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It was a bright and brimming day in the town of Falkreath. On this day in particular, a Redgaurd man by the name of Falwon V'orrn was making his annual trading rounds. Each year he'd load up a bag of odd trinkets, and make stops in cities located in the neighboring continents. He'd start out from Elinhir of Hammerfell making stops in Falkreath and Riften in Skyrim, then down to Bruma and Chorrol in Cyrodil. But this year was different. He had brought his son Kinetrius for the journey. It was his first time coming with his father and he was exited to see all of the different lands outside of his own. Falwon was a very charismatic man that seemed almost impervious to Cultural barriers. With friends in the most unlikely of places, and a very good business man to boot despite the secrecy behind his work.
They had just arrived in Falkreath by camel carriage and were planning stop by the local shops.
Falwon: How are you enjoying Skyrim son? Is it anything like the stories I've told you?
Kinetrius: Yea i guess...but I thought you said this place had dragons. All i see are really big birds.
Falwon laughs at the statement pulling the camel to a complete stop. He steps off the carriage and walks around to grab the bag of weird trinkets.
Falwon: There were dragons in these lands....many many...many years ago. They're all just giant gravesites now.
But trust me son...You would not be so eager to see one if you knew what the locals did.
He pulls the bag over his shoulder and sighs...
Falwon: But it's been so long since it happened even most of them have forgotten.
Kinetrius: Could we go see one of the graves if ones on the way? PLEEEEEEAAAAASSSEE
Falwon: I'll think about it...but only if you take care of Hermes while I'm gone.
Hermes was the ironic name of their Camel. He was very old and stubborn, and wasn't going anywhere very fast. Kinetrius loathed dealing with Hermes but if it meant seeing a real dragon's grave, he would have to endure. Falwon walks away from the carriage already having seen a familiar and friendly face. Now it was just Kinetrius and the camel. He stared at Hermes with a scowl.
Kinetrius: Alright heard Father so no funny business.
Hermes looks away with his normal disassociated and bored expression. He knows as well as Kinetrius that he intended to do no such thing. The two of them sat outside of a log mill waiting for his father to return. An hour or two had passed and Falwon had begone making his way back to the carriage. There was a curve in his step which told that he was very drunk.
Falwon: Kin!...C'mere i want you to meet a good friend of mine.
Kinetrius looks up to discover his drunken father accompanied by another man of Nord descent.
Falwon: Kin this is my good friend Bolund. He runs the Gray Pine Goods store and this here lumber mill.
Bolund: This is your son huh? Never thought i'd get to see him. How old are you lad?
Kinetrius: Im 12 cycles old. And I'm not a lad.
Kinetrius had been bored out of his mind and was not keen on staying any longer than needed. Especially not with dragons on the brain. But Bolund found his little attitude a bit amusing. He laughs a little and leans against the carriage.
Bolund: My apologies Mr. V'orrn. I won't make the mistake again.
Falwon: Dont encourage the boy. Its already hard enough getting him to appreciate being a child. As you can see i've finally lost the battle of leaving him at home.
Bolund: Yea I noticed...Soon he'll be making the journey without ya.
They both laughed as Falwon raises his bag into the carriage. He checks on Hermes and began to settle up.
Bolund: Where to next for you?
Falwon: Well we've got one more stop in Skyrim. The city of Riften, then its down to Cyrodil.
Bolund: Ah Riften..You watch yourself in that place. I hear the thieves guild is out of control over there. And they'd love to have a looksy in that sack of yours.
Falwon: No need to worry about that my friend.
Bolund: Oh let me guess...Also good clients huh?
Falwon smirks as he grabs the reins. They still had a few hours of daylight with a pitstop to make before reaching Riften. Falwon said his goodbyes to Bolund and slapped the reins to get Hermes moving. Kinetrius was happy to see Falkreath getting smaller as they rode on. He'd never been out of Elinhir let alone Hammerfell for that matter. He'd always heard stories from his father about the sites of his journeys. And now it was almost like a right of passage for him to finally see them all for himself. He'd hoped to see many other places in Skyrim like the capital city of Solitude, Or maybe even the College of Winterhold. Both of which were extremely out of the way but a boy could dream.
