Episode 7

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Last time we saw our heroes, they bore witness to a calamity in the making. Thankfully, with the timely arrival of Lune and Rayquaza, the feud between Groudon and Kyogre was put to an end. Lune also managed to claim his final Hoenn League badge along the way. Now with the stakes significantly lower, Lune and the girls make off for Ever Grande to tackle the Hoenn Pokemon League. How will this all play out?

                                                        Aim For The Top!

                                        Pokemon League: The Third Take!

Lune and company sail across the sea, battling all manners of trainers until they reach the base of Ever Grande. Trekking up the waterfall and healing up at the conveniently placed Pokemon Center, they head into Victory Road and take on all challengers. After making their way through, they come across beautiful field of flowers, but more surprisingly, the young trainer from Verdanturf, Wally!

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Lune: Wally! How's it hangin', little man?

Wally: Lune, everyone, it's been a while. ...I wanna thank you.

Lune(Confused): Thank me? For what exactly?

Wally: Watching over me when I caught my first pokemon, agreeing to battle me back in Mauville, and showing me how it feels to be a trainer.

Lune: No need to thank me for all that.

Wally: Ever since our battle, I've been pushing myself to be a better trainer for the sake of my pokemon. It's thanks to them I've made it this far. That's why I want to battle you again, to show you how I've improved!

Lune: I can tell you're serious about this. Alright then Wally, I'll accept your challenge. Show me what you've got!

Wally starts the battle with Altaria, wile Lune sends in Lock-Jaw. The latter rushes in for an Ice Fang, but barely misses as Altaria counters with Dragon Pulse. Although he took decent damage, Lock-Jaw lunged forward with Ice Fang once more and secured the K.O. Next up, Wally sent in his Magneton and after taking an Aqua Fang, knocked its enemy out with Discharge. Next came Cobalt who, after tanking a Flash Cannon, finished off Magneton with a strong Brick Break. Delcatty came out next and lulled Cobalt to sleep with Sing. Cobalt was pelted with multiple Feint Attacks before waking up and using Brick Break again, taking Delcatty out. Next came Roselia who used Petal Blizzard and with all the damage from the previous Feint Attacks, Cobalt fell. Lune then sent in Valkyrie and cleaned things up with Psychic. This led to Wally's Final pokemon, Gallade.

Wally: Gallade, you've been with me from the very beginning. Let's show Lune our power!

Using the Mega Pendant around his neck, Wally was able to Mega Evolve his Gallade, as he stood proud on the battlefield.

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