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i will always care for you, even if we're not together

and even if we're far, far away

from each other ❤️

recommended song while reading: yours -by jin 


With an unusual coldness, the day begins and Iseul wakes up from the couch where she fell asleep with Seojin the previous night. She opens the half drawn curtains to reveal the snow covered grounds in front of her apartment. A broad smile spreads across her face at the sight of the snow. A rush of adrenaline fills her as the snow slowly begins to fall from the sky, making her step outside to the balcony. Her favourite weather. She extends her hands out to catch the falling snow.

She rushes inside to find Seojin, already awake, looking awestruck as the snow gently fell. They quickly change and leave their house in their favourite winter jackets. As they walk to school they notice the unusual pleasant look on the peoples faces. They enter the school where all students are scattered outside on the ground, admiring the snow and playing. The perfect gift to lift everyone's mood. Iseul turns around and looks outside the school gates as she hears a couple laugh and giggle as they throw snow at each other. She turns back around and joins Seojin as they walk and reach their classroom.

The girls enter the classroom. Iseul immediately sees Jungwon looking towards them as they enter, but looks away outside again, with something that seemed like pain in his eyes. She slowly keeps moving towards her seat, eyes still fixated on him. Did he really not like me anymore after all.

She brushes the thoughts away as the homeroom teacher enters making an announcement.

"I know you all are really happy with the snow outside. We teachers talked with the principal and you all can leave early, so try and concentrate while you can today, alright?" She smiles and bows as she leaves the class, closing the door behind her. Iseul looks back again to see Jungwon talking with some others from the class.

"It's about the end of year. I'm changing schools next year." Everyone who were surrounding him looks at him, sadness visible in their eyes.

"But, why?" one of them, Youngseo asks him.

He smiles slowly, the most beautiful and precious one Iseul had ever seen so far. "I need a change don't I? Everyone does. Don't worry, I won't forget you all. Never..." He says the last word looking at Iseul who already had a drop of tear overflowing down her beautiful cheeks. He looks back at them instantly, smiling once again "Alright now, the class is about to start. Today's Tteokbokki after school. My treat." He winks at them.

Time goes by slowly as the class continues. He has no reason whatsoever to like me. He wouldn't be changing schools otherwise. Why would he go somewhere else if he liked me. The letter was definitely misplaced. It wasn't for me, someone pretty, worthy and lucky enough to get that. That was who it was meant for. The bell suddenly rings, interfering her thoughts. Seojin goes to her seat, hands folded in annoyance. She extended out one hand and Iseul held her hand as she stood up.

"You heard that? He's changing schools. Now calm down, the letter wasn't meant for you."

"What- What do you mean? How can you be so calm about it? Weren't you the one who was happy for me, just yesterday."

"Listen, my point is.... i'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. But, you'll have to forget about that." She pauses to see her confused face. "He's not even yours."

He's not even yours.

The words repeat in her head. Seojin snaps her fingers in front of Iseul's face, bringing her back to the reality she dreaded. They walk away to the cafeteria and wait in line to get their food.

"It's sweet and sour pork you know? It'll help you forget. Isn't it your favorite food?"


They both take their trays at their turn and go to their usual spots beside the window. The snow falling toady makes it even nicer to be by the huge glass plated wall of the cafeteria.

"Iseul, I don't want you to sit like this, i swear this is annoying." Iseul looks up at Seojin. "I'm sorry, what i meant was...... Can i do anything to help you? Just speak please"

"I wanna change schools too." She blurts out.

"Excuse me, what?"

"I said i'm going to his school. If he's running away then i'll follow him."

"Iseul, pull yourself together. You have to be kidding me right now."

"Seojin please..... I- I promise It'll be fine. We're still staying together at the apartment. We'll be apart only during school hours. please ...."

"I know that. That's not the problem. Are you really gonna keep running around behind him? It might have been for someone el-

"Seo, listen. Maybe he doesn't like me, but. Don't you think I at least deserve to know what happened?"

Seojin sighs slowly, not knowing what to say. "Fine, but you sure?"

"I'm sure"

The girls look at each other with pain filled eyes. Iseul looks down at her soup which she slowly keeps stirring with the spoon.

Seojin sighs "Alright, you know what? I'm happy for you so don't worry go for it if your sure."

"Seo" She hugs Seojin tightly from across the table with the spoon still in her hand. Seojin gets surprised at first and smiles slowly. They pull apart. Iseul burst out into a small giggle, not being able to contain her excitement. "Coin Karaoke?"

"I don't know.... you upset me earlier you know right" Seojin sulks

"Come on, i'm sorry"

She laughs at her worried expression "Calm down i was just joking. I'm up for karaoke. It's been so long." They return their trays and step outside as the school dismisses early. They make their way to 'Sajanori Karaoke' while ocassionally playing with snow on their way.

They arrive at the karaoke place after a five minute bus ride to Itaewon. They recharge 10000 won for a three hour karaoke. They enjoy singing and dancing before leaving to Hongdae to get back to their apartment.

"It was seriously very fun today." Seojin leaves her bag, tired but still happy.

"Mmhm, Of course. That's my idea so obviously."

"Yeah right." She scoffs

"Wanna watch the next few episodes of the show we were watching?"

"Wow it came? Sure"

After watching for about four hours, Seojin scans around and sees the clock displaying the time '9:30'. She soon falls asleep after the long day draining all her energy. Iseul slowly began to swell deep in thought.

If you don't like me, i'd be sad. But i don't have to. The way you look at me says everything. Then why don't you tell me already. I don't know how to steal a heart, but i'll do it anyway. Cause i like you

too ......

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