41. Shivanya's Past

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Hii Dear Gentle Readers.

Happy Reading.

P.S This Is the First Time I Am writing Author's POV hope it's not that bad.



" Shivanya get ready fast your father is waiting for you. " Her Mother called her from down stairs. And here Shivanya is still not able to decide what to wear for her classmate's Birthday Party. It's cold but she doesn't want to wear her sweater but if she does not wear a sweater or a coat her parents will send her back to her room.

" She is sensitive to the cold this is why she gets cold easily. Make sure that she is careful when the weather changes and especially during winters , she had Pheumonia once the second time will led to severe health issues. " Her Doctor's word rang in her ears.

So she reluctantly wears a white coat on her white jeans and top. The Theme is casual because everyone is tired of dresses. But she on the other hand loves dresses.

" Hii Princess

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" Hii Princess. " His Father Ranveer Singh opened the door a little to peek inside.

" Coming Papa ! just one minute. " Shivanya says sitting in front of the mirror and brushing her hair. Ranveer entered the room adoring his Daughter whom he loves more than his life. He is a strict father for Madhav but never for Shivanya , He pampers her daughter every chance he gets but makes sure that his kids are not spoiled brats.

" Want any help Angel. " Shivanya smiled at her father's words. Ranveer only calls her by her name when he is a little angry at her otherwise she is her Princess , Angle , Kiddo , Little One , Sunshine and every cute name a father can think off.

" No Papa , I am a big girl remember I don't need help at least not in getting ready. " She says trying to sound more mature than her age.

Still Ranveer takes the comb from her and brushes her hair. " Want Me to make a ponytail. " His Father asks her.

" No I want to wear my hair down. " She says getting Up to take her boots out and sit on her bed to wear them. Ranveer looks at her thinking how fast his daughter has grown up . It feels like yesterday when he took her in his arms , when she tried to pull his moustache every time he picked her up , when he dropped her at the play school for the first time and couldn't go back to his office and ended up sitting in his car for four hours till the school was over. And now she says she is a big girl.

" Why are you smiling is there something wrong ? " Shivanya ask her father tugging on his suit sleeves.

" No" he says picking her and the gift before striding out of the room.

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