Bacon - Chapter 5

484 14 3

Connors POV

I woke up with Troye spooning me, I couldn't believe I saw his dick.. It was a complete accident, I swear! Troye decided to sleep with me because last night we were sat in bed cuddled up, AS FRIENDS watching Netflix, once the movie was finished we were both in our pyjamas and we were both almost asleep so he just stayed in my room, no big deal!

I decided I would surprise him with bacon and eggs for when he wakes up, I slowly moved forward and left the bed, trying not to disturb Troye during the process, I took off my pyjamas and put on some grey sweat pants and a plain baggy tank top. I closed to door and made my way downstairs.

I took a frying pan from the cupboard and grabbed 6 eggs from the fridge, 2 each for me Kian and Troye. I also took out a pack of bacon and the butter because we didn't have any oil.

I placed the pan on the heat and added half a teaspoon of butter after a few minutes of it heating up, I tilted the frying pan in many directions to spread the melting butter. When it had fully melted and I could see a tiny bit of smoke coming from the pan, I added 6 pieces of bacon into the pan, just as much as would fit. I waited a few minutes and turned it over then waited a few minutes again until it was crispy.

I put the bacon on a plate that had a doubled over sheet of kitchen paper on, to soak up the butter so it wasn't AS unhealthy, then I repeated the process again with the 6 pieces of bacon that were left, that meant 4 pieces each for us 3!

I fried all of the eggs and put shared out 6 eggs between 3 plates, then I cut up some avocado and added it to me and Troyes plate, Kian doesn't lie avocado so I made him so beans instead, then I put our plates on the table and the mountain of bacon in the middle, I also made some pancakes for good measure.

I heard footsteps coming downstairs, and voices, it was Kian and Troye in conversation.

"What the fuck man, You've been busy!" Kian exclaimed, putting the kettle on for me him and Troye,

"Connnn! This is amazing, Thankyou so much!!!" Troye hugged me before sitting down, when he hugged me, he whispered in my ear "just friends, remember, luv ya connie!" He mumbled in my ear, I smiled at him.

~~~1 Hour Later~~~

Once everybody had finished eating, Kian went to his bedroom and me and Troye went to the lounge,

"Wanna go to the beach today?" Troye asked, "I'll teach you how to surf!

"Sure! It will be great, but no more accidental interruptions whilst putting on shorts okay?" I said,

"Accidental.. Sure!" Troye giggled, "can't wait!"

Authors Note:

Sorry it's a short one guys, i don't feel too well, sorry <3

When this Chapter reaches 60-65 reads I'll update!

Luv you all!!!


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