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Kinetrius woke up the next morning in the barracks of the companions. The sun was high and the city was as bustling as ever. His injuries that were still healing had been nearly reopened and on fire. He could barely move for a moment. He lay there, staring at the ceiling for a moment. All the thoughts of the night before ran through his head. The man using his father's body. Was he lying? What if it was actually his father being controlled somehow? What if there were a way to save him? He sat up slowly having grown tired of questioning himself to death. He got up painfully and put his cloths on. They had been cleaned apparently. He looked up to see a burly man standing in the doorway. It was Farkas who had other clothes in his arm.
Farkas: Washed'em last night while you all slept. Hope you don't mind.
Kinetrius: No not at all. I appreciate it really.
Farkas: Glad to hear it. You're probably looking for you friends. I think Eradros is down the hall talking to Gavhelus. Aela's upstairs. She said to come talk to her when you finally got up.
He stood there for a moment with a blank expression on his face. Farkas wasn't exactly bursting with personality like the others, but Kinetrius liked this about him.
Farkas: Well I'll leave you to it then. Gonna finish making my rounds.
Kinetrius: Right,...and thanks again.
He watched Farkas leave the room and then set out to see what Aela wanted from him. He walked down the corridor until he heard two familiar voices. It was Eradros and Gavhelus having what sounded like a mild disagreement.
Gavhelus: No no mate, you've got it all wrong. I'm not sayin' just throw the kid in front of a dragon and hope he survives. He's going to need real training with that voice of his.
Eradros: So why don't you come with us?
Gavhelus: Aw nah i couldn't leave me Aela behind. What if she needs me? And you should know, I don't really give a shit about humanity and all't. I just like the kid.
Eradros: Look, normally I wouldn't bother asking anyone for anything. But the lad fancies himself a conjurer. Who better a teacher than you?
Gavhelus: Oh I don't know about that mate. Y'know conjuration and dead family members don't mix all that pretty.
Eradros: Trust me he's definitely not allowed to practice any necromancy. Just the Summoning part.
Kinetrius listened for a while until he heard his name called from the top of the stairs. It was Aela.
Aela: Young master, Come. I wish to discuss something with you.
He walked toward Aela, leaving them to their conversation. He didn't know Eradros had thought about all of this. In fact, he hadn't thought much further than confronting the cultists. What were they going to do next? He didn't want this entire endeavor to fall on Eradros alone. He had to be better than this. He made it into the main hall to see Aela at the back door, which led to the training grounds.
Aela: This way,...
He hurried a bit, anxious to see what this was all about. He got outside to see a yard with training dummies and targets along the wall. There was an open area between them. Kinetrius stepped out from under the overhead into the sunlight. Aela stood in front of him with her arms folded.
Aela: We watched your fight last night.
Kinetrius: Now that's embarrassing,...nearly got killed twice.
Aela: Embarrassed for what? You were injured to start and you perfected the bound sword spell with only one word from an instructor. I won't make excuses for life or death situations, but all in all it was,...valiant, to say the least.
Kinetrius: If, If you say so,...
Aela: When you fight, You throw yourself into a spin right before striking. Why?
Kinetrius: I,...Its kind of a move I used against my father when we trained together. He was a lot stronger than I was, and bigger. So I would spin to gain more momentum in a short time. It was the only way i could muster enough strength to stick with him.
Aela: Thats,...creative, I suppose. Your wounds, how are they feeling?
Kinetrius: They're a bit sore. But I don't seem to have completely reopened them. They're fine.
Aela throws a sword to the ground right in front of him. He looks at it, and then back up at her with confusion.
Aela: Pick it up. It's my understanding that you'll have to become much stronger than you are now. I wish to aid you in this task, however little it may be. So before you all leave on your journey, I,...shall leave you with a lesson.
This made the boy a bit nervous. He slowly picked up the sword not knowing what was in store for him. Once it was in his hand, he looked to Aela for further instruction.
Aela: Your spins are indeed a good way to build momentum, but without proper footwork and timing it'll just get you stabbed faster. Come!
Kinetrius: Ok,...No holding back?
Aela: I wouldn't dream of it.
Kinetrius lowers his stance and grips his sword tightly. In an instant he charged Aela with all the speed he could muster. Right before reaching her he jumped and threw himself into a vertical rotation, but before his blade could land Aela raised her leg and kicked him back across the training yard. He tumbled for a bit and then jumped back to his feet.
Aela: Fierce approach, but you're too obvious. If you're going to power up your swings in such a way, you must incorporate them into your movements. Not put them on display right before your opponent. When the cultist took a swing at you, you blocked. And you used that momentum to power your own swing. It was brilliant actually.
Kinetrius: I was hardly in my right mind when that happened. It was sort of...Instinct I guess.
