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It was late in the evening, gray clouds covered the California sky as I sat down at my desk for the night and ate my ramen. Boredom took over me as I scanned through my tl, finding nothing that perks my interest.

Damn this sucks! I need something new and pronto!

I took a bite and rolled my eyes. All I have right now is Summer's one nude picture and it's been a month since I've seen anything else about her and I was getting really impatient.

I let out an irritated sigh, moved my ramen to the side and clicked open my dms, looking for any source of a picture. I scanned through them as an evil smile made it's way to my lips, there in one of them was a brand new picture.

"About time you sent me something!"

His response was instant, "Fuck off! I ran into a problem before I could do any of this again."

"And that was?"

"Summer! That bitch, that night I attacked her she ended up knocking me on my ass!"

My eye twitched, "HOW?! She's so easy to take down!"

"Well she wasn't! Do you want look at my new pictures or not, Jessica?"

I shut my eyes tight, cracked my neck to the side and stretched out my hands. I brought them to my chest, cracked my knuckles and flung my eyes open and responded back.

"Of course I do! Start with the first one you sent."

"You're going to love this. This picture is one of her at the gym and it looks like she's locked in an intimate embrace...but not with who you think."

My evil smile returned, "Oh really now? Who is she with?"

"It's JK, zoom up on it and you'll see what I mean."

I did what he said and zoomed in. He was right, she was with JK and not V. Her hair was even a different color and she was looking right up at him. He had her back against his chest while his hands were at her waist and his lips were at her ear.

My smiled widened, "Summer, Summer...Don't you know it's wrong to cheat?"

I sent him another message, "When did you take this?"

"About a month ago...that's not the only picture though. You might want to hold onto your seat it's about to get crazier."

I was getting excited now, "Show me."

He sent a thumbs up emoji back quick, then sent the second photo and my eyes went wide. Laughter built up in my gut and busted out of my lips, this was perfect!

I zoomed up on it, this one was more recent and I could tell. She was outside, walking in the park holding onto someone's hand and once again it was not V or even JK.

This time it was Namjoon. They were under a flower tree, eyes locked with one another and they were very close, close enough to kiss. I let a good few more laughs out and collected myself.

"Oh Summer, sweetie...You're becoming such a slut...I bet V is very proud."

I shot him another message, "This is gold but you have to get in closer...I don't want to keep zooming up on them."

"I tried! But she caught wind that I was following her again, I could feel it."

Instantly my evil smile and laughter vanished and was replaced with frustration.

"Be more careful and sleuthy then! I can't do anything right now!"

"Damn it Jessica, I know that! I AM being careful but soon as she sensed something...she threw herself at him and he wrapped his arms tight around her."

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