8. Space

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Leaving her alone in my room I came to the adjoining room that I have converted into my home office

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Leaving her alone in my room I came to the adjoining room that I have converted into my home office.

"I need a drink," I tell myself and walk toward my liquor cabinet, pouring myself a whiskey neat. I take a calming breath before tipping my drink back. I need some fucking liquid courage for this shit.

All day I've tried my hardest not to stare at her, but it's impossible to resist. She looks stunning, in the Red Lengha. It felt inappropriate to look at her for a second too long, but I struggled to tear my gaze away. Strangely, this beautiful woman is now my wife.

Throwing my drink back before instantly refilling it. I thought of what I said to her about her sneaking around with Rohan. Fuck. I should have at least said sorry to her. The moment she and I got married, she became mine. I refuse to be made a fool of myself but I let my insecurities take over me and said her nonsense things.

It took a moment to realize that my words had hurt my wife. She's hurt and angry. Justifiably so. I was not sure what I was saying to her, but I did realize I had chosen the wrong words.

Her fingers were shivering and she needed to hold them in a tight fist when she was talking to me. She thought that I didn't notice. Her expression was of defeat still she didn't talk to me badly as if she understood my situation more than I understood it myself and didn't want to hurt me. It felt like a punch to my gut, she didn't want to look weak and I admire that.

What I was thinking? how can she love a man who left her on their wedding day?

When she said that she never had and never will love the asshol and would never Betray me instant relief washed over me but the damage was done. And I don't know how to make things right so instead of making things worse I left the room leaving her alone.

I unbuttoned the button on my Shervani that was making it hard for me to breathe and threw it away. I was now standing in my boxer briefs and couldn't go back to the room . I sank in my chair behind my desk with a glass of whiskey in my hand and took a sip and let the burning sensation in my throat soothe the ache in my heart. I feel like shit after hurting her.

It's more than an hour since I left her in my room she must be asleep by now . I am standing outside my own room thinking whether I should open the door or not .I can sleep on the couch outside and let her sleep on the bed, she might not be comfortable with me. But at least I should check on her .

I opened the door slowly , trying not to make any noise. I scanned the bed but it was untouched. I looked at the closet and bathroom, the lights were off . Where did she go I shouldn't have left her alone in a strange house. My vision stopped at the Jharoka when I saw my wife sleeping like a baby with her knee drawn to her chest in the dark and I let out a sigh of relief.

She must be cold , she didn't switch on the A.C to heat the room nor did she take the comforter . I take the comforter from the bed and slowly put it on her sleeping figure.

A few strands of short hair had come out from the loose braid in which she tied her long hair and were now covering her face . My fingers were twitching to move the hair away from her face . So I lean in and brush her hair out of her face moonlight streaming through the glass window making her face glow in the dark. The space was enough for her to sleep but didn't allow much movement and the bedding was not meant for sleeping. She must be tired after a long drive , she should be sleeping on the bed comfortably but she thought about me or she is angry with me and does not want me near her , I can totally understand if that's the reason.

Her fingers clutched the comforter bringing it close to her face the action was so simple. She looked like an angel in her sleep .

Until my gaze landed on the pillow where a wet spot has formed, shit she was crying before she went to sleep. I feel horrible for leaving her alone. Before I do anything to wake her up I quietly make my way towards the bathroom to take a shower and then to my walk-in-closet to change into sweatpants . Her suitcase is kept in the corner of the closet.

"I need to make space for her stuff." I murmured to myself.

And started making space for her as quietly as possible even when I knew that hardly any sound passed through the closet door. I removed some of my suits and shirts and arranged some clothes in the drawers therefore one side of the wardrobe and some drawers are empty for her to keep her stuff .Now that I am already making space I should also arrange things in the bathroom , shoerack and the vanity.
This should be sufficient for now.

I opened the door , she was deep in her sleep and did not move an inch exactly as I left her . It's clear that she doesn't move much in her sleep.

I rested my head on the headboard of the bed. And looked at her she looked so peaceful in her sleep.

Fuck ! I feel like a creep ogling at her when she is not aware.

My phone vibrated, it was a message from my secretary. The second I knew that Rohan had run away I ordered my Tech Team to track his phone location.
At least I should know where the piece of shit was . I usually do not order my team to trace someone the only time I did was when a man broke furniture in one of my hotels and ran away.

The message says that his phone's last location was almost five hours ago somewhere on the Delhi highway and after that the phone was switched off.

I usually do not sleep much and work late at night . And this night would be no different.



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