
20 3 1

as I take a step closer 

I feel the happiness

be mine as soon as possible  🌨

recommended song while reading : sacrifice(eat me up) by enhypen       put it on loop :)


The first few classes of the day get over. The homeroom teacher, Mrs. Maeng gives a slip of paper to Iseul  which she had to get signed from each subject teacher.

"Iseul, don't forget to come to my office at the end of the day. you can give me this paper then. I'll also prepare your gym uniform." 

She smiles and leaves. The bell rings just then and the students make their way to the cafeteria. Iseul takes her tray and looks around for an empty seat. She finds a seat beside the huge window, just like her old school. She takes a seat and begins to eat her food, looking out the window.

She notices as a girl approaches her and takes a seat at her table, sitting facing Iseul.

"Hello, I'm Euna. I'm the class president from your class. You don't mind if I sit here right?"

"Oh no problem." Iseul smiles as Euna extends her hand, shaking with Iseul's.

"It might be hard for you to make friends at first, but I don't have many too. Wanna be friends?"

Iseul nods happily. "The boy from earlier told me your the president."

"Heeseung?" She looks at Iseul, curious

"Yes, Heeseung."

"Oh, I see!"

The bell rings, interrupting their conversation. They stand up and leave their tray as they walk together to class. They enter the class and go to their seats. Mrs. Maeng enters the class after a while with a few pieces of paper in her hand. She leaves them on the table and looks up to the class.

"Alright everyone, I want everyone to present me a report on the topic we learnt at the end of last year since you couldn't do a report last time. Everyone will get a piece of paper each with a number on it. Those who get the same numbers will be teamed together."

The class lets out frustrated sighs at the thought of a project right at the beginning of school.

"And I want it by next week." She says before she distributes the papers. Iseul takes her paper and opens it.

"Oh, you got number six too?" she hears Heeseung's voice beside her. "Me too. Looks like we're partners then."

"Ah that's nice then. We don't have to change places while discussing in class."

"In class? Oh we won't get much time for that. Let's meet over the weekend if you're free. At the study cafe?"

"Sure. I'm free. We'll meet then. I'll text you Heeseung." Heeseung looks at Iseul sheepishly.

"Um, Iseul. Can I get your number. You know.... you have to text me right?" He smiles.

"Oh Sure." Heeseung takes out his phone and gives it to Iseul. "I'll save my number for you." Iseul begins to type when she hears a voice from behind.

"Mrs. Maeng, I don't think phones are allowed in class." She turns around to see Jungwon look smugly as he points at the two. The homeroom teacher walks towards Iseul. 

"I'm strict with things like this in my class Iseul. I'll be very clear with that. You've earned yourself your first detention. Both of you will help the librarian after school." She looks at Jungwon in disbelief as she feels angry on him for the very first time. Jungwon's expression suddenly goes blank as Iseul walks out of the class.

An hour later, as classes get over, Heeseung quickly makes his way to the library where Iseul was helping the librarian arrange the books from the past hour. He goes past the shelf where Iseul was standing, struggling to hold a pile of books, as he doesn't see her and stops on the other side of the shelf where Iseul was standing. 

Jungwon who was standing there looks at Heeseung as he struggles to hold the big pile of books. Heeseung sees Jungwon standing beside the shelf.

"What was that for Jungwon?" 


"Come On. Why did you have to tell the teacher. It was my phone you know. I'm the one who should've got in trouble."

"I know that." He answers simply.

"Then why?"

"I didn't mean for her to be in trouble. I thought you would get into detention but .... I didn't expect this to happen." He looked up at Heeseung. "Also, I came to tell you something. I think we should switch partners... you know, for the project." 

"Why ?"

"It's just that, we went to the same school and we also covered the same topic in the final semester last year, but not as detailed as what you learned. So i'll be able to help her better with this."

"I'm not sure Jungwon. I'll tak to Iseul." Iseul gets interrupted from her work as she hears her name in the conversation she wasn't paying attention to till now. She moves closer to the shelf to hear them clearly, when she realizes that they left each other. She looks, only to find Heeseung standing beside her. She looks at him sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I just couldn't hold back when I heard my name."

"That's alright. So you heard everything?"

"Not really. Just that Jungwon wanted to switch partners."

"Hmm. So .... what do you think?" Iseul feels secretly pleased to switch with Jungwon. She composes her face as she talks.

"Hm. I think i'm fine with that. Besides, we did go to the same school so it should be fine."


"Yes. Are you ok with that?"

"I'm fine but we need to inform Mrs. Maeng and get her permission first."

"Ok. I'll talk to her tomorrow."

 " Alright, I got your number. Meet me at the cafe near the park at four in the evening." 

"Okay. I'll see you there."

Heeseung leaves the library. 

 Iseul turns around to leave as she finds Jungwon looking at her from near the door, as he leaves.


                                                                          🌸 miso._.manchae 🌸 

How to Steal A Heart ep. 5

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