♡fawning | fugio♡

290 6 3

word count: 1037
requested by @Vintage_Stars on AO3

"...and once we find the stand user, we must take them down at all costs. We'll then meet the Capo in Florence. Any questions?"
Trish gave the white-haired boy a harsh glare. "How do you expect us to know who the stand user is?"
"Buccellati said we would know. All he told me was that we must go to Tuscany, find the stand user, and take him out," Fugo growled, already irritated with Trish. "Anyone else?"
"Do you know his name?"
"Narancia, if I knew his name, I'd tell-," Fugo froze as the door opened and closed. Giorno Giovanna glided through the door frame, taking every bit of breath out of Fugo's lungs. He wore a dark blue suit, decorated with pink ladybug buttons and his long, blonde hair was down. The suit color brought out the sparkle in his eyes, something Fugo never stopped thinking about. "-you..."
"Panna? You good? You look kinda spaced ou-"
"A-Ah, um- any more questions?"
Giorno raised his hand, a sliver of a smile appearing. "Do you mind repeating yourself? I seem to have come in late," he sang, tapping his gloss covered lips with his index finger.
"Repeat what?" Fugo asked, starstruck and unable to tear his eyes or mind off the blonde.
Giorno laughed and Fugo swallowed thickly. "Didn't you just give a briefing?"
"O-Oh! Yeah, um-... so- Buccellati- ah-..." he trailed off, picking at his red suit.
"Panna, are you sure you're okay? You look like you're about to shit yourself." Narancia stood up.
"Y-Yes! I'm good, everything is great, stop asking."
"Hurry and tell him so we can do what we need to do," Mista said, trying to clean his pistol.
"Well, there's- um we go- Buccellati said-"
"Oh my fucking god, there's a stand user in Tuscany, we have to go take him out, and then meet Buccellati in Florence," Abbacchio spoke up. "It isn't that fucking hard, Fugo. Stop fawning over piss boy and do your damn job."
Fugo's face flooded with color. "I-I'm not! I'm not fawning! I just- I just have a stomach ache! Yeah, a stomach ache! I'll be back-," he left off, sprinting to hide in the bathroom.
"Told you he was gonna shit himself," Narancia muttered to Mista.
Giorno looked around, eyes filled with confusion. "What the hell happened to him?"
"He thinks you're hot, shit lips. Don't know why, but he does," Abbacchio sighed, swirling his glass of wine.
"Wow, thanks."
Narancia looked up. "No, Abba has a point. You came in and Fugo forgot how to breathe."
"Yeah, he does that every time you come in, Gio. You know that."
"Well I do now..."
Fugo rocked back and forth in the bathroom floor, panicking.
Oh god, I just fell apart in front of Giorno! He probably thinks I'm losing my mind! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! Think, Pannacotta, think! Of all the times I can't fucking think, it had to be this one? Why in front of everyone? Why couldn't I just lose my shit over him in privacy? Why'd he have to come in with his hair down? Or in that suit? God damn it Fugo! Pull your shit together, you're like a boy-crazed chick! And Abbacchio even called you out on it! Now there's no way Giorno doesn't know... but god, how could I hold it together? The way he came in, looking as though he had just woken up, that beautiful suit, his hair down, and him tapping his lips drove me crazy... who wouldn't go crazy over that? He has to be fucking with me. He has to know what he's doing.
"Go check on him, Gio," Mista suggested. Giorno padded into the bathroom, softly calling Fugo's name, before seeing him in the floor.
"Panna, it's Giorno," he sang.
"Fuck! I mean- sorry, you scared me..."
"What happened to you back there?"
Fugo's eyes widened. "N-Nothing! Nothing, I'm okay!"
"Panna, tell me the truth..."
Fugo sighed. "I just got distracted..."
"You came in with that suit and your hair down and well- I- I just got distracted..."
Giorno giggled. "I looked that much of a mess?"
"No, no! You look so good and I just couldn't stop myself from daydr- uh- getting distracted."
Fugo shook his head, more than embarrassed. "No! I wasn't daydreaming," he awkwardly laughed. "N-Not me, wrong guy..."
"Panna," Giorno sighed, "you're the only one in that room that likes me."
"W-What?!" He looked up, eyes wide. "Who told you that?"
"I walked in and you, the smartest man I know, reverted to caveman language. But it's fine because I like you too, Panna. I like when you fawn over me, it makes me feel special."
Fugo's mouth was dry, so he nodded. Giorno giggled and gave him a soft, quick kiss and grabbed his hands. "Do you think you could handle being my boyfriend?"
Fugo nodded, still awestruck. "Always, who- who wouldn't, you're- I'm so lucky..."
After they decided to leave the bathroom and track down the stand user, they returned to one another's rooms instead of their own, and cuddled to sleep.

Requested Purple Haze feedback:
For those that do not know, Purple Haze is a spin-off of JJBA: Vento Aureo about Pannacotta Fugo and his deadly stand, Purple Haze. Purple Haze was an absolutely amazing novel. I loved the way it pulled me in from the start, and how the characters developed, whether it be further or from the beginning. The memories Fugo has of the dead Passione members which bubble up from time to time made my heart break for him. This novel really shows that Fugo wasn't a traitor, just a scared teenager. I do believe he feels bad for leaving and more than likely wishes he had gone and died instead of Abbacchio, Bruno, and Narancia. I feel as though the guilt he has for leaving made Purple Haze more harmful, even if he has calmed himself down. Overall I loved it so much and I would definitely read it again. It gave Fugo the character recognition he truly deserves.

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