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•{ leila's POV }•

"yes! oh my gosh i love this outfit!" i say stepping out of the change rooms, ready to take pictures. "what do you think??" i ask jason and elena "the fuck?! girl you look so hot" lena says and i smile. "okayy" jason says to which i laugh.

we take a few pictures then i change into my second outfit, take pictures then finally my last outfit for the day and take more pictures. "i'll send you the ones i think are good, maybe tonight, and then pic 3 of your favourite for every outfit. sound good?" my photographer asks "yes that sounds amazing, thank you so much, i appreciate it" i say happily. "of course, anytime. and also pick one to just post on your story maybe" she replies. "oh yeah, sounds good"

we pack up and head make a quick stop at maccas because we felt like McFlurrys. once we got what we wanted we headed back home, ate and talked. "i still can't believe you're moving out tomorrow bro. what will i do without you" lena says "HEY! im still here" i say dramatically "I KNOW but like, who else am i gonna annoy when you're gone with your friends?" she says in defence "yeah ok, true"

"you guys will be fine, and plus remember you have parents. look after them but don't forget to annoy them for me" he says. lena and i smirk "we would never forget" we all smile and say goodnight as i walk over to my room, lena into hers and jason to his to finish packing.

as i approach my room, i feel my phone buzz and read the notification indicating my photographer had emailed my photos. i sat on my desk and chose the ones i wanted, like she said, three from each and then sent them to her and waited for a response. i also chose one to put on my story.

after a couple minutes, she responded with a thank you and said that they were a good choice and that she would get started on making the cover and a bunch of samples this weekend. i put my phone away and started coming up with a whole bunch of lyric ideas. eventually, it was around 11pm and i was packing up when i hear a knock at my door. "it's open" i say, still packing away my things and getting ready to hop into bed.

the door soon opens to reveal chris. "oh hey, i didn't know you were coming over, what's up?" i ask. "nothing, just wanted to come over cause matt's been asleep all day and nick's stuck editing and i was bored so... yeah. what did you do today?" he asks, jumping on my bed then eventually sitting down next to me. "i did my photoshoot for the album cover" i say happily. "ooh, fun" he says. "yeah, it was so cool, i loved it. did you do anything?" i ask. "actually yes. i was so productive this morning. i was doing so much work for my brand and coming up with new video ideas and shit with nick and matt." he tells me. "wow look at you christopher" i say. he smriks "i know"

we talk a bit more until i get tired "sleep over?" i ask. "bet" he says. he comes in bed with me (NOT IN A WEIRD WAY) and we each go on our phones, scrolling through social media until eventually i get really sleepy. "night chris, love you" i say yawning and putting my phone away. "night leila, love you too" he says. he quickly kisses my forehead and within seconds i feel myself falling asleep and not long after, so does he.

leila_alessio added to their story

🧸💫just a quick chapterwith chris :)

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just a quick chapter
with chris :)

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