damien: "It's nothing, just a lot on my mind."

Raven: "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

Damien: "I know, it's just hard to put into words."

Raven: "Try me. I can handle it."

Damien takes a deep breath and looks at Raven, his eyes full of emotion.

Damien: "I love you, Raven. More than anything in this world. But being a vigilante is taking a toll on me. Every night, I go out and put my life on the line, and I don't know if I'll make it back. It's just a constant struggle."

Raven reaches out and takes his hand.

Raven: "I know it's not easy, but we're in this together. We can support each other and make it through anything."

Damien: "You're right. I just needed to hear that from you."

Raven: "I'll always be here for you, Damien. No matter what."

The couple embraces, holding onto each other tightly, knowing that they can make it through anything as long as they have each other.

As Tim Drake expresses his hate towards Lennox, the others in the group become uncomfortable with the talk of murder.

Raven: Tim, I understand how you feel, but killing him won't bring back what he took from me.

Damien: And it won't undo the damage he's caused to others. We need to find a way to stop him without resorting to violence.

Jon: My dad always says that violence should be a last resort. We need to come up with a plan that doesn't involve taking a life.

Tim: I understand what you guys are saying, but he hurt someone I care about too. I can't just let that go.

Raven: I know, Tim. I feel the same way. But we can't let our anger cloud our judgment.

Damien: Let's focus on finding Lennox first. Then we can come up with a plan that works for everyone.

Jon: Agreed. We're stronger as a team, and we need to work together to bring him down.

As the group continues their discussion, they all come to the realization that they must work together and find a way to stop Lennox without resorting to violence.

As Tim visits the tower, he would often join the team on missions as a freelance agent but always refused to join back as a full-time member.

Tim: "I'm sorry guys, I appreciate the offer, but I can't give up the Red Hood. It's who I am now."

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