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ALL I DO { messages , irl }
you have 106 new DMs on instagram.
user hey! i'm britney from your math class! i sit in the second row, four seats to the right! seen
i was just messaging to ask you if you were ACTUALLY dating matthew sturniolo seen
everyone is talking about it! it's become a large rumor and i just wanted to ask you instead of believing what everyone was saying, yk? seen
niolasilvers blocked user
user Hello, Niola. I'm James. I Was In Your Physics Class During Freshman Year. seen
Are You Actually Dating Matthew Sturniolo?? seen
TBH, I Thought You Hated Each Other LOL!! seen
Also, You're Too Good For Him. You're Smart And You Care About Your Grades But He's Just Some Popular Pretty Boy. seen
Ignore Me All You Want, But He WILL Cheat On You. All Guys Like Him Do. see
niolasilvers blocked user
user hey girly!!! 😁💕 do you happen to know anything about zade's nose?? 🤔 it's kinda weird that he showed up with it broken today don't you think? 🤔 seen
i know you guys have a weird history and i was just wondering what had happened because everyone is saying that matt beat him up for being a perv 😣😣 seen
honestly? good for matt, though 😝 zade is a fucking creep and i'm glad he got what he deserves seen
quit leaving me on seen you bitch!! 😠😠 i'm trying to be nice! 🙄 seen
niolasilvers blocked user
niola groans, turning off her phone and shoving it into her back pocket and continuing to walk through the hall. she's been getting non-stop messages from random people. everyone is asking about her and matt's relationship and zade's broken nose.
everyone says that they're just curious or that they want to make sure the rumors are real before they believe them. but teh truth is that they already believe them – why else would they bother to message her? and honestly, nobody care if they're true or not. they just want more drama to add to the rumors.