Bound in Battle

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15 years before current day.
It was a dreary day in Skyrim. The dirt roads were all mush from the rain which made getting up hills very difficult for travelers. But this did not ruin the day for a particular Khajiit Caravan and their cubs. The Khajiit were a humanoid cat like people native to a province known as Elseweyr. In Skyrim however, many of them now made a living as traveling merchants. Selling wares and the like to any city or town that would have them. On this day the cubs were full of joy and laughter as they had a guest who sang the funniest and catchiest songs they had ever heard. Falwon V'orrn was great with children. He along with his lute and the Khajiit cubs marched ahead of the caravan of adults while singing loudly and joyfully.
Falwon: Oh Traveler Traveler, please watch your feet.
Khajiit Children: If you dare slip, Your end you will meet.
Falwon: Oh traveler traveler, please watch your tongue.
Khajiit Children: Speak out of turn and you'll surely be hung.
They sang all the way up the road. It was nice for the adults to have a distraction for the children while traveling. Falwon was just tagging along but was very welcomed by most everyone in the caravan. The cubs were the most fond of him however. He would joke and sing while playing his lute and the children loved every minute of it.
After a few hours of singing and marching, the children had all tuckered themselves out and were now asleep in the carriage. Falwon was conversing with the adults as they made their way to the next town. They had been on a road that led through the woods. Lots of bugs and other creatures to look out for when taking a route like this one. There were trees on each side of them as they made their way. They even had to stop and move a tree out of the way that had fallen due to the muddy earth beneath it. After a while Falwon noticed four men coming up the road opposite them. The weather had worsened since earlier that day and it was hard to make out who the men were. But once they were closer he noticed it was the Thalmor. A supremacist group of high elves that rule the Aldmeri Dominion. A battle mage in an all black hooded cloak with gold trimmings and two foot soldiers in golden Elven armor were escorting what looked like a wood elf prisoner. It appeared very hard for him to walk due to the muddy roads. On top of that he had on no shoes which caused him to slip every so often. This was weighing on the nerves of the two foot soldiers who seemed to be very impatient with him. The caravan was just passing by the Thalmor when the prisoner slipped once more, this time falling face first into the mud. Falwon immediately went to help the man up as he passed but was cut off by one of the soldiers with the most menacing look in his eyes.
Foot Soldier 1: Don't worry about him. He's our business...I suggest you folks move along.
Falwon looked down to see the man's hand was tightly gripping the hilt of his sword. These men were serious and did not much care for anyone who wasn't of High elf descent.
Foot Soldier 2: On your feet trash! The longer you drag this out, the harsher your punishment will be. You've stolen a lot of gold from us, pirate. And we shall see every coin returned. Now up with ye!
The soldier reached down to pick the prisoner up but not before using the same hand to push his face further into the mud. The prisoner had been starved along this journey and had not the strength to fight back. Especially not being in chains as he was. But Falwon could do nothing to help him. He did not wish to cause trouble for the caravan and so was forced to carry on and leave the prisoner alone. At this time, loud and bright cracks of thunder rang out in the skies. Everything around them turned blinding white whenever it flashed. Several times this happened as the two parties passed each other on the narrow road.
On the final flash of lightning everything went white again. But this time, after the flash they noticed figures in the road on each side of them. Both the caravan and the Thalmor were surrounded. The foot soldiers stepped in front of the battle mage who had remained poised and silent. Falwon looked to see who the figures were but the rain was very heavy and they were hard to make out. He did noticed however that they were definitely holding weapons. Was this some sort of ambush, he thought. Not even the most dedicated thief would lurk about in this weather. He noticed the figures did not move like regular men. Something was definitely off about them. The first foot soldier drew his weapon and called out to them.
Foot Soldier 1: Oy!! Out of our way you lot! We're on official Thalmor business!!!
The soldier got no response. Only what sounded like groans and the creaking of bones. He decided to move up closer, walking directly up to one of them. But once he got close enough he was immediately mortified by what he saw. He was standing directly in front of what looked like a walking corpse with glowing blue eyes. He screamed out.
Soldier: Its...Its... A Draugr!!!!
Right as he screamed the draugr raised its weapon and struck the soldier down. Then it let out a terrifying roar as the rest of the draugr began attacking as well. Falwon drew his scimitar after seeing what happened to the soldier. The caravan itself had a few warriors within it that grabbed their weapons as well.
