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Minhos pov

The second I got home I showered jisung with affection, showing how proud I have of him that he didn't give into the feeling again. It's a big step in my opinion, finding a way to ignore the urge and calm yourself down. Before we know it he'll be better, atleast I hope so.

" my baby" I hugged him close "so brave " i burried my nose into the crook of his neck, he giggled.

" minnie, you've already told me that a billion times " he tried to worm his way out from underneath me "lemme up" he whined

" no" I cooed , sitting up so I was on his waist " because you're so cute" I pinched his cheeks " and I'm so proud of you " I nuzzled my nose against his " and you're all mine "

He blushed " I'm not cute, you're cute "

" you tell yourself that" I poked his stomach " because I think you're the cutest little jelly bean in existence"

" min" he covered his face with his hands " you're embarrassing me" he whined

" I'm sorry baby~" I sang , still smiling at his cuteness " but I wanna love you and show you all the affection in the world~"

" you already have " he mumbled flusteredly

" are you sure?" I pulled his hands from his face,  peaking through the gaps the second I could " hey quokka"

" hey bunny " he replied, a smile on his lips

" you're cute" I smiled back , his cheeks flushed pink

" stoooopp" he whined " I cant take teasing "

" I can tell" I replied " cmon, cuddle me " I burrowed my face into his chest, still lying on top of him. He hugged me back " I'm so so so so so proud of you"

" I know, you do keep telling me" he laughed

" I know I just need to get my point across " I laughed " you look incredible by the way "

He was wearing a long hoodie that finnished at his crotch and a small pair of shorts and a pair of long white socks that went up to his knees that he put on due to the change in weather.

" oh yeah?" He replied

" absolutely" I hummed " you should wear my hoodies more often baby"

" gladly" he played with my hair " they're so comfy, and they smell like you. Might wear one to school , it might help with my anxiety if it feels like you're right there with me"

" Sounds like a good idea " I nodded " anything that makes you feel even the slightest bit better is a good idea."

" I agree " he drew circles in my back " I want to get better, for you."

" dont do it for me, do it for you baby. Do it because you know its what's best for you " I replied " do it because you love yourself "

" but.... I do--"

" uhm" I slapped my hand over his mouth " none of that thank you."

" grmph" he tried to talk

" nope, quiet now. " I sat up properly once more and gave him a smug look

He sighed then took out his phone, typing something then showing me

I guess no more cuddles for you then 🤷‍♂️

My eyes widened and I pulled my hand away, he smirked " knew it" he put his phone down then crossed his arms " and I mean it, no cuddles"

" jisungie pleeeeaaassee " I pouted slightly, jisung is the only person I act cute with. Anyone else who has seen it will take that secret to their grave.

" nope" he shook his head

" please " I repeated, he shook his head once more "pleeeeaaaaseee"

" hmmm, no" he had a wide and cheeky grin on his face

" jisung. " I spoke bluntly, his smile turned into a nervous one "cuddle me."

" ..... no?" He said again

I dug my fingers into his stomach making him shriek then pull me into a hug

" ok ok stop! I'm cuddling you" he squirmed lightly

I chuckled and pulled my hands away " exactly what I thought" we went back to our old position "dont mess with me"

" you sound like an elementary school kid" he laughed " listen here buster, dont mess with me I've got a big brother and he will beat you up" he put on a high pitch voice imitating a child.

" you're kinda right" I laughed with him "and that impression was bang on"

" I know right?" He smiled " sound just like a younger me flexing on everyone that I have a friend whose a year older than me and they dont"

" aww, cute" I squeezed his waist tighter " my little jisungie trying to be all tough "

" hey! I'm not trying to be. I just am " he replied

I laughed and shook my head, allowing the room to fall into silence once more as we cuddled. Holding eachother in our arms tightly.

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