Running on the Beach at Night (Chapter 8)

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Chapter 8-

A couple of days have past since my date with Grant. Or heard from Danny. I guess you could say my feelings for Grant are becoming a little stronger. Probably because I have been spending loads of time with him. We spend hours on end writing and goofing around. That doesn't keep Danny from running around in my mind though. I still haven't deleted the messages from Danny. I know, I know it is a bit psycho, but i guess i keep hoping that he will text me again. I'm walking on a thin wire here. I feel if i dont hear from him, im just going to fall one way. And if i do hear from him, I'm still doomed, and just going to fall in the other direction. So. What do you do? Well, I keep myself busy. I write all day, every day. Atleast I do when Im not at work. When I'm there, Tanner does a pretty good job at keeping my mind away from Danny.

"So, how is the writing going with that dude?" Tanner asks as he walks around the store fixing the book shelves. He was always so nosey.

I shrug, "Its going pretty good. I feel like Im really behind. Especially since Grant is so experienced in this Field." I cut open a huge box, and start stacking the books on the counter in alphabetical order for Tanner.

Tanner laughs as he grabs some of the books, "Well Sam, what did you think was going to happen? I mean you are an amazing writer, but all this will help you out in the end. You know that."

I look at Tanner. He always knew how to make someone feel better. He was a great guy. "Thank you Tanner."

Tanner nods, and smiles. He reaches around and nudges my shoulder.

We are interrupted, by the ding of the front door. This was shocking, we hadn't had a single person come in today. At 4:45, someone was seriously going to come in and browse the books? Seriously? That is just wrong. A very pretty brown headed girl turned the corner and smiled at us. She was mostly looking at Tanner though.

"Emily?" Tanners face lit up and smiled. I was defiantly missing something. I smile, when i see the girls face also light up.

"Hey Tanner." The girl walked up to the front counter, and looked at me and smiled politely.

"I didn't think you would actually come check the store out!" Tanner's face was filled with excitement. I stood there awkwardly as they glanced at each other.

Tanner finally looked over to me, "Oh! Sam, this is Emily. Emily, this is Samantha."

I look at Emily and i smile, "Its very nice to meet you!"

She smiled as well, "Nice to meet you too! I'm new to the island, and i just met Tanner the other night. He has showed me around alot." Emily is an extremely sweet girl. Much nicer than Charlie is. I liked girls like Emily.

"Oh your new around here? Where are you from?" I ask her while still putting the books in order.

"Oh, nowhere far away. I just moved here from Boston. I love this place." She sighs and sneaks a glance from Tanner. Emily looked to be about my age. She also looked very sweet and genuine. Her hair was cropped short, and she had the biggest brown eyes. She looked very... Artsy? I guess that's what you could call it. "This place is amazing though, Im glad i came."

She walked through the store. Tanner and I stayed in the front, I had to find out about this girl.

"Sooo! Tanner! Why didn't you tell me you met someone?" I asked as i punched his arm. They would definitely make an adorable couple.

Tanner laughed but didn't say much, "I mean.. We are just friends."

I laugh as well, "You are a terrible liar. With the way y'all looked at each other?"

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