✧♡rude | josuyasu♡✧

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"some people
are so bitter

to them
you must be kindest"
-rupi kaur, "milk and honey"

au- no stands, college life (but the college is run more like a high school bc i hate how real college is)

a/n: sorry for the long wait between parts! i have had a ton of stuff going on, and now that college is out for the year, i can focus on repurposing and revamping some of my older works! unfortunately, i did lose the list of requests that i had gotten (because it's been about three years oops), so i may re-open them once i get all my old works fixed up!

anyway, i decided to leave you guys with a longer one because i know it's been a while :( as always, i appreciate every single comment and your support <3 enjoy!!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Okuyasu shot up out of his chair as the class bell rung, signaling the end of second period. The sophomore jogged through the door, elbowing people in the hallway to get by. He only wanted to get to science.

Science was his favorite subject. It didn't even matter which branch, he adored it all. Despite everyone believing he was some delinquent whose goal was to barely pass, he loved messing with chemicals, studying different animals, and calculating the force between objects. But there is another reason he's drawn to that class. That science class is full of juniors, and he has, in the least complicated way possible, a slight crush on one of them. His name is Josuke, and he takes Okuyasu's breath away.

The sophomore walked into the classroom and almost fell when he saw the school's leading "pretty boy." He was sitting in the very back, combing through his beloved, shiny deep indigo hair, Italian dress shoes propped up on the desk adjacent to him. With a slightly condescending smirk on his face, he raked his soft eyes over Okuyasu. It felt as if he had been shocked, rings of electricity encasing him. Josuke's custom-designed school uniform jacket draped across the back of his chair, his yellow shirt clinging tightly to his broad shoulders and prominent chest.

"Oh my god," the black-eyed boy thought to himself. "He even wore his expensive earrings."

Okuyasu, in an embarrassed frenzy, scanned the room for a seat. The only one empty, however, was the one Josuke had his feet on. Taking deep breaths in with every other step, he attempted to look confident on his way over to the seat. The façade didn't last long.

"I- Um-," Okuyasu huffed, frustrated at his inability to hold it together. "Hey, would it be- can I sit here?"

"Mmm... sure. But only you," he muttered, dragging his gaze slowly over Okuyasu's cowering form. "Maybe I'll let you sit here tomorrow too, if you can fix your acting."

The younger man nodded quickly, organizing his supplies and sitting down. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck, he saw right through me... It might be easier to transfer sch-"

"Why are you so jumpy? I won't bite," Josuke questioned with a sour tone and sickly sweet smile. It looked almost evil. "At least, you know, not if I don't have to. So just stay out of my way and we'll be fine, yeah?"

"Yeah! Uh, yeah, of course," Okuyasu agreed quickly, looking away as his tan cheeks turned blotchy red.

All of the surrounding chatter in the classroom died down when the teacher entered. Class went on, and Okuyasu stole looks at the man beside him. Unfortunately, he was horrible at being subtle, nearly turning his head a full 90 degrees each time.

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