Khajiit warrior: Where are they all coming from?
Falwon: They must have escaped from a nearby tomb. This is bad...we need to get far away from this place now!
The draugr were all running toward both the caravan and the Thalmor. The battle mage then looked at his remaining soldier who was at this time shaking with fear.
Battle mage: Well don't just stand there...why are you not defending us?
The soldier had just watched his comrade be felled by one of them and was now being stabbed repeatedly by the others. He was too scared to move. He just stood there with his weapon drawn, shaking with panic all over his face.
Battle mage: Must I do everything myself?
The battle mage pushes the soldier to the side, steps forth and draws his sword. He then raises his other hand to begin casting a spell. An icy dust began to accumulate around his hand. He then waved it around him toward the ground, which placed a magical glyph-like rune at his feet.
Battle mage: Come!...I will end you demonic creatures here and now!
The first draugr ran furiously at the battle mage. But once it's foot touched the rune, large icicles shot out of the ground. Impaling the creature, and lifting it off of its feet instantly. He summoned five ice shards that hovered above him as he stepped onto the large icicles that were now jutting out of the mud. He launched himself into the air, sending the icicles raining down unto the draugr as he passed over them. He landed gracefully behind them with sword ready. The draugr paused for a moment out of confusion. The ones that weren't hit by the icicles turned to see him behind them and began charging him. The first draugr swung its axe at his head, but the attack was swiftly dodged and countered. As that draugr fell, a second and a third charged in to meet the same fate. One by one they were cut down as the mage ran through the crowd of them with blade in hand. It appeared as if his sword was guided by the wind itself. He then turned to see even more of them pouring out of the bushes.
Battle mage: Is there no end to these wretched things?
The draugr surrounded the battle mage preparing for a simultaneous attack. He saw this and lowered his stance, charging up another magic spell. He then placed another rune on the ground. Once the draugr jumped at him they had activated the glyph and a massive thunder spell went off. This one spell had fried the lot of them. The mage stood up and swiped his blade to remove the blood from it.
Battle mage: Hmph...
At the other end the draugr were pouring out at a much more alarming rate. Falwon and the other Khajiit warriors were struggling to keep them at bay. A couple of the warriors had already fallen victim to the attackers, and their numbers were starting to dwindle. Falwon looked back to see that the Thalmor battle mage had felled most of the draugr on his end and was continuing to move. He then called out to the man for help.
Falwon: You are clearly formidable indeed...Will you not help us?
The battle mage looked over his shoulder at Falwon with a disinterested expression.
Battle mage: I fail to see how that is any of my concern...Redguard.
He then looked to the soldier still in his company and signaled him to grab the prisoner who was on his knees at the time. Falwon could not believe what he had heard. A man with that much power but no beating heart in his chest it seemed.
Suddenly, they all heard a scream coming from the caravan. It was an elderly Khajiit woman who was being attacked by a draugr. The woman screamed loudly as she struggled to free herself from the creature but to no avail. Falwon looked for the woman but there were too many bodies in motion in front of him. He then noticed the prisoner who was being lifted off of the ground had a frustrated and terrified expression on his face. He could see the old woman but was powerless to do anything because of his shackles. Falwon was still fighting off the draugr that were immediately in front of him and could barely move a step forward. The Khajiit warriors also had their hands tied with more of them succumbing to their enemy by the second. Falwon then looked desperately around for a solution until his eyes met with the prisoner's. For a moment a conversation was held between them with no words. The prisoner nodded to Falwon and he did the same ßback. It seemed they had come to some sort of agreement. Immediately after, the prisoner snatched away from the Thalmor soldier. At the same time Falwon lowered his stance as yet another draugr approached him rapidly. The prisoner sprinted toward Falwon as fast as he could. Holding out his arms that were yet clasped in shackles as he got closer to him. Falwon raised his sword and swung it fiercely as the prisoner threw his arms out all the way. Right as they passed each other, Falwon's sword sliced through the shackles freeing up the prisoner's hands. In the same swing he took the head of the attacking draugr clear off of its shoulders. The draugr fell to its knees and then completely to the ground. The prisoner kept running toward the elderly woman being attacked with his hands now free. He then leaped to the ground grabbing a bow and loose arrow that had been dropped by one of the felled draugr. He tumbled a bit and then rose with the bow fully drawn and aimed at the draugr attacking the woman. He loosed an arrow at the creature hitting it in the throat right as it raised its weapon to deliver the killing blow. The draugr stopped completely, lowering its weapon as it fell to the ground. The Khajiit woman was now safe. The prisoner urged the woman to get herself and the others out of the area. Falwon took a sigh of relief as he could now focus fully on the fight.
