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ALL I DO { irl }
matt walks into the cafeteria for lunch and is instantly bombarded by his brothers. nick grabs him by the shoulders and jumps up and down, making matt groan.
they walk over to their designated seats, where camille is already waiting for them. she notices them coming over and she grins at the triplets — mainly at chris.
they've known camille for a while now, and they've all grown pretty close with her. especially chris. they're both definitely in love with the other, but they're too scared to admit it. the entire situation is horrible to witness.
"soooo," nick trails off, sitting beside matt as chris sits beside camille — the two pairs sitting across from each other. "are you gonna tell us what happened last night?"
"yeah," chris agrees. "you asked about some stuffed bear toy, then disappeared on us."
"niola texted me last night, asking if we had rayne's toy." matt explains. "turns out nick had it. so i simply brought it over to her house and returned it."
"something happened." chris says, squinting to get a better look at matt. "i can tell."
"nothing happened!" matt says a little too loudly, a few people looking over at their table. matt sighs, hesitating to continue. "i'm just worried about her. that's all."
"aha! i knew it!" chris says, smiling to himself proudly.
"why are you worried about her? did something bad happen?" camille asks softly.
matt thinks back to everything he's found out about niola within the past twenty-four hours. the way she laughed with her sister. the way she bled when she picked up the glass. the way she yelled at zade to stop when he touched her.
"a few things," matt says, resting his forehead on the table in front of him.
nick sighs sadly, rubbing matt's hunched back to comfort him. "like what?" nick asks.
"like her not giving a single shit about her own life. all she cares about is her sister." matt explains, his voice muffled because his head is resting on the table.
"can you blame her?" chris jokes, trying to lighten the mood. "her sister is adorable." matt lifts his head, resting his chin on the table. he looks up at chris and glares at him.
"also, do you know her situation with zade?" matt asks.
camille perks up, "oh, yeah. i've heard the rumors."