Paying the Toll

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It had been a day since they all left Whiterun. They were just getting to what was left of Helgen to realize no one was there to open the gates. The town was still in shambles and there were no people in sight. Eradros halted the carriage and hopped down to investigate the area. They would have to open the gates themselves if they wanted to proceed, or leave the carriage behind which wasn't an option. Eradros walked around the area for a bit to see if he could find out how to best open the gates. Gavhelus got out shortly after to help.
Gavhelus: What's the matter? Cant find the door handle?
Eradros: No that's not it. We can get it open no problem. My worry is what's inside.
Gavhelus: What do you mean? There's no one here mate.
Eradros: This is where the dragon attacked. For all we know it's still in there using the place as a nest.
Minevi: Do you really think that's possible?
Eradros: I don't know. I'm just going through all the possibilities.
Kinetrius: So what do we do now?
Eradros: We open the gates I guess, and hope for the best.
Eradros and Gavhelus both walked up to the gate and began pushing it open. It was a lot of work for just the two of them, but thankfully there was no locking mechanism in place to prevent moving it. They both pushed until the gates were wide open. Once they looked inside they saw no one around. The only thing that moved were the stray animals that had made their home there. Eradros walked in ahead of everyone to check out the area. He noticed a fox that sat atop an old well that was staring at him. Minevi walked the horses and the carriage in slowly as he looked around. He then noticed a fire pit. He walked over to it and kneeled in front of it.
Minevi: What do you see something?
Eradros: This fire pit's been used recently.
Kinetrius: What does that mean?
Eradros: It means this place isn't as abandoned as it looks.
Minevi: Who do you think is here then?
Eradros: Whoever it is, they weren't planning on having company for a while. Doesn't matter though. All we need to do is make it to the other side and we're out of here. Keep moving.
They all moved slowly through the wrecked town with the carriage. Eradros walked ahead of everyone to scout while Minevi drove the carriage. Kinetrius sat in the back watching. He was nervous about running into the dragon again. Everything was deadly quiet as they made their way to the other side. Suddenly they saw a man come into the road in front of them.
Man: Oy! You lot travelers or something?
Eradros looked at the man for a moment as a sour expression fell upon his face. He raised his hand to signal Minevi to stop the carriage.
Eradros: And what's it to you?
Man: Well it might be everything. Depending on what you got in that there carriage.
Gavhelus stood with his head down while stroking his beard. It appeared he was listening to something. Possibly communing with the dead in this area, and there were surely a lot of them.
Gavhelus: mmhm,...mmhm,...Yeah he's a bandit. We're surrounded by bandits.
Eradros: Seriously of all things.
Bandit: Now now,...this doesn't have to get bloody at all. All we ask, is for a looksy in that carriage of yours. And you'll be on your way. Considerate it a toll, for safe passage through this lovely city of ours.
Minevi: And should we refuse?
Bandit: Then my friends and I will finally get to have us a little fun.
Immediately figures started popping up everywhere. Some out of the ruins, and some on top of the buildings that still stood. They all carried weapons and were ready to use them.
Eradros: Shit! This is bad.
Gavhelus: It's about 8 of'em from what me friends tell me.
Minevi: We can take 8 men can't we?
Kinetrius: You're really going to fight them? We're totally outnumbered.
Minevi hops from the carriage with mace and shield in hand.
Minevi: In bodies maybe. But I'm sure they're not as skilled as we are.
Kinetrius began to stand up and gaze his surroundings. He then started to get down from the carriage in case there was a fight.
Eradros: I gotta ask you sit this one out lad. I don't want you back into the mix until you're fully recovered.
Kinetrius: But i want to help.
Eradros: Being useful means being at a hundred percent. It's not just you and me anymore. We can handle this ourselves.
Kinetrius: But your bow, it's still broken.
Eradros: Don't worry about that lad. It is not the only weapon I profess. Just my preferred.
Anonymous Voice: Well what do we 'ave here?
Eradros: That voice,...
He turned to see an Argonian man stepping out of one of the dilapidated buildings. Argonians are a humanoid lizard-like people native to a place know as Black Marsh. This one in particular seemed to be familiar to Eradros.