The draugr's numbers had started to dwindle and soon there were only a few left. Falwon and the prisoner had taken them all down and were almost able to rest until they heard a slow clapping noise. They turned to see the Thalmor battle mage standing behind them, giving them a round of applause.
Battle mage: Bravo, bravo...what an enthralling display of teamwork and compassion. I was almost inspired by you two...really.
The two were still breathing heavy from the onslaught of draugr and could barely trade breath for words. The prisoner tensed up as he knew the battle mage would not simply let him leave. Especially now that there was no danger to distract him.
Battle mage: That was a very noble thing you did for the Khajiit hag you know. I never knew a pirate could show such...Heroism. But the show's over now... we must be on our way. Soldier...retrieve him.
The foot soldier began to approach them with his sword drawn in case they pulled something. Falwon stepped in front of the prisoner. This gave the soldier pause.
Foot soldier: Move aside Redguard!...You're interfering with Thalmor business and that's not something you want to have to answer for.
Falwon: During the attack...I asked you to assist us and you denied it.
Battle mage: What of it?
Falwon: Yet this man helped me save an entire caravan despite being a prisoner. As far as I'm concerned, he no longer belongs to you....He's one of us now.
Battle mage: Do you really mean to undermine the Thalmor, Redguard? Are you even aware of how grave an offense this is?
Falwon: It matters not to me now nor has it ever.
The battle mage looked to the ground and smirked a bit. He chuckled to himself for a moment and then readied his sword.
Battle mage: Very well then...This will be the highlight of this entire blasted trip!
The prisoner began to worry for Falwon. This was not his fight and he didn't have to go to these lengths for a lowly prisoner like him. After all, he was indeed a criminal. He didn't understand why he would do this. But Falwon stood fast and was not intending on letting them have the wood elf prisoner. He looked over his shoulder at the elf.
Falwon: Either take your freedom now and run...or ready yourself. Our enemy approaches.
The prisoner reached down to pick up a quiver of arrows and threw it over his shoulder. He then lowered his stance as Falwon did the same.
Battle mage: Now...LET US BEGIN!!!
The battle mage charged them with great intensity. He moved very swiftly, almost showing up in front of them instantly. The prisoner jumped up to a low hanging branch and began moving higher into the trees. The battle mage swung his sword at Falwon, but he rotated himself around the mage so that it just missed him. Moments after, arrows came raining down from the tree tops as the prisoner jumped from branch to branch. The mage jumped back to dodge the arrows. Falwon took advantage of this opening and charged in. His scimitar was a much heavier weapon than the longsword wielded by the mage which meant his swings were not as fast. He had to be smart about how he attacked. The mage stepped out of Falwon's attack path, leaving his foot soldier in the way of it instead. Before Falwon realized it, he had cut the man down by accident. This frustrated him deeply as the man would not have been harmed if he stayed out of it. The soldier fell to his knees with a confused expression on his face. He then turned to the battle mage with the last bit of life he had.
Foot Soldier: lord...
He fell to the ground as the life slowly left his body. Falwon grew very angry at what the mage had just done.
Falwon: Is this truly how the Thalmor conduct themselves? Leaving fellow companions to die like dogs in their stead.
Battle mage: Oh come now...You saw him during the ambush did you not? He was utterly useless. He even let the prisoner get away from him, of all things. Tell me...What use would i have for a weakling such as that?
Falwon: I'm afraid I don't have an answer for that...but you. You will be answering for everything you have done here today.
Falwon gripped his sword with both hands and took up his stance. Suddenly the air around him seemed to move and sway. As he prepared himself for his next attack, the veins all through his body began to bulge slightly. (Redguards have a unique ability to tap into a higher warrior instinct when their adrenaline is high.) He then raised the scimitar until it was facing the mage. The prisoner waited patiently in the trees for his opportunity to strike. He was unsure about what Falwon was about to do but he was intent on following his lead.
Falwon: Your move mage...
Battle mage: Oh don't look at me like that Redguard...I was just starting to enjoy myself. But if you insist on being so serious...Let us be about it.
