Prologue | Chapter 3 - Memories...? Awakening

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But just as the sword was about to strike, Y/N's eyes shot open wide, a burst of raw power erupting from him like a tempest unleashed. The sheer force of it caused everyone in the room to brace themselves, clinging to any semblance of stability as the gust of power threatened to topple them.

When the sudden surge finally subsided, Y/N found himself gasping for air, his body tingling with the remnants of that otherworldly energy. But there was something else—a peculiar sensation on his face. Bringing a hand up, he touched his skin, only to encounter something foreign, something that felt like a mask. It was irritating, suffocating—a symbol of his captivity.

Y/N tried to remove the mask on his face but it won't budge as if it was part of his face. That won't do... It was suffocating and he wanted to be free...

Y/N's determination flared once more as he forcefully tore at the mask, ripping it from his skin with reckless abandon. Blood spurted forth, painting the scene with crimson, as he freed himself from the shackles that had bound him. Each agonizing tug was met with a surge of pain, but it was a pain that brought liberation—a cathartic release from the constraints that had held him captive.

He cried out, his voice a symphony of anguish and triumph, his screams echoing through the chamber. Yes, it was painful, excruciating even, but it was a pain that signified liberation, a pain that severed the chains that had held him prisoner.

He was free... It was exhilarating! As the last remnants of the mask were torn away, Y/N's face emerged, his features twisted into an unsettling mixture of pleasure and sadistic glee. His eyes glowed with a golden yellow intensity, their sharpness seeming to pierce through the very souls of those who dared to meet his gaze.

But that was just the beginning. As the mask fell away, an eruption of blue flames burst forth from where it had once been, engulfing Y/N's face in their ethereal glow. The flames danced and flickered, their vibrant hues casting an eerie light upon his twisted countenance. Yet, amidst the searing blue inferno, his eyes and mouth blazed with a fierce red fire, intensifying the aura of malevolence that surrounded him.

Yet, the flames didn't stop at his face. They spread rapidly, consuming every inch of his body with their scorching intensity. The room trembled under the force of this unleashed power, the air thick with the scent of smoke and the crackling sound of burning embers. Y/N stood amidst the inferno, his form obscured by the flickering blue blaze, a dark silhouette wreathed in fire. Every movement was accompanied by a swirling tempest of blue fire, casting menacing shadows against the walls.

"Hahaha!" Maniacal laughter can be heard, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of all present. The sound reverberated through the room, filling the air with an unsettling energy.

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