Aela: Instinct and strategy are all the same in the heat of battle. The goal is to make it second nature. Ready yourself, here I come!
Kinetrius dusts himself off and readies for another attack. This time, Aela decided to charge him first. She was much faster than he was, and in seconds she stood right before him mustering a powerful swing. Kinetrius blocked it and used the force to spin himself around to take a counter swing at her. She dodged the attack by simply leaning her head to the side. The swing was wide and left Kinetrius on one leg. With a swipe of her foot she tripped him and he fell on his back into the dirt.
Aela: Good,'re starting to get what I mean by timing. But your footwork is still lacking. What good is your offense if you cannot master your steps?
Kinetrius stood up once more and readied himself. They clashed swords a few more times. Each time ending with his back or face in the dirt, and each time Aela would back away from him and yell "Again!". Kinetrius got up once more. He had become frustrated with his consistent meetings with the ground. It seemed Aela was determined to make a better warrior out of him, but he was starting to wonder if her teachings were wasted on him.
Aela: Its quite simple young master. Your feet are the precursor to every movement you make. You must have that in check before you can hope to best your opponent with a blade. You must not only watch their movements but be aware of your own at all times. Again!
He gripped his sword firmly and charged her again. This time he began his assault with a quick and short spin. It was swiftly guarded, but then came another. On the third spin he ducked and went in for low swing. But once he swung the sword he saw that there was no one in front of him. He looked up to see Aela jumping over him and preparing a counter swing. He quickly rolled away from her barely dodging the attack. Once she landed she charged in with another swing aimed at his midsection. He jumped to avoid her blade, and in the same motion spun himself twice before bringing his sword down for a counter of his own. Aela was able to block it, but the force was greater than she anticipated. This caused her to stumble back a bit after the attack. She lowered her sword and stood up straight. She then looked at him with a satisfied grin on her face.
Aela: Precisely.
Kinetrius: But I wasn't able to land a hit at all.
Aela: And you wouldn't have. Not against me anyways. But i think you're starting to get what I mean by being unpredictable.
Kinetrius: If you say so,...this whole thing kind of felt like an uphill battle though.
Aela: Haha,...consider it growing pains child. You will continue to struggle with learning new things, but never let it deter you. I'm sure you will make a fine swordsman soon enough.
Eradros: Kin! There you are. Getting a quick lesson in I see.
Aela: Just finishing actually. Getting him acquainted with the ground rules of combat.
Eradros then noticed that Kinetrius was covered in dirt and dust.
Eradros: Well he's got the ground part right it seems.
Kinetrius: Was that a Joke?
Eradros: I believe it was lad.
Kinetrius: You've been so serious lately, I didn't think you were capable.
Eradros: Ouch Kiddo. Whats that all about? Are you upset with me or something?
Kinetrius realized the harshness of his words almost immediately. He turned to Eradros.
Kinetrius: I didn't mean it to come out like that. It's just,...
Eradros: Out with it lad.
Kinetrius: I just don't want this entire problem to rest solely on you. I can feel how stressed all of this is making you. All you've done since we met is pull my ass out of every fire that's come my way. I want you to know that I will be more useful in the future. I won't,...just be a burden passed from my father to you.
Eradros walks closer to Kinetrius and kneels before him.
Eradros: I see. Has that been weighing on you all this time?
The boy grew quiet for a moment. He stared at the ground to avoid meeting eyes with Eradros.
Kinetrius: Forget I said anything. I'm gonna go get cleaned up and gather my things.
He quickly walks away from Eradros to head back downstairs. Eradros was confused and did not quite know how to react.
Eradros: He's so touchy today. Did I miss something between now and last night?
Aela: Let him be for the time being. He simply wishes to be greater than what he is now. Not unlike most boys his age. He will be fine.
Eradros: Yes I suppose you're right. Are all teenage boys this emotionally unstable.
Gavhelus: Depends on how much trauma they got.
Eradros and Aela turned to see Gavhelus entering the room with yet another oversized turkey leg.
Gavhelus: I take it he didn't like the plan about goin' to see the geezers huh?
Eradros: I never got the chance to tell him.
Aela: Is that your plan then? To visit the Greybeards.
Eradros: Not so much a plan as it is our only option right now. Do you think I'm pushing him too hard? I mean he's barely recovered from his first encounter with a dragon. And here I am preparing him to fight the damned thing.
Aela: Neither you nor the boy asked for these circumstances. Don't beat yourself up about it.
Eradros: I never knew the famed Aela the Huntress was as skilled in giving life advice as she is with a blade. But thank you for that. I think I needed to hear it. I guess once the lad has got his things, we'll be off. Will you still not accompany us Gavhelus?
Gavhelus: I already told you mate. Can't without talking to me Aela first.
Aela: No talk needed. I've already packed your things.
Aela drops a very heavy travel bag on the table next to her. This catches Gavhelus off guard.