The mage began with a flourish of the blade while approaching Falwon. He then spun around and let out a quick thunder spell from his hand. Falwon did not dodge the attack however. He simply absorbed the lightning with his blade and swung it the ground, sending the bolts ripping through the bushes behind him.
Battle mage: Impressive...
The mage then charged in with strikes from all directions, but they were all deflected. The mage attempted a thunder spell at point black range. Falwon simply pivoted his body so that it just missed him. He swung his scimitar at the mage. The swing was slow, but the force was enough to push him back even though he did not connect. The mage slid a few feet back and was then met with another barrage of arrows. He gracefully deflected them while regaining his footing. Falwon charged in once more with a wide swing that the mage managed to dodge just barely. Each swing could cost him his life if we was not careful. The mage went back on the offensive. With each attack he employed more ferocity and vigor. Falwon was tired of the dance and decided to end it. He blocked all of the attacks from the mage except the final swing in which he dodged. He moved in closer after dodging and swung his sword upward, slicing off the sword arm of the mage. He then spun around and lowered himself to the ground. In the same motion he swung his leg around, sweeping the mage of off his feet. He fell into the mud reeling in pain. He was screamed in agony as his held what was left of his arm. But it quickly stopped when he noticed the prisoner had leaped from a tree and was now right above them with his bow trained on him.
Battle mage: No...wait... you ca-
Before he could finish his statement, the prisoner loosed an arrow. The mage closed his eyes and braced himself as the arrow flew down toward him. However, he was not harmed. He opened his eyes and turned his head to see the arrow had landed inches away from his head. He was not dead, but there was now a very large blade directly in his face. He looked up at Falwon who was breathing heavily but said nothing.
Battle mage: Look...if you let-
Falwon: There was an attack. An ambush of draugr that claimed the lives of your two soldiers. And in the midst of all the chaos...the prisoner eluded you.
Battle mage: wh....what are you saying?
Falwon: This is what you go back and tell your superiors...Are we clear on that?
The mage was not thrilled about losing but he had been beaten and was in excruciating pain. He picked himself up, still holding his arm.
Battle mage: Have it your way...Redguard. But a word of wisdom before i go...You should've killed me.
Falwon said nothing else. He just watched the mage with great intensity. The mage stared back for a moment, then turned and started walking in the opposite direction. It was slow, but gradually the Thalmor mage made it out of their site. It was all finally over. The prisoner dropped from the trees down beside Falwon.
Prisoner: Why did you risk your life for me like that?
Falwon turned to look upon the prisoner. He was a bit confused at the question.
Falwon: You did me and those caravaners a great service back there. When the draugr the midst of all that could've escaped then. But you didn't. You immediately stopped caring about your own problems because someone else was in trouble.
The prisoner scratched his head and looked away from him.
Prisoner: I'm no hero...just a lowly pirate that finally got caught.
Falwon: Ha! You could've fooled me. The way you jumped in to save that old woman...The only thing you were missing was shining armor.
Prisoner: Haha...yea i suppose you're right about that.
They both laughed for a moment. The rain had finally cleared up and the sun had come from behind the clouds. Suddenly rays of light were shooting through the trees followed by the chirping of birds. Falwon walked over to the prisoner and began working at removing what was left of his iron cuffs. He pulled out a ring of odd looking keys and started looking through them. He picked one out of the bunch and began tinkering with the cuffs.
Prisoner: Eradros...
Falwon: Hm?
Prisoner: My name...its Eradros.
Falwon paused for a moment and looked him in the eyes.
Falwon: Falwon...Falwon V'orrn.
Eradros: Ah...Well met Falwon.
Suddenly the cuffs fell to the ground and his wrists were free. Eradros went to rub them immediately. They were very sore from the shackles and the recent archery he conducted.
Eradros: Well...I guess my life belongs to you now huh?
Falwon: What?..Oh no...Im not in the business of trading slaves my friend. You're a free man now. Do with your freedom what you will.
Eradros: I...don't know what to say...
Falwon: Don't ponder it too hard. Let's just say I couldn't stand to see that bastard have his way. And besides...we're friends now.
Eradros: ...Friends huh?
Eradros paused for a moment to think about what that meant. In his line of work, you didn't get very far by trusting and getting close to people. But it felt different this time. They had just fought side by side to survive as complete strangers. This was a bond that was not so easily shaken.
Chapter end -

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