Argonian: Well if it isn't the man who was too good for the thieves guild.
Eradros: Says the man who wasn't good enough. Hence why you're pulling stick ups in abandoned villages.
Argonian: Yeah I thought that mouth of yours might piss me off. Gonna make this a whole lot more enjoyable y'know.
Eradros: And here i was thinking you just came out to say hi. Tell me Rashish, you never did get over Brynjolf picking me instead of you, did you?
Rashish: Yeah, I'll admit it stung a bit. But then I got into the bandit life. Less rules y'know. And the best part, we get to spill a bit of blood every now and then.
Eradros: That, that right there. Is exactly why you didn't get picked. You're too obsessed with murder and unable to keep your eye on the prize. You were better off joining the dark brotherhood or something. But even they follow rules.
Rashish: How about this then. I've got my eye on a prize right now. Lets see how quickly I get distracted this time.
The man puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles very loudly. This was the signal for the men to attack. Suddenly they all began to rush in for the kill.
Eradros: Minevi, take the carriage and get it to the other gate. Gavhelus and I will find a way to open it.
Minevi: Wont you need my help?
Eradros: Go!!!
Minevi jumps back onto the carriage and whips the rains to get the horses moving. Kinetrius was still in the back watching as the men rushed Eradros. He could see him pulling out a peculiar looking sword from behind his cloak. It was blade made of ebony with a winged insignia on the hilt. Kinetrius had only seen it while in its sheath. Now that he could actually see the sword, he knew there was a story behind it. As they made their way to the gates, a man jumped out in front of the carriage with a large battle axe in hand.
Bandit: Not today love.
He raises the axe preparing to chop the horses down as they passed. Before he could bring it down, a large grey hand grabbed a hold of it. The bandit looked up to see Gavhelus holding his weapon in place.
Bandit: Where did you,...
Before he could finish the question Gavhelus snatched the axe away from him, and used his other hand to grab him by the throat and hoist him in the air. The bandit struggled to breathe as his feet dangled inches off of the ground.
Gavhelus: They a friend of yours?
Bandit: Wh,...who?
Gavhelus: The one sneaking around the building to ambush me.
Bandit: I,...I don't know what,'re talking about.
Gavhelus: Right,...
He then clutches the axe and raises it while letting the mans neck go. Another bandit came around the corner for a suprise attack but was swiftly sliced across the throat by the axe. They stopped in their tracks and fell to their knees bleeding from the neck. Gavhelus watched the man drop to the ground. The bandit immediately screamed for his friend.
Bandit: Vioh No!!!
He dropped his head now filled with grief. Gavhelus kneeled in front of the grieving man. He placed a finger under his chin and lifted his head up.
Gavhelus: Now now, you can't look away just yet. You're gonna miss the best part.
He raises his other hand toward the corpse of the dead bandit as a purple glow started to emanate from it. Suddenly a blue mist began to surround the body and lift it off of the ground until it was standing up again. He had reanimated the corpse of his friend. Their eyes were dead as they stoop there waiting to be commanded.
Bandit: What are you doing to him? Please don't do this.
Gavhelus tilts his head slightly until it was perfectly in front of his.
Gavhelus: I harbor no pity for the likes of you. Cowards who think murdering in groups makes them strong. Now you're going to watch as your friend tries to murder you.
He snaps his fingers and the corpse immediately picks up their sword and began taking swings at the bandit. The swings were sluggish and wide. The man struggled to crawl away from it as it attempted to kill him. The corpse drew closer and closer. The man threw his arm up to protect himself but it was shortly cut off in one the swings.
Bandit: Ah!! My arm!!! Please stop this,...Please!
He tries once more to scoot away from the zombie but accidentally kicks it in the leg causing it to trip and fall. The corpse fell on top of the man, stabbing him in the chest on the way down and killing him. By this time Minevi had made it to the gate with Kinetrius still in the carriage. They could not see the battle between Eradros and the bandits anymore but could hear every sound made. The clanging of swords and battle cries rang out through the village. Eradros was on the other side of the building separating them. The bandits rushed him with attack after attack but could not land a hit. Even the arrows shot in his direction never hit their mark. He danced between the men, countering and cutting them down as they approached until there were only two and their leader left. One of them was a burly man with a great sword thrown over his shoulder. He had stood back most of the fight but now he was ready to jump into the mix.
