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She was standing there in just her tee and panties, hair pulled up in a messy bun and stared right in my eyes.

"Summer! I-I didn't hear you wake up..."

She crossed her arms, "Why were you on the phone with Jimin?"

I started to lie, "I was just checking up on him I..."

She lifted an eyebrow and I couldn't finish, she knew I was lying.

"You told him didn't you? About what happened?"

"I only said something happened to you..."


"You told me to NOT say anything to Taehyung, not to the others."

She threw her hands up, "Now they're going to know too?!"

I could see the frustration in her hurt eyes and sighed. I took a step towards her, she backed away instantly but I caught her wrist just in time and pulled her towards me.

"Do you honestly think this doesn't effect me or any of the guys either?"

She tried avoiding my gaze, "I..."

"Summer, they need to know. We're going to protect you, do you not want that?"

She sighed heavily, locked her eyes with mine and I dropped her wrist.

"I just don't want you guys to worry about me...It's my fault anyway..."


Before I could even finish, the front door clicked open and her eyes went wide. Instantly she turned me around, hid behind me and Taehyung stepped into the house.


He gave me a look, "JK? Why are you here, where's Summer?"

I felt her tug on my tee and press herself against my back, he looked over my shoulder.

"What's going on, Summer?"

"Nothing!" she said from behind me.

He took another step forward, dropped his stuff to the ground and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Then why are you hiding behind him?"

"I said it's nothing, Tae!"

He was getting frustrated now and I couldn't keep her secret much longer. I took a deep breath and looked him right in the eyes.

"Listen, Taehyung...there's something-!"

I couldn't even finish and I was knocked to the ground with Summer's hands covering my mouth and her legs pinning me at my sides.


I knocked JK down to the ground with a thud, covered his mouth and pinned my legs tight against his sides. I looked up at Tae with a hurt eyes while my heart ached and his eyes went wide.

I sat on JK's back as Tae dropped his arms right away and rushed over to us, hurt and worry filling his deep brown eyes.

He reached for my chin, pulled it towards him and looked at my bruised eye as he ran his finger lightly across it.

"What happened, Summer? Why does your eye look like that?!"

I lied, "I fell down...I spilled some water and slipped, smacking my eye right into the counter top."

He was dumbfounded, "You fell..?" and his eyes traveled lower.

Weaker and weaker my body got as his piercing, hurt stare gazed down my tee and down along my side. JK squirmed under me as Tae's eyes got wider and wider with hurt.

Burning Spotlight (2)Where stories live. Discover now