Chapter Three

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Riley: - Hey Jamie? Have you seen my history book? I’m not seeing it anywhere. I could of swore it was right here.

"You shouted across the busy hall as you search your locker. Students cringed at the sound of your voice, booming so closely to their ear."

Jamie: - Yeah, I got it. I borrowed it for some notes.

"She says as she strides over waving the book in the air, not being careful of its pages. You trusted Jamie, so much that she even has your locker combinate code to open it."

Jamie: - Soooooooo?

Riley: - What! Just spit it out already. You know I don’t like games.

Jamie: - The new guy. I think he’s got a thing for you. The way he just sits there and stares at you, it’s so hot.

Riley: - Don’t be ridiculous, he was just being nice, it was his first day. You know, you watch to many lifetime movies. Don’t get your hopes up, ok. Look you’ve got physics and I’ve got history; I’ll see you at break and please no boy talk.

"You turn and go your separate ways, but on your way to class, you get the feeling of being watched again. You stop and scan the hallway and still nothing."

"Nothing looked out of the ordinary, you turn and was about to walk off when you went smack, straight into a solid surface. Rubbing your aching nose, you Take a step back to see what you walk into; your eyes widen at the figure standing in front of you."

Justin: - You look like you’ve seen a ghost. 

"He says looking down at you with those gorgeous eyes of his. If you can only swim in them, they’re so mesmerizing.

His body, tall, lean and gorgeous to lick.

A midnight snack for a horny pussy. You shake the perverted thoughts out of your mind."

Riley: - Sorry about that. I had this weird feeling… you know. Anyway, what class you got now? Maybe I can help you, point you in the right direction. 

Justin: - Uh, history. 

Riley: - Great! I mean… uh, I’m heading there right now. We can walk over there together if you like. I can also show you some other classes along the way.

Justin: - That would be great, thanks. Am, I just want to say I’m sorry for any misunderstanding earlier. It looks like I spooked you out but it’s not what you think, you remind me of someone.

"While heading to class, you can’t shake the feeling that you know him for some strange reason. It’s impossible though because this is the first time, you’re seeing him."

Isn’t it?

"At break, you invited Justin to the cafeteria where you plan to meet Jamie. Upon entering you spot her almost immediately and she waves you over. Justin offers to buy your group drinks."

When he returns, he hands one to Jamie, then to you, the slight brush of his fingers sends a heat up your arm again followed by your racing heart."

"In that moment eye contact was made and you notice the change of color in his eyes. Which only lasted a split second. You take your drink and sit, questioning yourself if it’s the light reflecting of his eyes."

"Or your nerves doing the damage. Being so close to him has your mind scrambled."

Justin: - You alright over there? You don’t look to well.

"He gently nudges your shoulder with concern lacing his voice. You can feel the heat strongly pulsing off of his body and wonder if your friend can feel it to."

Riley: - Yeah, I…. I think I’m just tired that’s all. Lots of work lately and not much sleep.

"The bell rang signaling the end of break, so you hurry to your next class without a word. Leaving the cafeteria like your life depended on it. Later that day after school, you head out to the parking lot leading towards the park, when a familiar voice calls out your name."

Justin: - Hey… Riley Grace! Wait up.

"You turn to see Justin running up to you. He didn’t even break a sweat; he must be really fit."

Riley: - Hey, what’s up?

Justin: - I was wondering if I can walk you home.

"You hesitated a moment, you barely even know him and he’s here offering to be your walk home buddy. You know that you should reject his offer, but something keeps tugging at your heart, keep telling you to say yes. You sigh deeply, hoping you don’t regret this later."

Riley: - Sure, why not.

"The walk to your house was in comfortable silence. Justin tried to pull small talk to ease the awkwardness between you both."

Justin: - Soooo…. See you tomorrow?

Riley: - Tomorrow’s Saturday Justin. 

Justin: - Oh right, how about we hang out together then? So, we can get to know each other.

Riley: - You don’t stick, getting straight to the point, do you.

Justin: - So, is that a, yes?

"You sigh, can’t believe you’re actually agreeing to this. This is the first time a guy is asking you out. No-one ever budged or so much as hinting the idea."

Riley: - Yes, it’s a yes.

Justin: - Cool, dress casual. Give me your phone, I’ll put my number in, that way you can send me your GPS location. And I’ll come pick you up.

"You gave him your phone and he type in his number. You take the time to admire his muscular arms. Which look like it came from a Greek god."

Riley: - Where are we going? If you don’t mind me asking.

Justin: - It’s a surprise. I’ll see you around six.

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