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It was a Sunday morning. The day before her final exams. But for Iseul, her family seemed more worried. They were always checking on her if she needed anything.

Living alone in Seoul with her parents far away. All the way at Daegu. But she asked for this herself. This was the kind of freedom she wanted for so long. Her own room, a place where she can prove to really be independent. In short what not many kids her age get.

The exams were around the corner and she was preparing hard. She called out to her roommate, Seojin. "I'm leaving, aren't you ready yet?"

"Where are you going? It's Sunday." Seojin said, unable to lift herself from the bed.

"Yes and... ? Our exams start tomorrow. I'm going to school to study. Some of us planned to meet there."

"Alright, you leave. I'm not coming."She said, lifting herself from the bed. "When will you be back?"

"Maybe by 8:00?"

"Wow, I could never stay awake for that long!" Seojin said teasing.

"I'm leaving now. And don't make dinner, I'll eat from outside."

"Ok, goodbye Hong Iseul, Fighting!" She cheered in a raspy voice as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

                                                                                        Episode 1

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Episode 1

by miso._.manchae

Iseul reached school after covering the five minute walk from her house. 'Hongdae High School', the signboard at the entrance of the school read. As she got inside, she noticed the gloomy weather with a cold wind looming around the atmosphere. Just as she was about to step inside, it began to shower, making her rush inside the doors. She looked around, scanning to see if anyone was there yet. Thinking that they must have gone to the classroom, she went up the stairs on the first floor, 'Class 3'. She opened the door slightly, taking a look inside.

The class was empty as Iseul stepped inside. She opened her phone to check the messages.

9:30 a.m


Did you all see the wheather report??


No, didn't check. But looks like we can't do it today, i bet its a storm. I mean.... look outside


Let's call it a day then :< we'll study on our own


Ok then, goodluck for the exams everyone


K, bye

She shut her phone and sighed "Guess, i should have just stayed home." She opened her bag to take the umbrella, but realized she left it in her locker on Friday after everyone thought the storm was finally all gone. It had almost been three weeks since the sky was gloomy with clouds or rain. She slung the bag on one shoulder and closed doors of the classroom and walked into the hallway.

She halted in place when she saw someone stand in front her locker. They were about to put something into her locker, and left without putting it, but walked away instead, heading down the stairs. Iseul stood covered in cold sweat, panic relevant on her face. She noticed a letter the person was about to put in her locker fell from his pocket. She walked towards the flight of stairs where the letter was fallen.

She looked around quickly and picked it up. She could not see who it was as it was dark outside and electricity was gone. She did happen, though, in an instance, to make out that it was a familiar face she had seen before. "He's definitely from my class."

She thought to throw it away but her curiosity... she couldn't hold it back. She slowly unfolded the letter. It was written neatly on a small sheet of paper, but half of it was wet, letting much of the ink flow away. She attempted to read it. "Hey, I hope you're doing good. I think you already understood the point of this. I'll not twist it around, I've liked you for a long time and wanted to tell you. Even if you can't like me back, I wanted to tell you this. Thanks for taking the time to read thi-" she managed to read until there, but the rest of the paper was completely soaked.

A smile slowly swept across her face. "I hope he comes back tomorrow with the letter written again properly." She said as she kept it in her bag and walked away still happy. She was walking in the rain with the umbrella above her head, happily, when a thought struck her. Something she didn't consider earlier.

If he wanted to put the letter in for me, he could've done it but...... What if he reconsidered.

To her, obviously, if anyone was to date, why would it have to be her of all people? It could have been misplaced and maybe it was for someone else. There wasn't a name on it after all.

She came home at 7:00 in the night after staying out for long.

"I was seriously about to call the police." Her roommate Seojin screamed with a scorn look on her face as soon as she entered, like she was about to cry. She came towards Iseul to help her take her bag to her room.

"Where were you for this long couldn't you at least pick your calls?"

"Oh, i'm sorry. So you missed me, huh?" she asked teasingly with a smile

She was taken aback "Right" she scoffed. "I was just kidding alright. Why would I be worried?"

" Oh right " Iseul chuckled.

"And by the way, Soowon texted me, asking if you got home safely."

" You mean Yang Soowon? Isn't she the captain of the ice skating team? She's our junior."

"Yeah, that's her. Was she there with you?"


"Oh then .... how did she know?". She asked, curious. "Anyways, I'm going outside for a walk."

She said and left, leaving a tired Iseul. She couldn't sleep with the thoughts in her head, but slowly dosed off in the cool room with the sound of the rain pouring outside.

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