A full day had passed and Kinetrius and his father were walking the docks of Riften. They had gotten in early that morning and Kinetrius was not going to stay in the carriage this time. He was determined to see a real dragons grave. Even if it meant souring every social interaction his father had to hurry things along. Falwon had been on edge since the night before. For a moment while they were on the road, it appeared that they were being followed. The stalkers never approached and by the time the sun came up they were gone. It was unlike Falwon to be in a situation he couldn't talk his way out of but Luckily he never had to. Even still, he was acting strange and moving a little differently than normal.
Falwon: Hey son, i need to go see a man about a horse... can you wait here for me?
Kinetrius: Seriously?...I mean Hermes is pretty old but are we really getting rid of him?
Falwon laughs as he signals to a bosmer sailor standing by himself next to a ship. He pats Kinetrius on the shoulder and kneels down to say something.
Falwon: Its an expression son no ones getting rid of Hermes. Now im gonna go talk to this man for a moment. I won't be long like last time i promise. Be good for me ok...and don't get kidnapped or anything.
Kinetrius: I dunno dad...I'm a pretty cute kid. If you take long I can't guarantee I won't get snatched up by some lonely couple.
Falwon: Ha ha very funny. What if i told you they'd be doing me a favor?
Kinetrius's jaw dropped in shock at his father's dark joke. He knew he was joking but was still caught off guard a little.
Falwon walked over to the man and began lowering his bag as they conversed. Kinetrius couldn't hear what they were saying with all the different sounds of a busy city clashing together, but the conversation seemed heavier than the normal friendly interactions. They appeared to be having a pretty serious chat. He wasn't really big on the business side of the trip. For Kinetrius, it was about the possibility of adventure.
He watched a few people walk by on the docks, even got a few smiles from the pretty women strolling by. Before he knew it his father was on his way back looking as serious as he did while talking to the bosmer man.
Falwon: That was a friend of mine by the name of Eradros.
Kinetrius did not really care for his name but he could tell his father had something more to say. His expression seemed almost grim.
Falwon: Son I want to tell you something and I need you to listen to me closely.
Kinetrius: Is something wrong dad?
Falwon: Everything's fine son. Now listen...If something were to ever happen to me....I want you to find Eradros.
Kinetrius: Why are you talking like that? Whats going on?
Falwon: Just promise me Kin...that you will come here and find my friend Eradros if anything were to happen to me.
Kinetrius was speechless for a moment. He was trying to process what all of this actually meant. His father was a super hero in his eyes and he couldn't imagine anything or anyone that could make him act this way.
Falwon: Kin!...
Kinetrius: I'll find your friend...I promise.
Falwon: (sighs) come on. We got a few more places in Riften to stop by then we have to make tracks.
Kinetrius: But why? I thought you loved to hang around Riften after business.
Falwon: This time's different son.
Falwon threw his bag over his shoulder and started walking. Kinetrius followed behind him but found it harder to keep up this time around.
They had made it back to the carriage a few hours later. As they loaded their wares onto the Carriage they heard a voice from behind.
Mysterious voice: Falwon V'orrn...we've been waiting for you.
Falwon and Kinetrius both turn to see three men in orange robes and masks that seemed to have appeared out of thin air.
Falwon: Im sorry...What business do you have with me?
Masked man: Our business is not with you actually...but with your son.
Falwon's eyes widened for a moment and then went back to a tense stare. Almost as if he'd some knowledge of this eventuality.
Kinetrius: Dad what are they talking about? Who are these people?
Masked Man: Our master believes the boy to be a disruption to the natural order, and cannot be allowed to exist any longer. We are however prepared to let you do the right thing....and kill him yourself.
Falwon: Kin do you remember what I told you?
Kinetrius: Dad I don't want to leave you. Whats going on? Why do they want me dead?
Falwon grabs the hilt of his blade and lowers his stance.
Falwon: Everything will be fine son but I need you to do what I said. CAN YOU DO THAT?
Kinetrius: But Da-
Kinetrius did not answer. He was so startled by the boom of his father's voice that he just began climbing out of the carriage. The masked man steps forward preparing a fire ball spell in his hand.
Masked Man: This'll be entertaining. You two...grab the abomination. I'll handle the merchant.