Gavhelus: Love, you can't be serious. I couldn't leave you behind.
Aela: You're going with them. End of story.
Aela walks up to Gavhelus and reaches her hand up to rub his rigid face.
Aela: I know you don't see it like I do now. But it's for the best.
Gavhelus: You must really want to help the kid huh?
Aela: I want you to help yourself by helping him. You'll probably never say it aloud, but I know there's a part of you that longs to be redeemed. Here's your chance love.
Gavhelus: Well I can't rightly say no now that you've given that speech now can I?
Aela: I'm already proud of you. I'm sure you'll do great things. Well,...I have business to attend to. Tell the young master I won't be able to send him off, but I wish him the best. Also tell him I still wish to hear those stories he promised.
Eradros: Will do. Oh and Aela,...
Aela: Yes?
Eradros: Thanks for everything you've done for him. I've honestly felt in over my head since he's been with me, but you've helped him in ways I didn't know he needed.
Aela: Speak no more of it. You can repay me later with tales of your victory against the dragons.
Aela walks away from them and heads out the front door. Gavhelus was pouting over being forced to journey with them. Shortly after Kinetrius returned all cleaned up and ready to go. His expression still looked gloomy, and he appeared to still be bothered by something.
Kinetrius: So,...where to now?
Eradros: To the very top of The Throat of the World. A place known as High Hrothgar. We're going to meet with the greybeards.
Kinetrius: Right,...well let's be on our way then.
He then walks out of the door with a depressed air about him. Eradros and Gavhelus looked at each other for a moment, and then followed behind him. On their way out of the city they heard the voice of woman call out to them.
Minevi: You guys leaving without me?
Eradros turned around to see Minevi walking toward them with a bag over her shoulder.
Eradros: And just where do you think you're going?
Minevi: Well after I made my report to my commanding officer, they deemed it necessary for me to accompany you lot.
Eradros: Is that so? No tedious military task calling for your attention?
Minevi: There is literally nothing more important than saving mankind from the threat of dragons. But,'s only if you'll have me though.
Eradros: It's up you, I don't really ca-
Gavhelus bumps into Eradros after hearing his reply. Eradros looks up him confused at first. After seeing his expression he realized he was being insensitive.
Eradros: I mean, would be great to have you with us Minevi. I'm sure Kin would love it as well.
Minevi: Great. I'm glad you said yes. If not I would've had to tail you like a stalker.
Eradros: Seriously?
Minevi: My orders are to keep an eye on the dragonborn situation and aid in any way i can to prevent it from becoming anymore a problem than it already is. I figured it would be easier to just travel with you.
Gavhelus: Well that sure is convenient. Aw well,...the more the merrier I say.
They all begin loading their things into the carriage. Kinetrius had already loaded up and was sitting inside the it reading another tome. He still appeared to be feeling low. It was to be expected after everything that had happened. Eradros noticed this and walked around to the side where the boy sat.
Eradros: Kin,...I want you to look at everyone here.
Kinetrius turned around to look at them while closing the book. He saw Eradros, Minevi, and Gavhelus all around the carriage.
Eradros: Everyone here, is here for you. Not your father. I'll admit, I felt burdened when he first asked me to do this. But what we're attempting to do is bigger than any of us. Its not a burden on me anymore. That ended the day I rescued you from the dragon. I saw the full scope of the problem that day. I'm sure you will become more useful. You bloody well better, or Skyrim is in trouble.
They both smiled for a moment. His words seemed to have gotten through to him.
Eradros: Now if you want to be more useful you can start by quitting all this sulking you've been doing lately. That would be a great help.
Kinetrius: I wasn't sulking. I just,...
Eradros: You want to be better. We all do. In more ways than you could even think of. I'll never know what its like to be in your shoes. But the important thing is that you keep on wearin'em. Understood?
Kinetrius pondered on his words for a short moment. He then looked back at Eradros with a much better expression about his face.
Kinetrius: Yeah I hear you.
Eradros: Then that's that. Our next stop is a small town at the foot of the mountain called Ivarstead. From there we'll have to take the a journey on foot to the top known as the The Seven Thousand Steps.
Kinetrius: That sounds extremely exhausting.
Eradros: Then I suggest you rest up. And a bit of forewarning: We'll be passing through Helgen on the way. I don't want you freaking out about it once we're there.
Kinetrius: I should be fine. I hope.
Eradros and Minevi climbed in the front of the carriage as Gavhelus climbed in the back with Kinetrius. Kinetrius began reading his book again as the carriage pulled off. As the gates opened he saw Aela at the blacksmith's shop waving them off. He waved back at her with excitement. Aela had become something of a hero to him. Even more so now that he had gotten a chance to train with her. Now they were on their way to get answers about his powers.
Chapter End -

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