Rashish: Wow!! You've still got it my old friend.
Eradros: Call this off Rashish. It isn't worth it anymore after the men you've lost already.
Rashish: I don't recall asking for your sympathy. Only what's in the carriage. You don't think I know what you do for a living? I'm sure whatever you've got in there will more than compensate for the men I've lost. And it'll be less people to share it with too. A win win if I ever saw one.
Eradros: You never learn do you?
Rashish: Like most people in our line of work; education is lost to me. All that really matters is filling purses with coin, and killin' anyone that gets in the way of that.
Eradros: Son of a bitch!
Eradros grew angry at this statement and charged the argonian, but he was intercepted by the large man with the great sword and flung back. He landed on his feet. He was angry with the lack of care for human life.
Eradros: I don't get it. He doesn't care about you or whether or not you get paid. Why put your life at risk?
Burly Bandit: You're assuming yourself a threat to me. This will be nothing more than a day's work.
The man walks forward with his great sword ready to strike again. He was clearly not afraid of Eradros and did not share his concern for morality.
Eradros: So that's how you're going to be about it aye?
Eradros readies his sword as well, and awaits the man's attack. The bandit's steps become more frequent, until he was upon Eradros with his weapon raised to strike. Suddenly he stopped. There was a sound of flesh and armor being punctured. The bandit looked down to see he had been impaled not once but twice. Two swords had entered his chest cavity in the front and back. He saw that it was his comrades who did the stabbing.
Burly Bandit: V,...Vioh. Nimalt,...What is this?
He saw that there was no life in their eyes. They had been killed and reanimated. Then, a muscular figure appeared right behind him. It was Gavhelus, still holding the great axe taken from the bandit he killed moments ago. He leaned in to say something into the bandit's ear.
Gavhelus: You may not consider him a threat. But you should definitely, afraid of me.
Gavhelus snapped his fingers, and the reanimated corpses both withdrew there swords from his body. The man let go of his great sword as his arms fell to his side. He then dropped to his knees while bleeding out. The corpses stood both in front and behind him as they raised their swords. Then they simultaneously swung at his neck from both sides, cutting off his head in one motion. The body fell to the floor, and they corpses returned to Gavhelus's side.
Rashish: What,...what is happening here? A necromancer?
Gavhelus: What? Didn't expect magic to come with these muscles?
Rashish: Are they,...dead already?
Gavhelus: Well I killed one and then I thought, I might as well get the matching pair right?
Rashish: You lecture me about morality, and this is the company you keep Eradros?
Gavhelus: What's the matter? Murder not excitin' to you anymore? I thought you'd love this part.
Rashish: Killin' a man's one thing. But what you do is unnatural.
Immediately after the corpses began to break down until they were just sparkling piles of dust on the ground. Gavhelus did not expect his spell to wear off so soon, but that was all dependent of the sturdiness of the body affected.
Gavhelus: They just don't make bandit corpses like they used to, I swear. Eradros, I can handle this last one. Take care of your business with him and lets be done with this place. It wreaks of cowards.
Eradros: Very well. So Rashish, still wish to see what's in my carriage? You've lost an awful lot of manpower in the last ten minutes y'know.
Rashish: Not anymore no.
The argonian pulls out two elven daggers from his waistband and readies himself.
Rashish: I'll just settle for killin' you. You've had this coming for a long time now. And it would be my pleasure to put you in the dirt once and for all.
Eradros: Your optimism is legendary, I'll give you that.
