50. Keep Your Eyes Off Her

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Don't Forget To Vote And Comment. I tried to make the chapter interesting and as I said earlier the plot is picking up pace but I won't be leaving the important twists.

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Shivanya has been oddly silent the entire ride after our conversation

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Shivanya has been oddly silent the entire ride after our conversation. I asked her if she was feeling well but her answers were only limited to a Yes or No. She didn't even touch anything except water. Every time I caught her looking at Me and asked if everything was fine she just nodded and looked away.

For her I asked Lorenzo for the different shades of coulor tubes , when I don't even ask for favours. I met him in Australia and he is an acquaintance of Mine just like many others no different. And his wife has some connections in the art industry and she managed to get me this stuff in return for a free getaway in the Andaman. For them it wasn't a big deal and what they asked was neither for Me. I have a resort on the Andaman island and I don't care how much time they spend there.

But Shivanya's reaction was fucking priceless. I didn't know some kind of colour would make her so happy. If I knew earlier that she would react like that I would buy her a Fucking store of all kind of expensive stuff she uses. Just so that she would throw her arms around Me and kiss Me like the way she did. Her kisses are never just a physical touch without any meaning they are so full of her emotions.

A promise to be mine.

Even fucking diamonds didn't make her so happy that three carton of colour tubes did. The files were a gift from Lorenzo.

But now her silence is disturbing. She is not someone who would not have been in a private jet because I know Madhav owns one so it's not the surrounding that bothered her. Now as we drive to the hotel her face is blank and her smiles are forced.

" Are you fine Shivanya ? " I ask for the sixth time since we left jodhpur.

" I am perfectly fine Rudra , you are unnecessarily worrying about Me when there is no need." She says with a fake smile.

" Are you worried about the dress and all because if that's the reason you are worrying yourself for nothing. " I ask her , remembering her concerns in the morning. I booked an appointment at a very good boutique so it's not something to worry about.

She laughs genuinely this time though it's short lived. " No it's nothing , I believed you when you said you will get me dressed and your choices are very good. " I did a mistake yesterday with that fuck tease blouse that was driving my mind in the wrong direction and now when I close my eyes I don't think I can erase the image of My Wife on top of Me in my fucking shirt. Her palms pressed on my chest as she leaned in giving me a hint of her pink nipples through the few top undone buttons before she kissed Me.

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