Surfing - Chapter 7

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Troyes POV

We got out of the sea to collect our surfboards, I picked up mine holding it above my head so that it's easier to walk with it, then Connor swung his up above his head, I stood staring at his beautiful abs and his face and, well, just him.. He is just perfect!

"So, enjoying the view?" He smiled, I knew he wasn't talking about the beach,

"Yeah, it's perfect!" I giggled,

Kian came over, "stop flirting you too, Let's go surf!" He laughed,

"The beach! We were talking about the beach.." I said, Connor nodded,

"Yeah yeah, sure! Anyway, let's surf." Kian said, running into the water, mounting his board and paddling out further.

~~5 minutes later~~

Connor had the first part of it down, he was a natural, he could catch a wave and get speed up, but trying to stand up, well.. He was awful, it was obvious he had never tried before!

Watching Connors poor attempts at standing up on the surfboard whilst it was moving was hilarious, although I knew how much effort he was putting in, it was still funny!

"Will you stop laughing and help me stand on this stupid fucking board" Connor said, giggling and splashing Troye with ocean water,

I waded closer to Connor, holding his hips and kissing him on the cheek, "sorry" I whispered in his ear,

I knew we weren't dating, he didn't even know I liked him yet, but I knew he liked me, and teasing him was more fun than watching Connor fail at surfboarding, as hard as it is to believe!

After about half an hour of me teaching Connor how to surf, he finally nailed it, every time he caught a wave, he stood up and looked great, without falling off until needed!

I grabbed my board as I saw a wave coming, it was only small but I was sure I could ride it and impress Connor at the same time, impressing Connor would be a dream come true..

I hopped on my board and paddled until the wave reached me, it pulled me along and I stood up, as I bent my legs I instantly fell into the water with a massive splash.

Connor was laughing uncontrollably, "and your supposed to be the expert, teaching me!" He giggled,

"Shut up! It was the wind.." I said, blushing,

"Sure it was.. Anyway, I'm hungry and the sun is about to set, anybody wanna come eat and watch the sunset with me?" Connor asked, looking at me and Kian,

"I'm good at the moment, I think I'm gonna go up beach and do some more surfing, I'll meet you both in like an hour, is that alright?" Kian asked, pointing up the beach,

"Yeah that's fine, me and Connor need to discuss some things anyway!" I smiled,

Kian swam a lot further up the beach on his surfboard whilst me and Connor walked towards to food.

"So, you said we need to talk?" Connor asked.

Authors Note:


When this gets 80 reads I'll update!

Please vote for my story, fav or whatever it's called.. Maybe comment what you want to happen next chapter, if I like it I'll feature it!

Anyway, this chapter was kinda boring, it's just a filler for EXCITING THINGS! YAYYYA

Love you all,

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