♡ stars & champagne | bruabba ♡

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Knock. Knock. Knock.
"It's open," Bruno said softly, his face lighting up when he Leone sticks his head in.
"I got champagne."
"And I need someone to drink it with, of course," Leone said, rolling his eyes and grinning.
"Where are we going to drink it though?"
"Rooftop. You down?"
"Actually, I'm up," Bruno joked, climbing off of his bed and treading lightly out the door, shutting it gently behind him.

"The stars are so beautiful," Leone exhaled quietly, looking up at the night sky.
"But not as beautiful as-"
"Actually shut up. I will bash your skull in if you finish that sentence."
"-As me," Bruno finished, a large, troublesome grin on his face.
Leone sighed. "I regret ever letting you talk to me."
"No, you love me."
"Wrong," Leone objected, laughing and pouring himself another glass of champagne.

This was something he couldn't get enough of. Beautiful stars, beautiful champagne, and beautiful Bruno. He could only dream of this being a real date, not a friendly get-together at 2 a.m. He's mean, but truly does care about the man next to him. He's head over heels in love with him. But, he's bound and determined to keep it a secret.

Leone turned his head toward Bruno, who had his neck stretched, face upturned, focused on the stars. The older man couldn't help but smile at the younger.

God, does he wish he could kiss him. He wonders how even in the dark, someone can outshine every single star in the night sky. How one person can light the room up better than any light on earth. How one person can be the only thing that lights up his face. How that one person came to be Bruno.

"Yeah?" he responded, snapping out of his thoughts.
"What was the real reason you brought me out here? Normally you would've done this alone."
"I just wanted you out here," he lied.
Bruno wasn't fooled. "No, the real reason, stupid."
"Okay, fine. I needed you out here. Happy now?"
And with that, Bruno turned his attention back on his glass of champagne and the sky, and Leone kept his gaze on the brightest star he's ever seen.

He'd get to call Bruno "my star" one of these days, he'd make damn sure of it. The obsidian-haired man lying next to him would soon be his. The sweatshirt on his body would soon mean more than a close friendship. The name Leone would soon mean more to Bruno than "best friend." The phrase, "I love you," will soon mean more than platonically.
Only if Bruno likes him back, that is.

"He doesn't like me. I can't ask him out, he'll reject me! I'd lose him for good..."
"Just ask me out you fucking loser," Bruno thought. "I know you like me, I like you, please just ask."
Bruno's heart jumped as the man with purple hair turned to look at him. Maybe he could start a conversation. Maybe he won't get too nervous.

"The stars are so beautiful," the younger man whispered.
"They're just giant balls of gas, Bruno."
"You know what," he said, displeased with the other's answer. "If you're just going to ruin this then I-"

He stopped in the middle of his sentence, cut off by Leone's champagne-coated lips on his. Bruno froze for a moment, finally relaxing and kissing back with passion. Their lips moved together in a perfect system, like planets moving around their star. He had wanted this for so long. He could taste the lipstick on Leone's lips, smell the familiar scent of his best friend, only amplified. He never wanted it to end.
Leone pulled back slowly after a few seconds, smiling and staring lovingly at Bruno.
"And yet none of them are as massive as my love for you," he confessed.

Bruno inhaled sharply, unable to speak. So, Leone spoke for him.
"Everyone needs a star," he spoke softly, gently placing his hand on Bruno's cheek. "Will you be mine?"
The latter's face heated up quickly as he nodded. Bruno began to smile furiously, kissing Leone again, who immediately responded.

Once they came back up for air, the couple finished their champagne and headed hand-in-hand back inside. Leone brought Bruno back to his room, stopping at the door.
"Goodnight, Leone."
"Night, Bruno."
Just as he turned to leave, Bruno called him back.
"You can stay here... if you want," he mumbled.
"I was waiting for you to say that," Leone smirked. "Let me grab a blanket."

Not a minute later, he returned, walking into the room and flopping onto the bed. Bruno curled up beside him, sighing happily when he felt his boyfriend's arms around his waist.

He wasn't aware that Leone stayed awake for hours, just trying to figure out how he got so lucky. He wasn't aware that he kissed his forehead and played with his hair while he slept. He wasn't aware that Leone whispered, "I love you, Bruno," before falling asleep with a smile on his face and a happy heart.

"you might not have been my first love
but you were the love that made
all the other loves
- rupi kaur, milk and honey

sorry for the short chapter, I'm trying to get some inspiration so I can complete the requests I've been given
- lustastarte ☆

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