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{ irl }

"can i wear this one?" niola asks after digging through matt's closet and pulling out a light green sweater with little dinos on it. she's aware that it'll fit weird on her, but it's cute and it feels really soft and comfortable. so who cares if it'll fit weird?

matt doesn't even look at her before saying, "you can wear whatever you want, silvers."

niola smiles like an excited little kid before setting the sweater aside and looking for some shorts to put on under the shirt. she scours through his clothing, looking for some pants that might fit her. then, she finds some black-and-white plaid pamaja pants, with an adjustable waistband.

the outfit will probably look goofy together, but she doesn't really care. all that matters at the moment is finding some comfortable clothes and changing out of her wet ones.

"i'm going to the bathroom to change," niola informs matt – who has already changed into dry clothes and is now laying across his bed, texting someone on his phone. matt doesn't answer her. he just continues typing, seeming to have not even heard her say anything.

niola is about to repeat herself, when she decides against it and just walks out of his room and toward the bathroom. once she's closed the door behind her, niola notices a pang of jealousy has made its way into her gut.

niola knows that she has no right to be jealous because she's pretty sure that matt is probably just texting his brothers. but then again, she knows that matt never texts her like that. if you were to go through matt's and niola's texts, all you would find are messages about him driving her home from school every day. other than that, they've had like a total of two genuinely enjoyable conversations.

she also can't shake the feeling that maybe, since she just confessed her feelings to him, he's gotten bored of her.

niola has never been loved anyone else the way she loves matt, but she's heard of guys getting sick of girls after they've gotten what they want – attention. she knows that matt probably isn't one of those types of guys. but regardless, she can't help but worry.

everything about this situation makes her feel sick.

like, literally sick.

oh fuck. niola thinks to herself before lifting the toilet seat, kneeling down on the bathroom floor, and vomiting onto the toilet.

matt's sprawled out on his bed, texting nick about what they're having for dinner, when he hears the sound of someone puking from the bathroom. he glances around, looking for niola. but she's not in his room anymore. he could have sworn that she was still in here, digging through his closet. but he must be wrong, since she's clearly not.

𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑰 𝑫𝑶 - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now