Eradros steps forward while flourishing his sword, leaving the last bandit to Gavhelus. Rashish dashes at him keeping low to the ground with both daggers drawn. He lunges at Eradros vigorously, jumping from side to side each time their blades connected. He was fast, almost faster than one can see. Eradros kept cool. He parried each attack, only swinging back to keep Rashish at bay. Rashish was a skilled fighter despite being a king of cowards. He swung at him in quick succession, making it so there was little room to think. He was finally able to back him away for a moment. Rashish was breathing heavily and beginning to anger at Eradros's calm. Eradros flourishes again and readies himself. Rashish grits his teeth at the gesture. He charges in again but scoops dirt up in his hand along the way. He throws the dirt up while he approaches. The dirt gets in his eyes and temporarily blinds him. Rashish takes advantage and began slashing at him from every angle. He managed to scratch him in several places as he dashed around. None of the wounds were very deep but Eradros's movements seemed to slow down gradually. He took a wild swing at Rashish to make him back away. The swing was sluggish and poorly aimed, but it achieved the desired affect. He stopped to catch his breath for a moment, beginning to catch on to what was going on.
Eradros: I should've seen this coming,...of course you wouldn't fight me head up.
Rashish: I know poison wouldn't be much good on a bosmer (Wood Elf), but stealing your stamina works just as well. Good thing I had these daggers on me today huh. Who knew I'd be runnin' into you of all people?
Eradros drops to one knee still very much winded. His vision was beginning to blur and his hand were shaking uncontrollably. Gavhelus had dispatched the last of his henchmen and made his way back to the carriage. He was unaware of Rashish's foul play, at least for the moment.
Kinetrius: Gavhelus! Whats going on? Where's Eradros?
Gavhelus: He and his old pal are having a final heart to heart. Shouldn't be much longer now though. He don't look the type that could beat Eradros on his worst day.
Minevi: Are you sure he's alright?
Gavhelus lowered his head before answering. It seemed the dead were telling him something.
Gavhelus: Oh really,...oh my that is something. Thanks for the info mate.
Minevi: Well,...?
Gavhelus: I scratch my previous statement from the record. It seems our boy is in grave danger.
Kinetrius: Oh damn it all!
Kinetrius quickly leaped out of the carriage, running full speed toward the place where Eradros was last seen. Minevi did not even have time to speak out against him going. Before she knew it, the boy was already a figure in the distance.
Gavhelus: Kids am I right?
Minevi: You left him out there.
Gavhelus: I know you think you're here to keep the both of them safe. But Eradros isn't so easy to chew on, even for a slimy lizard like'im.
Minevi: You don't understand. Eradros is a skilled fighter yes, but he is no killer. All someone would need to do to beat him is play dirty.
Gavhelus: That's what weaklings have to do to survive love. It makes sense if you think about it really. I haven't known him very long, and the secrets of his past elude us all. But I do know he is not one of them.
Kinetrius ran through the town, dashing between the broken buildings and other wreckage until he saw him. He saw Eradros kneeling whilst the argonian stood over him.
Rashish: It's been good seeing you again really. But I do think you and I have had our fun. It's time to end this y'know.
Eradros: Well what are you waiting for then? Pausing for dramatic effect or something?
Rashish: Like I said before,...that mouth of yours makes this a whole lot easier.
Kinetrius: Eradros!
They turned to see the boy standing at the corner of a house. Kinetrius was starting to notice all the bodies that lay about, and wondered were they all killed by Eradros.
Rashish: That your brat? No matter. He'll just have to watch then.
Rashish raises his arm, preparing to cut Eradros down right then and there.
Kinetrius: NO!!!
Suddenly there was a pattering of paws on the ground. The fox that had been watching them earlier ran in to protect Eradros. It quickly jumped up and bit Rashish in the arm.
Rashish: ARGH!!! Damn it. Let go of me beast!
Eradros slowly stood up as the fox continued to assault the argonian. Rashish swung his arm violently in and attempt to loosen its grip but the fox was persistent.
Rashish: What,...Whats going on with this creature?
Eradros: You seem to know a bit about bosmer, but not everything I'm afraid.
He was finally able to throw the fox away from him. It landed unharmed and rushed to Eradros's side. Rashish backed away and pointed his knife at Eradros.
Rashish: So this is your mutt then?
Eradros: Not quite. It's actually kind of funny really. You knew about our resistance to poison, but not about our ability to control wild life. Sucks for you.
Rashish looked at Eradros and noticed his eyes were glowing an emerald green, and so were the fox's. The fox lowered itself to the ground and bared its teeth at Rashish. Eradros reached down and petted the fox on the head gently.
