♥ cabin | diegyjo ♥

585 5 20

requested by @zuki_chan on AO3
word count: 2803
johnny is genderbent in this, so his name is changed to Joana. Gyro and Diego are still male.

"Shit, it's raining."
Joana sighed, wrapping her arms around Slow Dancer's neck for any form of heat. "Gyro, the more you talk, the more body heat you lose. Let's just find somewhere out of the rain to stay."
"We're twenty miles outside of the nearest town, Jojo."
"Surely there's somewhere we can stay- Who's that?"

Joana squinted her eyes, pointing to an advancing figure in the distance, identity masked by heavy rainfall and darkness.
"Who's there?" No answer.
"Hey! Who are you?" Gyro signaled Valkyrie to move forward. Joana held tightly to Slow Dancer's reigns, ready to turn and flee if need be.
"Zeppeli? Joestar? Is that you?"
He came ever closer, teal sweater showing through the rain. "Why are you guys out here?"

"Why do you wanna kn-?"
"We were traveling, but now we're trying to find somewhere to stay," Joana explained, interrupting Gyro and pulling herself even closer to her trusted traveling companion, sticking her frozen nose in Slow Dancer's long, coarse mane to try to get the feeling back.
"I have room in the cabin I found earlier, it's not far from here," Diego offered, moving closer with Silver Bullet.
"Jojo, can I talk to you for a second?"
Joana turned her head and nodded at Gyro, who moved in to whisper in her ear. "Isn't it a little odd to you that your former... whatever you two were- is inviting you and your boyfriend to stay with him?"
"No, not particularly. I think he's trying to be nice, Gyro. Just because he's my old lover doesn't mean you have to be rude to him, I'd actually like if you guys could be friends-"
"Diego? NICE? Are you insane?"
"Do you want to freeze? You're welcome to stay out here, but I'm going with him," Joana hissed, teeth chattering and hands going numb from cold.

Silver Bullet turned to guide them back to the borrowed cabin. Minutes later, Diego steered his trusty steed into a vacant storage shed behind the cabin, motioning for Gyro and Joana to do the same. After securing them inside the building, the three ran to the cabin, Gyro carrying Joana, Diego holding the door for them.
"Do you have any spare clothes? I only have boxers and one robe with me," he said after quickly shutting the door.

Joana shook her head as she was placed on the floor in front of the fireplace. "I don't have anything, it all got wet..."
"Do you want my robe then?"
"No, it's okay, I don't want you having to walk around without anything but underwear-"
"I'll be fine, you've seen it before, anyway," Diego teased, earning an annoyed grunt from Gyro. "I'd rather you be dry than me. Zeppeli, do you have extras?"
"I have sleep pants and extra boxers, I'm okay. I have a sleep shirt if you'd like it," Gyro paused, taking his soaked hat off. "It might be long though."
Diego rolled his eyes. "That'd be great, I look good in dresses," he retorted. "You're missing out on a great view though~"

"Not in a million years," Gyro gagged, pulling the clothes out and hurdling the shirt at Diego. "We need to get out of these clothes before we get hypothermia."
"I need help," Joana muttered, a little embarrassed. "I can get my top off but not anything else..."
"Let's get a fire started real quick so when we help you, you can be warming up while we're changing," Diego suggested, weakly chucking wood into the fireplace, pulling two rocks out out of his pocket and using them to spark a flame.

The two boys came to Joana's aid, hanging up each article of clothing next to the fire. Pulled her unbuttoned shirt off her frozen shoulders, hung it up. Slid the soaked skirt off her mud-soiled, knee length shorts, hung it up. Peeled the formerly white shorts off her cold, pale legs, hung it up.
"Do you want to keep your-... you know," Diego looked away, face red, frantically searching for the robe. "Your- Your knickers on?"
Joana realized the position she was in, sitting nearly naked in front of two attractive men, unable to do anything but cover her bare chest and try to hide in her hair.

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