Running on the Beach at Night (Chapter 17)

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I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy to see him; though I couldn't manage to say anything as I turned and looked at him. I started sobbing even more.

Grant quickly ran over to me, and put his arms around me tightly, "Samantha, calm down! What happened?" He stroked his hand through my hair and caressed my cheek softly. Grants presence was making things a lot better, I don't know how but he was. It wasn't that I liked Grant, it was just he was good at making someone feel a lot better.

I lay my head comfortably in his lap as I finally stopped crying. My mouth still couldn't manage any words though. I laid there with no thoughts, words, or actions. I felt lifeless.

Grant could tell I didn't want to speak because he laid sat there in silence also not trying to find out what had happened. He would never know how much I really appreciated him.

We both laid there for in silence for almost an hour. My mind drifted over everything as I closed my eyes seeing nothing but darkness.

I was half way asleep when I felt Grant lean down and tell me, "Everything will be alright sweet girl." His whisper was so soft in my ear. I drifted off into a deep sleep finally feeling calm and rested.

Chapter 17



"So, what exactly are you looking for?" Emily's voice was alarmed the next morning when I called her. I told her I needed to go to the pharmacy pronto to pick something up and I didn't want to go alone. Plus I really needed to vent to someone. Emily was the perfect person.

"I really just need to go to the pharmacy." I choked out through sniffles. I had cried all morning, hell I think I even cried while I slept. When I woke up this morning my eyes were blood shot.

Memories of last night wouldn't get out of my head. It was like they were permanently attached to my brain. If it hadn't of been for Grant, I don't know what I would have done last night.

Emily sat in silence for a moment, and then I finally hear her voice through the telephone line. "What happened last night Sam?" As soon as she asked I broke out into tears. "Calm down girl, I'm on my way. Everything will be alright."

We said our goodbyes. I sat on my bed waiting. I knew I probably sounded like the biggest cry baby right now, but crying always made me feel better. I know, I know, Danny and I were never anything serious, but it felt serious. Every time he had told me he loved me, I, for some ignorant reason, believed him. He didn't love me though.

I finally made myself get up from the bed and throw a little make up on so I wouldn't look that dejected. I also dressed in a pair of while shorts and a tight light blue t shirt. I was slipping into my flip flops as Emily walks in.

I look over at her and force a smile on my face, "Hey, I'm so sorry to have bothered you..."

Before I could manage anymore words, she walked over and smiled. "Bothered me? You're crazy. Sit down and tell me what happened."

It felt great to have another girl to talk about this with. I spilled out everything that had happened last night. Including the sex, fight, and Grant. I never thought I would actually feel like this.

"So... You and Danny had sex again without protection." Her face was expressionless as she bit on her lip thinking about what to do. "Okay, well we will go purchase you a Plan B. They always work, and you will be fine. Everything will be fine." Emily pulled me into a tight hug and laughed, "Boys will be boys."

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