The masked man threw a fire ball directly at Falwon as he drew his sword, but Falwon was quick and was able to block it.
He charged the man swinging his sword with great ferocity.
Falwon: KIN RUN NOW!!!
Kinetrius hopped to the ground as quick as he could. The other two masked men took off after him as his father did battle with the first. He didn't get very far before being tackled to the ground by one of them. He stuggled to get loose but the men were strong, and he was only a child. In the midst of the scuffle he caught a glimpse of his father fighting off the first assailant. He appeared to even be getting the better of him. Suddenly the fear had left him and he became excited to see his hero actually conquering foes.
One of the men wrestling with him turned to see their comrade falling to his knees before Falwon.
Masked Man 2: Blast it all to hell!
The man let go of Kinetrius charging up a fire spell, and loosed it at Falwon hitting him in the back. Falwon screams in pain as he falls to his knees. Then the man runs over to him and grabs him up by the scarf around his neck. The masked man he was fighting stumbled back to his feet pulling a knife out from his waist band. Kinetrius was still being held down by the man that tackled him. He was forced to watch in horror as the masked man approached Falwon with knife in hand.
Kinetrius: Dad get up!!!! DAD!!
Masked Man 3: Shut up you little SHITE!!
The man covers the boys mouth as he tries to scream out to his father. The first masked man stumbled over to Falwon placing his hand on his shoulder.
Masked Man 1: Its a shame I tell ya...It really wasn't personal mate.
He takes the knife and buries it into Falwon's Chest, Twisting it as Falwon reeled in pain. Kinetrius cannot believe his eyes. He was watching his hero being slaughtered right before him. The man took his knife back, raised it again, and lashed it straight across Falwon's throat. For a moment, everything froze; almost as if encased in Crystal. Kinetrius was in complete shock and horror. His eyes wide with tears running down his face and onto the hand covering his mouth. His neck strained from screaming and struggling. The man lets go of Falwon's scarf, and the lifeless body falls to the ground with a thud.
Suddenly, Kinetrius felt a heat rise within him. Almost like he was being burned at the stake.
There was a lump in his throat building up from all of his attempts to scream with no avail. But he could take this no longer. He took one more deep inhale, and then suddenly; flames began to spout from between the fingers of his capturer. Slowly, the man's hand started burning and then his clothes. Soon his arm was completely gone and he was reeling in pain from being torched. Fire was literally pouring from the boys mouth as he screamed. Although it did not sound like a scream; More like emotion forced into the form of a command. Everything before him was burning to cinder. Even the two men who had just murdered his father were going up in flames. He could not control what was happening. Everywhere his head turned was set ablaze. Soon the near by stables and the horses, the trees, fences, were all burned to the ground.
Finally Kinetrius was able to close his mouth. He felt heavily exhausted and his body was now racked with pain. It was too much to bare. The pain, the fear, the hatred, and overwhelming confusion of it all. He collapsed onto the ground with everything around him now black smoldering ashes. The commotion and bright lights outside of the Riften walls had caused the guards to come running with weapons drawn. Only to find a boy passed out on the ground and everything around him scorched. Corpses of men and horses lay about.
Guard 1: By the gods...did literal hell just happen here?
Guard 2: Was it the boy then?
They surround Kinetrius reluctantly, unsure of what had just happened and what possibly could happen next.
Guard 3: There's no way...I've seen a man get too crazy with a fire spell before, but this is something completely different.
Guard 2: Either way...someone's got to answer for this. Men are dead, building are ruined and he's the only one unscathed.
Guard 1: We'll bring him in. Sort this out at the prison.
The guard took one more look at Kinetrius. His face still red from screaming but peaceful now that he lay unconscious. He slept as if he had no problems to wake up to. The guard felt a bit of sympathy for him. He wasn't ready to believe that the boy was a pyromaniac terrorist, but this had to be explained and accounted for. And the boy was the only lead they had.
Guard 1: Sorry about this kid. You were probably just caught in a tight spot huh...
The other two guards placed shackles on his ankles and wrists. They picked him up slowly, being ever careful stepping over the wreckage as not to wake the child. Kinetrius was then carried back into the city to be placed into custody and interrogated.
Chapter 1 end.

Birth of a Dragon: A Skyrim TaleWhere stories live. Discover now