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The rain continued pouring outside. drip drip drip.... 

The main door creaked open slowly as Seojin entered the apartment. She entered the room near the door, to find Iseul sleeping. She came closer as she sat beside her bed. 

Iseul flinched as she opened her eyes, still half asleep. She began to whisper something as though she was having a bad dream. "Stay for a second.... WAIT, i cant see you."

"What happened?'' "Iseul, wake up!" Seojin went to the washroom grabbing a cup of water and slowly sprinkled it on her face. She continued whispering. 

"he ran away before i could see him properly. I'll find him soon, it's no big deal."

"Iseul, wake up" she said, crying.

The girl opened her eyes, surprised. "I'm fine. I-... I'm fine."

"You scared me!" Seojin exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, I woke you up didn't I?"

"No problem. I went for a walk but the weather's still bad."

Iseul searched around as her eyes landed on the clock showing the time '10:40 p.m.'

"Get some sleep now, our last exam is tomorrow we'll be free after that." Seojin said and left her room. 


Sunlight slowly filtered through the blinds in Iseul's room. She woke up, got ready and left with Seojin to school. They were walking as usual to school, but the weather was much colder even though the sun was visible.  

"You should go meet Soowon today. If she wasn't at school yesterday then how would she know you were there?"

" You're more worried than me. It's fine"

"It's not fine. I already told her you'll go and meet her after lunch."

She scoffed. "Fine, I'll see if we can talk."

They entered the school gates and made their way to the classroom. They settled in their places just in time as their homeroom teacher, Mrs. Bae, entered the classroom and began to handout the question papers cheerfully.

"Goodluck everyone, you have 2 hours." 

Two hours later, everyone finished writing.

The bell rang indicating the time was up. Everyone gave away their papers as they made their way to the cafeteria. 

"You have to meet Soowon remember" Seojin said from behind her back as she ran to catch up. "She'll be at the ice rink, you can meet her there."

"But don't you have to be a member to enter during practice hours?" Iseul asked confused.

"I already asked Mrs. Bae to let you in but there's only time till 12:40 so hurry up" she said as she pushed her.

Iseul entered the school's ice rink where she saw Mrs. Bae at the entrance.

" Listen Iseul, the practice is going on and your not supposed to be here. I'll be in trouble if the head teacher gets to know so hurry up alright."

"Ok, thanks Mrs. Bae." she replied, bowing slightly.

The rink was cold, with the skaters practicing in the center of the rink. Soowon was easily spotable. The captain of the team who showed her members as she gracefully spun around in circles. Iseul waited for around five minutes, when they stopped to take a break. She saw Soowon approaching and went to talk to her.

"Hi, your Yang Soowon right? from 10th grade?" 

"Oh yes, that's me. Hi." she said bowing.

"I wanted to ask you something. Didn't you message Seojin yesterday? Were you in school that time..... I mean, how did you know I was there?"

"That.... well.. i didn't see you, but my brother did. He came home right before it began to rain heavily. I was worried if you got home is all." she said smiling. "I didn't have your number, so i messaged Seojin eonnie." 

"Your brother?"

"Yes he's in your class. He saw you there. Weren't you all suppsosed be there yesterday?" she asked puzzled. "I'm sorry is that true? that's what he told me."

"Oh.... yeah, yes. We were supposed to be there, but it got cancelled." she replied with a smile. "But who's your brother. I'm not really sure."

"You're from class three right? Yang Jungwon.... Don't you know him?"

"Oh i see, Thankyou so much Soowon, i'll leave now."

"Wait, can I get your number this time?" 

" Oh sure.

 +82 xx xxxx xxxx she typed on Soowon's phone.


"No problem, Bye."

She quickly walked away to the cafeteria, where Seojin was waiting for her. They went to class, took their bags and were about to leave when Iseul remembered about the letter she had hoped the person would leave in her locker. 

"Seojin, I have to tell you something."

"Yea what is it?"

"Yesterday, when i was about to leave from school, I saw someone leave a letter at my locker. But it was wet and the name on it was erased."

"Really? What was in the letter."

"I might have an admirer.... but that's just thoughts, really, i don't know." she said and began to walk away. Seojin stood there with her jaw dropping for a moment.

"HONG ISEUL!" She screamed as she caught up with her. "Are you dumb?" 

"What do you mean?" she asked, looking her from head to toe "Not like your the smartest in the room."

"You said that you saw someone at your locker and he even saw you yesterday." she said as though it was obvious. "Don't you get it? Who saw you yesterday at school?!"

"Y- yang J- I- don't.... no it's.... why would he...." she asked struggling for words, but ignored it and continued to walk.

"Get your head straight Iseul!" "He likes you." She said jumping around cheerfully as they made their way home.

After reaching home, no matter how much she thought about it, Iseul didn't seem to find any other explanation for who it could be. After all, that's what seemed most obvious and made sense. Though she couldn't understand why or how he would like her, she did not care about it. She closed her eyes, slowly smiling at the thought. The couch suddenly sunk in when Seojin sat beside her with two bowls of ramyeon, disturbing her thoughts. 

"Having fun dreaming? Now eat something, you didn't eat anything today" she reminded her. "Also, if you plan on forgetting me then i won't talk to you." she sulked.

"Of course i won't" she said as the girls hugged.

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