[4] Distractions

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Rowan stepped out of Agent Hotchner's office, looking out to the now-empty bullpen as she walked down the stairs. She wasn't sure where the rest of the team had gone, but she was grateful for the lack of bombardment that she had been expecting.

"Breathe," she whispered to herself, but she was barely able to hear herself over the pounding in her ears.

Looking around, Rowan searched for where Penelope's office could be from where she was. She remembered that she needed her cookies, not wanting to seem rude for not getting them after her...meeting with Agent Hotchner.

This distraction would have to suffice.

Thankfully the search for the technical analyst's office wasn't too difficult. Rowan knocked on the door, making a conscious effort to look calm and collected so that she wouldn't be questioned too much about how the meeting went.

Penelope opened the door and beamed. "Hey!" she said enthusiastically, stepping aside to let Rowan into her office.

"Welcome to my bat cave!" Penelope exclaimed, gesturing to her walls of screens.

Rowan quietly followed Penelope, her eyes falling upon the laptop that was surrounded by trinkets on Penelope's desk. It was a very different tone of expression from the office she had just left.

"It's impressive," Rowan said, absentmindedly nodding. She wanted to say something more or to ask about the trinkets on Penelope's desk, but her mind kept blanking on things to say.

"How did the meeting go?" Penelope asked as she bent down to one of her cabinets to get Rowan's cookies.

It took a second for Rowan to process the question, but she snapped to attention when she realized that she had been asked something. She hoped that she hadn't delayed for too long, but if she did, Penelope didn't seem to notice or mind.

"Huh? Oh... It went fine. Agent Hotchner, Agent Rossi, and I were able to talk a little more about what's expected for the unit after Chief Strauss had left."

"That's good! I know Hotch can seem a bit... scary the first time you meet him. But he'll warm up to you. Just give him time. Before you know it he'll start seeming more like a strict dad than a boss," Penelope comforted under the assumption that Rowan was quiet because she was just trying to process her first impressions.

As Penelope handed her the box of cookies, Rowan's chest started to tighten. Despite knowing that Penelope had good intentions, and couldn't possibly know a single thing about this, it felt like that comment hit her entire nervous system.

Penelope's bright smile turned into a look of concern. "Hey... Are you okay?"

"I'm alright. It's just nerves." Rowan nodded.

Technically it was not a lie on Rowan's part. It was nerves, but not entirely for the reasons that Penelope would be assuming here.

Penelope put a hand on Rowan's shoulder and smiled gently. "I know it's all brand new, and that new things can be a bit intense, but that's okay. I completely get it." She gave Rowan a reassuring smile. "If you need anyone to talk to, you know where my office is - and soon you'll have my numbers! You can call or text at any time."

Rowan looked up at Penelope and decided that, like Agent Rossi, she was being genuine in this offer. This was already very different from the limited support system that she had. It was a good feeling which relieved the anxiety gnawing at her chest for the moment.

"Thank you, Penelope. I really appreciate it, and these cookies," Rowan said, deciding to smile a little bit, which made Penelope's smile grow.

"Of course! You're a member of this family now and we support each other here," Penelope told Rowan, patting on the shoulder before she let go.

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