Episode 6

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The previous leg of our heroes' journey was a rough one. Lune had claimed his seventh Gym Badge and had fully evolved two more of his team members. He even got his hands on some helpful items. Alas, the good news seem to end there. Team Magma and Team Aqua succeeded in a large part of their plans, and now the legendary pokemon Groudon and Kyogre roam the Hoenn region freely. With them awake, the weather has begun to spiral out of control, threatening to expand beyond Hoenn's borders! Not to mention, during Kyogre's awakening specifically, Lune was sucked into a strong whirlpool, and wasn't seen resurfacing. A tragedy for certain, but grieving would have to come later. For now, Cassie and Scarlet make haste to Sootopolis City to try and fix what was happening. If they can...

                                   A Grudge Match Spanning Centuries!

                                    Crash and Burn Against The Waves!

After a quick dive in Route 126, Cassie and Scarlet make it to Sootopolis City and meet up with the others. 

Steven: Girls, you've arrived! Things have gone from bad to worse it seems. The weather conditions seem to be concentrated over here in Sootopolis, meaning that Groudon and Kyogre are here! Archie, Maxie and a friend of mine are currently taking care of the civilians, beckoning them to remain inside. Come with me, there's a place I need to take you all.

Steven leads Cassie, Scarlet and Helena towards the back of Sootopolis, occasionally pondering on the situation at hand and the nature of pokemon as a whole. When they arrive near a cave entrance, he stops.

Steven: This is as far as I go. I'm going back to assist everyone. ...I realize I'm putting a lot on your shoulders, especially after what happened to Lune. But can I trust you all on this?

Cassie(Resolute): Of course! It's because of what happened to Lune that you can trust us! Lune has saved the day twice now from the likes of Team Rocket, and he was ready to give his all to do it again for Team Aqua and Magma! I know he'd want us to at least try!

Scarlet(Stern): ...we'll do it.

Helena: Lune had a spirit that I saw in no other. I will give my best to assist such a kind soul.

Steven: ...what a lovely group he has come to know. I'll leave you all to it then. Good luck.

As Steven goes to lend the others aid, the three ladies enter the Cave of Origin and begin to descend downward.

Helena: Perhaps this isn't the best time to ask, but what shall we do once we find Groudon and Kyogre?

Cassie: From what I heard, those two aren't at full power yet. If we can somehow weaken them, maybe we can stop them from reaching full power. After that, we can take the orbs from them and ... well, I'm not sure what happens then.

Scarlet: ...we'll figure it out.

As they descend, the cave begins to rumble. At first it was a tame rumbling, but over time it grew more frequent, more violent. Things weren't looking good. Picking up the pace, the girls go further and further down into the cave, until they reach a large open chamber. Inside, they can see the two ancient pokemon glaring at each other, surrounded by bright energy in their respective colors. They may have been too late... That thought was shared between the ladies as the legendary pokemon glow bright as the cavern was bathed in their glow, and before anyone knew what was going on, they were gone.

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