Eradros: Easy now. You did good my friend, but that is all I will need for now.
The glow suddenly left both of their eyes, and the fox immediately calmed down. It looked up at Eradros once more, and then ran off into the night. Kinetrius stood in shock. He thought it was over for Eradros for a moment. He was glad that he was alright but the fight was not yet over. Rashish still had his knife readied at Eradros.
Rashish: You think you've won with that little trick? Nothing's changed,...I'm still going to kill you.
Eradros: Oh don't be like that old friend. You implored a dirty trick,...I implored a counter dirty trick. Just like old times.
Rashish: Shut up! Shut up! Shut,...UP!!!
Rashish rushes in angrily with his daggers. He swings violently, trying to cut Eradros anyway he can. Eradros simply dodged each attack calmly. His movements were like water. He had his opponent right where he wanted him. He was angry, and thinking irrationally. The more Rashish rushed him, the more his actions worked against him. With each dodge Eradros made him pay for taking a swing at him, tripping him up and making him run into things or simply fall to the ground. The argonian could not land anymore strikes against him. By this time Rashish was exhausted. He could not continue chasing him any longer.
Eradros: This would normally be the part where I give you a chance to save yourself on a count of us once being friends. I'm not going to do that. You haven't learned anything. When Brynjolf turned you away because of your blood thirsty antics, you never learned. I'll end this here. So that no one else is victimized by you and your henchmen again.
Rashish: You've always been a good thief Eradros. I'll give you that,...but you're no murderer.
Eradros: Tell that to your dead comrades behind me.
Rashish: Oh you're serious aren't you? Well alright then killer. Get on with it!
Without speaking Eradros raised his sword with a flourish, and then swiftly stepped past Rashish while swinging his blade. Everything went silent for a moment as he stood behind his old friend. He sheathed his blade slowly as the argonian stood still. Soon after his head slowly rolled off of his shoulders and onto the ground. Kinetrius was watching as the body fell afterwards. He had not seen this side of Eradros. It frightened him to see Eradros's resolve in killing a man. Eradros said nothing. He stood in a moment of silence for his friend. He stared at the corpse on the ground. He reached down into Rashish's pockets and pulled out a flask. He smirked at it as if it brought back memories. He then took a swig from it while gazing into the nearby fire pit. After a moment of reflection he heard Minevi calling out to him.
Mivevi: Eradros are you all finished here? I'd love to done with this gods forsaken place.
He then pours the rest of it into the fire putting it out, throws his hood over his head, and began making his way toward Kinetrius and Minevi. Gavhelus had managed to get the other gate opened while waiting for them. Once they were all back a the carriage, they loaded up and were back on their way. Things were quiet on the road. No one said a word as the carriage went on. Eradros sat in silence while Minevi drove. He noticed Kinetrius staring at him from the back.
Eradros: Is there something wrong lad? Why do you look at me so?
Kinetrius: It's nothing. I just,... I just saw you kill someone, and,...
Eradros: Does that bother you?
Kinetrius: I know you did it to save us,...and others. I just can't shake the site of it is all.
Eradros turned to face Kinetrius with a deadly serious look on his face. This gave Kinetrius chills.
Eradros: I hope this doesn't ruin the trust we have between us, but I do think you should know all the same. I am not what you would consider a good person. I've hurt and or killed people in my line of work. I take no pleasure in killing an old friend, but I have no regrets either. Some things simply must be done. Understood?
Kinetrius: I get it. He was a threat, you removed it.
Eradros: Good. Glad we're on the same page.
He then turned back around and continued his silence. Kinetrius sunk back into his seat feeling the weight of his words on him. He spent the rest of the ride in reflection of what he had seen, not knowing how he should feel about it. Eventually they made it to Ivarstead and found lodging for the night. Tomorrow was the day that he would finally get answers about his abilities, but all he could think about was the look in Eradros's eyes when he took the life of the argonian man. He thought about how lifeless they looked. Such a cold and soulless glare that looked sharp enough to slice metal. He had seen the eyes of a man with blood on his hands. He realized that to kill a man almost meant to kill a bit of yourself as well.
Chapter End -

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